Saturday, April 24, 2010
A to Z Bible Story Lesson- Letter H
H- Holy Spirit
Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story Pentecost/Wind and Fire
- discuss ascension
- identify who God was going to send to help the disciples
Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson.
Vocabulary Words:
The activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Holy Spirit Word Wall- Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Introduction to story: Say to the students- Jesus saw his disciples many times. The first time was on the road to Emmaus, and later suddenly, Jesus appeared in a locked room with them when they were afraid of the Roman rulers and chief priests. All believed but Thomas who finally believed that it was Jesus when he touched His wounds on His hands and feet. During the next few weeks, Jesus’ disciples and friends saw Him often.
This is the story about the last time that the disciples saw Jesus.
Read your story “Holy Spirit” or “The Holy Spirit Comes” by Jill Kemp
Or God Sends the Holy Spirit (video)
Then ask the questions below:
1. Who was God going to send to the disciples? The Holy Spirit.
2. What will the Holy Spirit do for the disciples? He will give them the power to speak bravely about Jesus and all that he has taught them.
3. What happened to Jesus after he told the disciples about the Holy Spirit? He was taken up to heaven.
4. Jesus has gone to be with God, but one day will Jesus come back? Yes.
5. Should you be sorry for the bad things you have done? Yes.
6. Did Jesus die for us? Yes.
7. Will God always help you and be with you? Yes.
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Who was God going to send to the disciples? The Holy Spirit. God Sent Down the Holy Spirit Pentecost Sunday School Song (scroll down to this) Three In One
Tune: Three Blind Mice
Words by Susanna Unruh
Three in one, clap
Three in one, clap
The Father loves and cares for me
The Son died on the cross for me
The Holy Spirit, He helps me
Three in one, clap
(Repeat the song replacing clap with stomp, snap, etc.)
Activities: Pentecost lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts, etc. Pentecost lesson with activities Holy Spirit lessons with activities (click on Lesson, Download English or Spanish version, and scroll down to Preschool Lesson Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit Preschool Lesson Plan The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost (preschool lesson) Pentecost (free printable lessons for under 5s, over 5s, preteens and teens)
Introduce craft: Who was God going to send to the disciples? The Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit Scripture Wheel Holy Spirit Spin Wheel for Pentecost
Pentecost- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 63 & 64. Pentecost Bible Crafts and Activities Pentecost (Acts 2) | Craft 1 Pentecost (Acts 2) | Craft 2 Pentecost Spinners Kites for Pentecost Holy Spirit Craft – Handprint Dove
Taking Flight- A bird that can be a dove that you make out of white paper and using the child's handprints. (From the Hands of a Child by Anthony Flores, page 41). Dove Crafts Peace Dove Craft Holy Spirit Craft (make a dove from a paper plate) Dove Garland Printable Gifts Of The Holy Spirit Craft Catholic Fruits Of The Holy Spirit Printable For Kids {7 Craft Ideas!} Tons of dove crafts posted here
Peaceful Dove Ornament- A cute dove made out of a peanut. (Christian Crafts for Christmastime by Kathy Ross, page 44 & 45).
Big Book of Ideas for Children’s Faith Formation by McNamara, McKeever, and Robinson- The Holy Spirit moves us to do God’s will (Holy Spirit mobile) Here is a mobile that will encourage children to look further around for God’s presence n their life (page 224). Chihuly Glass Art for Kids Made from Plastic Bottles Making A Windsock A Windsock for Pentecost Pentecost Pin-less Pinwheel ~ Symbol of Fire and Wind Paper Pentecost Candle - Celebrating with different languages Stained Glass Craft Pentecost Suncatcher (cut out paper plate sections before class) Pentecost Stained Glass Suncatcher Craft
Introduce craft- What flickered around the disciple’s heads, but didn’t burn them? Fiery flames. Pentecost Play Dough Mat
Laminate printable mat and let the children use play dough to make tongues of fire coming from the heads of the disciples. Tissue Paper Votive Flame Pentecost Stained Glass Craft Tongues of Fire Wearable Craft Activity
Tongues of Fire Headbands Craft- Use card stock paper or cardboard to cut out flame shapes. Have the children paint them with water colors or glue red and orange pieces of tissue paper on it to make it look like flames. Use a strip of paper for the headband, fitting it to each child’s head and using a stapler to secure the headband. Attach the flames to the headband using the stapler as well.
