
Monday, April 30, 2012

Church Potluck Recipe: Caramel Cake

This is my grandmother’s famous recipe for caramel cake. She would make this for us on our birthdays and I still crave them to this day. This is also great to bring to any church potluck.

Caramel Cake


4 eggs, separated
1 ½ sticks butter
1 ¼ c sugar
2 c cake flour
3 t baking powder
1 t vanilla
1 c milk

Cream butter. Mix sugar in well. Add beaten egg yolks. Add flour and mild alternately. Add baking powder. Last fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a pan. Bake 325 – 350 degree for about 45 minutes.


2 c sugar
1 ½ c butter
¾ c milk 1 t vanilla
½ chopped pecans

Cook until softball, stir constantly. Cool 110 degrees. Add vanilla. Beat well like fudge. Hardens fast- add nuts and ice quickly.

*Melt icing in microwave if too hard in a 2 c glass.

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