
Saturday, October 31, 2009


Putting events on a timeline gives you a sense of how much time goes by in between each event. It also helps you remember just when those important things happened. It is an easy way for students to understand events in the Bible in the correct order and they can also be a lot of fun to make.

Once you have decided that your students would gain tremendous benefit from seeing the progression of events of the Bible in the form of a timeline, the first obstacle that crops up is, “How do we start?” Some of the questions that arise when constructing a timeline are from not knowing what the date increments should be, how far apart they should be spaced, what format should be used and what exactly should go on it.

How To Make Timelines: Timelines for Homeschool
Lots of types of timelines examples that you can use. Parents and grandparents: A big-picture worldview project with your kids with complete directions and suggestion on how to create the timeline How To Make A Simple Timeline

Biblical Timelines: How To Make A Simple Timeline How do I use a timeline in class? (lesson with activities) Bible Timeline Printables
Everything is posted here for your students to make a Bible Timeline.

Printable Biblical Timelines: Timeline of the Bible to print out Free Printable Bible Timeline A Timeline of Biblical History (from creation to the completion of the New Testament) Free Bible Timeline Printables Bible Charts, Timelines, Posters Complete Biblical Timeline Timeline of the Bible
Available for purchase This 9-page timeline is great for showing preschoolers just how the major events of the Bible unfolded. It makes a great classroom addition, or a take-home project for the family.

This 9-page timeline is great for showing preschoolers just how the major events of the Bible unfolded. It makes a great classroom addition, or a take-home project for the family. Old & New Testament Timelines
Several timelines you can print out. Bible Timelines Online (click on List of Timelines to find a particular timeline)
Contains a series of over 20 free timelines (charts). Even though the typical timeline shows when an event took place these timelines were designed to help in understanding the reasons "Why?" an event happened rather than to show exactly when it happened. Time Lines and Chronology (Prophecy and History) Print and color a Bible timeline

Games: Bible Timeline Card Game
Print and play (2 different versions) Free Printable Bible Timeline Cards (place evens in chronological order)

From Creation to Joseph Cards- Use these cards for Memory, Go Fish, or sequencing. You can also play Bible Timeline Card Game.

Birth of Jesus to Ascension Cards- Play Memory, Go Fish, or Sequencing with these cards. The cards can also help students establish the content and order of the Matthew, Mark and Luke (synoptic) gospels. Example: Take the gospel of Mark since it's the shortest and ask the students to take the cards and put them in the order which Mark mentions them in his book. If you want to play Bible Timeline Card Game, the directions are posted.

Which Came First (file folder game)- When this question is asked, most people think of the chicken or the egg. Here is a game that wants to know which Bible story came first. In this game players are asked which story appeared first in the Bible as they make their way around the board. The first player to FINISH wins. (You can also use this game to review what happened in the correct order of a certain Bible story or several of your own choosing. Just write up questions about key events in the story and play the game.)

Timeline Templates: Timeline Templates) Excel Timeline Template How to Make a Timeline Template With Microsoft Word Make Your Own Timeline Timeline Generator
Horizontal or vertical timelines (only up to 6 or 9 events). Great to review events in a story.

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