raisinglittlesaints.blogspot.com- A pictograph poster for your child to practice with. There is also a PDF file and a PowerPoint Presentation of it.
loyolapress.com- Students review and learn the Act of Contrition in a group activity.
catholicschoolhouse.com- Act of Contrition Handwriting Practice (print)
teacherspayteachers.com- Act of Contrition ~ Sorry Prayer Posters, Worksheets and Interactive Activities (20 pages)
teacherspayteachers.com- Act of Contrition Prayer Pack
teacherspayteachers.com- Catholic Prayer Act of Contrition
thecatholickid.com- Act of Contrition (coloring)
stpeterstmarkeugene.org- Act of Contrition (coloring)
teacherspayteachers.com- Act of Contrition {Sorry Catholic Prayer}
teacherspayteachers.com- Catholic Prayer Coloring Pages! Super Mega Packet with 16 Free Bonus Pages!
nashvilleras.com- More than 100 Missions Bible Memory Games and Other Activities
These activities below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Act of Contrition- Cut out strips and glue strips of the Act of Contrition in the proper order on a piece of construction paper. (For younger students you can do this together as a group activity.) You can also play this as a game by dividing the class into teams and give each team the strips of the Act of Contrition. See which team can put it in the proper order the fastest.
Act of Contrition Board Game- For 2 Players or 2 Teams
The idea is to answer questions about the Act of Contrition so players can roll the dice and move their pieces up and down the road attempting to capture their opponent’s pieces. The form of capture is unique because the captured piece is not immediately removed but instead is placed under the capturing piece. The capturing piece is placed on top of the captured piece to form a stack (if you capture an opponent’s piece, their playing piece is placed under yours). On his next turn the capturing player starts to move the stack of pieces back along the road towards his home position the number of spaces indicated by the throw count. When the capturing player reaches the home position the captured piece is removed from the board.
These activies below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Act of Contrition- (word search)
Act of Contrition Tetris Puzzle
crusaders-for-christ.com- Act of Contrition (print or cursive)
Scroll down to Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. NOTE: The Act of Contrition files are meant to be printed on both sides of the page and folded in half width wise, so it ends up a 4 x 6 page.
thereligionteacher.com- Act of Contrition Fill in the Blank Worksheet (scroll down to this)
teacherspayteachers.com- Catholic Religion Act of Contrition Prayer (several worksheets)
This activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Act of Contrition (worksheet)- Fill out the worksheet using the word bank.
great ideas, especially as I'm planning a 1st Reconciliation workshop for next Saturday
ReplyDeletetessacat- Thank you! I hope your workshop goes well. Let us know how it went. :)