
Thursday, April 12, 2018

People at Church

Who are the people at church? What do they do? Here are a few games for students to learn about the people at church.

These games below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on all activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.

People at Church Cards- Show each People at Church Cards to the students and have them identify the person(s) and what they do. (Altar Servers, Cantor, Choir, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeter/Usher, Lector, Musicians, Priest). They can also play Memory or Go Fish with these cards.

If the students need help:

*Give them a clue such as saying out loud the first syllable of the word.

*You can lay all the pictures out and ask a question from below. Have the students point to the person(s) and say what they are called. Have them repeat the word after you say it if necessary.


Who are the boys and girls that help at Mass? (Altar Servers)

Who are the group of singers? (Choir)

Who is the person who sings solo (alone) and leads special parts of the Mass? (Cantor)

What do you call the people who play musical instruments? (Musicians)

Who helps the priest administer (give out) the Body and Blood of Christ? (Eucharistic Ministers)

Who reads the first and second readings? (Lector)

Who says hello and make us feel welcome in the church? Who guides us to our seats and helps collect our offerings? Who hands out the church bulletins? (Greeters/Ushers)

Who leads us to celebrate Mass? (Priest) What is his name? (Father _______)

Who am I?: (Card Game)

Directions- Children can play Memory or Go Fish with the cards by matching the pictures of people from church with the correct name.

Who am I? File Folder Game- (for younger students)- Place your markers on START. The player rolls the die and follows the directions. If you land on a space with a person’s job description (even if you were told to go back) you read it out loud and you must say who that person is. (If they cannot read, the teacher or someone else can read it for them). If you are correct, you stay where you are. If you are not correct, you go back two spaces and read that job description and say who that person is. If you are correct, you stay where you are. If you are not correct, you go back two spaces, etc. If you land on a picture of a person(s) you must say who that person is. Same rules apply for the picture identification as well. The first person to move around the board and land on FINISH wins. Continue playing to find out who comes in second, third, fourth, etc. place.

Who am I? File Folder Game- Identify the person at church by their job description.

Place your markers on START. The player rolls a die and follows the directions. If you land on a space with a person’s job description (even if you were told to go back) you read it out loud and you must say who that person is. If you are correct you stay where you are. If you are not correct you go back two spaces and read that job description and say who that person is. If you are correct you stay where you are. If you are not correct you go back two spaces, etc. The first person to move around the board and land on FINISH wins.

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