
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lesson Plan- Samson (1st grade on up)


Objectives: The students will be able to
- retell the story of Samson
- identify Philistia, Israel, and Gaza on a map
- explain that Samson’s strength did not come from within himself, but from God
- identify who you can ask to help you in making the right decisions

Prayer, questions and vocabulary words from last week’s lesson

Vocabulary Words: (Write the bold words on the board and discuss with class)

Blind- not able to see
Feast- a large meal to celebrate something
Philistines- they were people who hated the Israelites. They wanted to take their land and make the Israelites their slaves. The Philistines were from Philistia (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map)
Israelites- people from Israel that are also called Hebrews (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map)
Gaza- seaport and important city in biblical times (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map)


Read story: "Samson" and then ask questions


Introduce activities: Who is granted tremendous strength by God to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats unachievable by ordinary humans? (Samson) Samson and Delilah lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzle, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc. Samson object lesson God's Strong Man: Samson object lesson with group activities, coloring, puzzles, worship bulletin 3 lessons with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets.
- Samson Is Born
- Samson and Delilah
- Samson Pulls Down a Temple “Samson for Kids” (Judges 13-16) Sunday School Lesson Samson Bible Lesson for Kids Samson and Delilah: Sunday School Lesson With Sample Questions Samson, Israel’s Strong Judge (lesson)

Crafts: God's Strong Man: Samson group activities (crafts) In Chains (craft)

Introduce craft: What did Delilah do to Samson to lose his strength? Cut his hair. We are going to help Samson grow back his hair.

Hair Growing Samson- Cute craft that students actually grow hair for Samson. (Crafts From Your Favorite Bible Stories by Kathy Ross, pages 26 & 27). Chia Pet
Another cute grass growing craft that you can use for Samson.

Introduce craft: Who is granted tremendous strength by God to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats unachievable by ordinary humans? (Samson)

Samson Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 25 & 26.)

Games: God's Strong Man: Samson group activities (games)

Super Strength (God Gives Samson Strength)- This game will help your students realize that God gives us strength as they play tag and learn about Samson. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry by Group Publishing, page 41.) Samson Game (printable game board and you make your own game cards) This is a file folder game for children to use multiplication and division skills to convert inches to feet. Mount the game to the file folder then let children use the playing pieces to solve the equations. (Scroll down to this.) Samson Flip Cards (scroll down to this)
Print and play with your Samson cards. Lay out the cards face down and have the youngsters take turns to look for pairs. If using before the story then have the children hold up each card as the person/symbol is mentioned in the story. If using after the story, when a pair is found, have the child say how the character / symbol appeared in the story.

Really Big Book of bible Games by Gospel Light

On Guard (page 166)- Samson made some bad choices when he was tempted. God’s Words tells us to be on our guard so that we won’t make bad choices in tempting situations. We can ask God for self-control to help us always make the best choice. Let’s practice being on our guard in this game.

Strong Obstacles (page 175)- Samson kept doing things that made it hard for him to follow the instructions God had given him. His wrong actions were obstacles- things that kept him from obeying God. We’re going to play a game where we form an obstacle course with our bodies.

Introduce game: What did Philistines do to Samson when they captured him? How do you think it is being blind? Discuss.

Samson, A Mighty Man

Need: Blindfold or paper bag that can fit over student’s head.

Directions: Student must guess whose face he is touching while blindfolded. Teacher might have to do hand-over-hand to keep the touching just on the head and face.

These games are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.

Samson (file folder game)- Answer questions about Samson as you work your way around the board. Try to be the first player to remove all of your pillar while other players attempt to add to it.

Introduce game: Samson did not always choose the right thing to do. Can you choose the right thing to do and not give into pressures around you? Who can you ask to help you in making the right decisions?

WWJD (file folder game)- Making the right decisions in life is hard to do, but if you let Jesus be your guide and think, “What Would Jesus Do?” it will make it a lot easier.

Introduce game: Why do problems come into our life? People face problems every day. Some are harder than others. There are many choices that the person can have to solve his/her problem, but which one is the best? Samson did not always choose the right thing to do. Who can you ask to help you in making the right decisions? What would Jesus want us to do?

Moral Dilemmas Card Game- (Scroll down for this.)


Introduce snack: To be strong like Samson you need energy. Let’s eat some energy snacks.

(Examples: veggies dipped in a ranch dressing, fruit dipped in a sweet creamy dip, protein shake, etc.) Simple Trail Mix Recipes Trail Mix Recipes

Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets: Samson and Delilah (maze) The Strongest Man in Israel (maze)

More 365 Activities for Kids- (do any of the Samson puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dot, spot the difference, etc. from April 25 - 30). Samson (word search) God's Strong Man: Samson (word search) Samson (word search) Samson and Delilah puzzles (anagrams, crosswords, cryptogram, maze, word-mining sheets, word searches) Use the code to discover how Samson lost his strength. God's Strong Man: Samson (decoder) Samson (word scramble) Take the first letter of each of the objects in these pictures, and find a name of a town Samson visited. Then unscramble the letters to find the name of the town. Break the Code - Samson's Strength God's Strong Man: Samson (crossword) 3 lessons with circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, etc.
- Samson Is Born
- Samson and Delilah
- Samson Pulls Down a Temple Samson Worksheet
This Samson worksheet is a good way of recapping on the story. It’s a very full worksheet that looks beyond the Delilah story to encompass the whole 4 chapters of Judges. Starting with the Nazirite promise and ending with giving Samson a new hairstyle the children are encouraged to look up, sketch, solve and ponder their way through the story. This worksheet is best done in a group and one activity is discussion based, though it would be easily completed as an independent activity with a small amount of adult input. Samson & Delilah (matching) Samson Worksheets Samson and Delilah: Sunday School Lesson With Sample Questions (that can easily be made into a worksheet) Samson
Discussion and Application Questions that can easily be made into a worksheet Samson Worksheets Samson Worksheet (scroll down and click on Lesson 6 Worksheet) Samson Quiz that can easily be made into a worksheet Samson Quiz that can easily be made into a worksheet

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