Pentecost- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 63 & 64.) Day of Pentecost Suncatcher Making a TranspArt Handheld Flame Idea for the Feast of Pentecost
After telling the story of Pentecost make this fun craft remembering the value and strength that the Holy Spirit gives you. There are no directions for this craft, but you can easily figure it out. Kid’s Camping Lantern
Empty clear, plastic or glass jar
Colored tissue paper (red, orange, yellow)
Modge Podge
One electric votive light
Directions: Cut pieces of colored tissue paper in the shape of flames. Paint the outside of the entire jar with Modge Podge. Layer paper flames on the outside of the jar. Cover the outside of the jar with a thin layer of Modge Podge. Allow jar to dry completely. Turn on the votive light and place inside the lantern and put the lid on the jar. When you want to turn off the light, just open the jar and take the votive out to switch it off.
Introduce game: What flickered around the disciple’s heads, but didn’t burn them? Fiery flames
Who Has The Fire?
Need: Orange construction paper balled up to be the fire.
Directions: The children sit in a circle close together. The child who is “It” stands away from the circle and hides their eyes while the fire is passed around. When “It” says "STOP!", the child holding the fire hides it (under their leg, up their sleeve, etc.). The child who is “It” guesses who has the fire. The child who had the fire is now “It”. Pentecost (Acts 2) | Games Parachute Games (scroll down to this) 12 Disciples Memory Game Wind and Fire Relay (scroll down to this)
Before class cut crepe paper into 2 feet lengths. Divide your students into teams and give them each a straw and a piece of crepe paper. Have them use the straw to blow the crepe paper across the room and back. If you don’t want them to get on the floor, have them blow the crepe across a table.
Introduce snack: Pentecost Sunday is 50 days after Easter. Jewish Pentecost was a thanksgiving feast for the first fruits of the wheat harvest and was associated with remembrance of God's gift of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. What is bread made out of? Let’s make some bread to celebrate Pentecost. Carmel Sticky Buns Cinnamon Buns
Letter H Snacks-
Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Honey Nut Cheerios, Ham and Cheese on Crackers, etc.
Prayers while students are doing worksheets. The Day of Pentecost (coloring) Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost coloring page Pentecost Sunday Coloring Page H is for Holy Spirit (click on To Download Click Here and scroll down to coloring sheet) The Holy Spirit Comes Bible story mini books and one page printable Bible stories to color Several dove dot-to-dot puzzles The Father Sends a Helper (dot-to-dot) “Holy Spirit Comes” by Jill Kemp booklet or one page Bible story for the children to color (scroll down to this) What begins with H? (mini book) Pentecost Tracing Sheet (scroll down for this) Pentecost (free printable worksheets for under 5s, over 5s, preteens and teens)
The activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Holy Spirit- handwriting & coloring sheet Hidden Letter Worksheet Letter H
More 365 Activities for Kids (November 29)- Which group of disciples is the odd one out?
thanks so much for compiling all these wonderful teaching lessons and crafts. my daughter and I will enjoy them.
ReplyDeleteThanks Gardenia! I'm so glad someone is using the activities and enjoying them. :)
ReplyDeleteTotally scrambling for my preschool lesson this morning- The Catholic Toolbox to the rescue again! Thanks for everything you do here! :-)
ReplyDeleteI just decided to make things simple for teaching the 3 and 5 year old this year. We are doing a letter,number,shape, Saint, and bible story each week. This fits in really nice. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteDenise Becker- Check out:
ReplyDelete Nice saint worksheets for little ones
Bible Stories from A to Z
Click on Sample Pages to check out the book. :)