
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sacrament of Reconciliation Resources for the Sacrament of Reconciliation The Sacrament of Penance Links to articles and resources on Confession, Penance and Forgiveness Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Conversion Sacrament of Penance: Examination of Conscience Examinations of Conscience Guide for Examination of Conscience for Confession of Sins Sacrament of Reconciliation Questions & Answers on the Rite of Penance and Reconciliation

Examination of Conscience: An Examination of Conscience for Children

Lessons: Reconciliation Lesson Plans The Sacrament of Reconciliation Lesson Plans: Sacrament of Penance PreK – 8th Grade 5 Lessons to support the learning of Reconciliation Bread and Stones - Preparation for Penitential Celebration
This has been used in variations as a preparation for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation with high school level students (the whole school and individual classes) as well as with grade 3-7 students. Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation Lesson Plan Practicing Penance: A First Reconciliation Activity Sacrament of Reconciliation Resources for a lesson on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Includes ppt, script for acting out the sacrament, starter worksheet and extension worksheet.

For younger students:

Lesson 6- Actual Sin (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 1, page 30-34).

Lesson 29- Penance (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 1, page 139-143).

Lesson 30- Contrition (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 1, page 144-148).

Lesson 31- Confession (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 1, page 149-152).

Lesson 32- How To Make A Good Confession (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 1, page 153-158).

Reconciliation Lesson- (For those who have not done First Holy Communion)

For older students:

Lesson 6- Actual Sin (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 2, page 39-45).

Lesson 29- Penance (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 2, page 184-188).

Lesson 30-Contrition (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 2, page 189-195).

Lesson 31-Confession (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 2, page 196- 201).

Lesson 32-How to Make a Good Confession (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 2, page 202-205).

Object Lessons: God’s Forgiveness
This Object Talk will help demonstrate the power of God's forgiveness over our sins, and how the Holy Spirit can melt away the barriers that keeps us from Him. Sins Revealed
This Object Talk will help kids see that you can not hide sin or pretend something never happened, because every sin is revealed in the end. Sin is Gross
A bubble bath has no effect on sin, it's only Jesus that can make you truly clean. Restored
Jesus makes gems out of wrecks. The weight of our own sin is hard for us to bear, but Jesus bore the sins of the world. (You can also gear this towards Sacrament of Reconciliation). A Heart for Jesus
The Holy Spirit can reach our heart no matter how much we may have sinned. Don’t Sin
The burden of sin makes it hard to walk the narrow path. Sin Spoils
A little bit of mold can ruin a sandwich. Likewise, without Jesus, even a little bit of sin can keep us out of heaven. God forgives you and cleanses you
With cooking activity, games, craft, etc. Coming Clean Sin and Forgiveness A Kerosene Lamp
A Lesson on Sin

Activities: Practicing Penance: A First Reconciliation Activity How Would God Advertise? (To help the children to remember that God wants to give them forgiveness and peace in their lives) A pictograph poster for your child to practice with. There is also a PDF file and a PowerPoint Presentation of it. Free From Evil
Children will look up verses describing various kinds of sin, and will remove those sins taped all over a volunteer. Old Enough to Know
Children use colors and words to help discover the change that takes place when they become aware of sin in their life. Who is Without Sin
After taking balled-up pieces of paper and pretending to stone a sinner, the children will compare judging others to having sin in their own lives. Don’t Get Hooked
Story about a young fish finds that sin comes with a high price.

Coloring: Sacrament of reconciliation coloring pages and clipart pictures for children several Sacrament of Reconciliation coloring pages 3 coloring pages posted

Crafts & Lapbooks: Reconciliation Lapbook (Faith Folder) Reconciliation Craft for Catholic Kids Seventy Times Seven
How many times should I forgive? A delightful craft to show how often we should forgive one another.

Introduce craft: How well do you know the Ten Commandments? Let’s find out. Ten Commandments Tablets


Five in a Row- This game will help children to discover that when Jesus forgives them, their sins are forgotten. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry, page 125). Forgive and Forget

Throw Away Your Sins Game- This is for younger students to understand that their sins are forgiven.

Need: 1 trashcan, a piece of paper for each child, and 1 chair.

Directions: Give each child a piece of paper. Have the children think of a recent time that they sinned, such as telling a lie about their homework, arguing with their parents, or a time they were disobedient, etc. Next, have them think of how many times they sinned during the past week. Remind them of all the things that may be considered a sin, and have them write the number down on the piece of paper. Tell the children, “Let’s pretend that you made your confession to the priest and you did your penance. Now your sins are forgiven. Let’s throw away your sins.”

Put a trashcan against a wall. Have the children line up behind a chair (to keep them from getting too close to the basket). One by one, have them throw their sins into a trashcan that is a few feet away. Righteous Vs. Wicked (scroll down to this game near the bottom of the page)
When you live a righteous life you grow towards God. When you live a wicked life you move away from God. Clean Heart & Repent (scroll down to these two games near bottom of the page) Temptation Island
Through various fun games, activities, and group Bible discussions, participants will learn that temptation is from Satan and can lead to sin. Participants will also learn how to receive God's power to resist Satan's temptations. Event lasts approximately 3.5 hours. For grades 5 and up. Narrow Way Relay What Would Jesus Do? FREE Reconciliation Matching Game
This is a matching game that can be used to prepare for the sacrament of First Reconciliation/Penance. It uses all vocabulary words that are associated with the sacrament. Can be used in Catholic school classes, Religious Education, and Home School preparation.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (file folder game)- The objective of the game is to identify which one of the Ten Commandments the sin broke.

Puzzles/Worksheets: several puzzles posted in booklet 3 puzzles posted Reconciliation (word search) Sacrament of Reconciliation (word search) All Sins Forgiven
A message is revealed in this puzzle.

The Conscience: God’s Voice Within- Using the following clues, complete the puzzle below. (100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ellen Rossini, page 68). several worksheets posted in booklet All Sins Forgiven
A message is revealed in this puzzle.

100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church: For Grades 1 to 8 by Ellen Rossini, page 68- The Conscience: God’s Voice Within- Using the following clues, complete the puzzle below.

A Scriptural Examination of Conscience- In this exercise, you will make your own guide for an examination of conscience base on some key Scriptures. (100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Ellen Rossini, page 99). Reconciliation (worksheets) Reconciliation Penance & Eucharist Activities (click on the Documents on the left for printable worksheets) Reconciliation Reconciliation (worksheets) Examination of Conscience Graphic Organizer (scroll down to this
This is to help your students not only reflect on their sins, but also the causes/temptations leading them to sin and their desire not to sin again. It is based on the Act of Contrition prayer. Reconciliation Worksheets Am I a Sacrament of Reconciliation?
This exercise can give students a better sense of their role as an instrument for reconciliation. Stories of Reconciliation and Healing
An activity where students use the spaces provided to write a description of a true story that illustrates forgiveness, reconciliation, or healing.

These activities are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.

Sacrament of Reconciliation- Word Search

Sacrament of Reconciliation- Crossword

Reconciliation Worksheet- Follow the directions and fill in the blanks to find out what the message says below.

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