
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lesson Plan- (Pre K - K): Moses

Moses (you can break this lesson into several to cover all of Moses)

Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story of Moses
- discuss the ten plagues God sent upon Egypt and the Pharaoh
- explain that we need to follow the Ten Commandments
- explain that we need to obey God

Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson

Vocabulary Words: Moses Word Wall Words
Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.


Circle Time:

Read story: “Moses” from your own story book.

Then ask some of the questions from below.

1. Who was put in a basket and floated down the Nile River? (Moses)

2. How many plagues were there because the Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go? (10)

3. Who parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape? (Moses)

4. What did God give Moses that the people must obey? (The Ten Commandments)

5. Where did the Israelites travel for 40 years? (The desert)

Songs and/or Finger Plays:

Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Who was put in a basket and floated down the Nile River?

A Baby’s Adventure (finger play)- Pray & Play Bible 2 by Group Publishing, page 41.

God Watches Over Baby Moses (finger play)- Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 38. Ten Commandments (finger play)

God is Strong (finger play) Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 42.

Hush Little Moses, Baby in the Basket, and Baby Moses (songs)- Pray & Play Bible 2 by Group Publishing, page 39.

God Keeps Baby Moses Safe (song)- Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 38.

God Told Moses (song)- Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 42.


Introduce activities: Who led the Israelites into Egypt? The Story of Moses lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc. Moses
Baby Moses and Ten Commandments activities (Note: 10 Commandment Train is a Protestant version of the 10 Commandments.) Ten Commandment Train with pattern and directions to make a Protestant or Catholic version of the Ten Commandments Early Life of Moses lesson with activities The Call of Moses lesson with activities

Crafts: Moses Crafts Moses Crafts

Baby Moses- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 17 & 18.) Passover Finger Puppets – The Ten Plagues 10 Plagues of Egypt Wheel Moses and the 10 Plagues Story Wheel (scroll down to this) Color Your Own 10 Plagues Wheels
Teaching the story of Moses and the 10 plagues can be a challenge, but this Color Your Own Wheel makes it easy. Children can color the wheels and the different plagues. When it's put together, the wheel gives an easy explanation of each plague and references where in the Bible to find more about the plague. Perfect for Sunday School or as part of your VBS curriculum. Fun to give to adult members to test their knowledge of the plagues. Paper. 9".

Introduce craft: What hopped out of the Nile River and into all the Egyptian houses?


Need: Paper plates, white and red construction paper, crayons, glue

Directions: Pre cut tongue for students out of red construction paper. Have the tongue about one inch wide and twelve inches long. Have students color paper plate green on one side and fold plate in half. (Note: Be sure to have students use old crayons and peel the paper off of crayons and rub the side of the crayon on the paper plate instead of coloring it. This will be a lot faster and easier for the students). Students then cut out two eyes that are pre drawn on white construction paper (round circles that are at least three inches across) and color eyes. Glue on eyes on outside of frog (green side) on the top of the paper plate that is folded in half. Have the eyes halfway on and halfway hanging off the fold near the center. Glue tongue inside the frog’s mouth starting from the center of the fold and out the front of the mouth. Curl tongue with pencil and draw a bug on end of tongue if you wish.

Introduce craft: What did Moses do at the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape from the Egyptians? Moses and the Red Sea Paper Craft

The Parting of the Red Sea- A craft that allows a hands-on experience of parting the Red Sea (Crafts from your favorite Bible Stories by Kathy Ross, pages 22 & 23).

Crossing the Sea- Reenact the crossing of the Red Sea with this easy and fun to do Red Sea model. Even though this is from a preschool craft book, it is appropriate for older children to make. (Preschool Christian Crafts by Linda Standke, page 17 & 18).

Crossing the Red Sea- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 19 & 20.)

Introduce craft: How well do you know the Ten Commandments? Let’s find out. Ten Commandments Tablets (Before students come to class, write the Ten Commandments on the paper bags.)


Introduce game: What was the name of the baby that was put in a basket and sent down the Nile by his mother? Who found Moses?

Who Has Baby Moses?

Need: Small object to be baby Moses (example: clothes pin)

Directions: The children sit in a circle close together. The child who is “It” stands away from the circle and hides their eyes while baby Moses is passed around. When “It” says "STOP!", the child holding baby Moses hides it (under their leg, up their sleeve, etc.). The child who is “It” guesses who has baby Moses. The child who had baby Moses is now “It”.

Introduce game: Who led the people out of Egypt? Can you follow Moses? Let’s find out.

Follow Moses

Need: A large walking stick

Directions: Someone is the Leader (Moses) and carries a stick for his staff. Students follow Moses and do what Moses does. (Like Follow the Leader).

Moses Crossing the Red Sea Game- A fun and simple board game for younger children reviewing the story of Moses from his birth to parting the Red Sea. (Super Bible Game Book by Linda Standke, page 60 & 61 for game board and page 55 for directions).

Crossing the Red Sea

Materials: Bed Sheet

Directions: Two adults hold the four corners of the sheet as it rests on the floor in front of the children. The children line up single file at one side of the sheet. The first child in line will play the part of Moses and stretch out his hand. Once the first child in line has stretched out his hand, the adults will quickly raise the sheet high above their heads. As the sheet parachutes above them, the children will run under the sheet to the other side. If children are under the sheet when it comes down, they are out of the game. Have children take turns being the first one in line and playing the part of Moses.

These games below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.

Introduce game: What was the name of the baby that was put in a basket and sent down the Nile by his mother? Who found Moses?

Moses in the Bulrushes (file folder game)- The players spin the spinner and follow the directions. If the player spins “Leader’s Spot”, they get to move their marker to where the leader is and share that spot. The first player to the princess wins.

Introduce game: How many plagues happened when the Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go?

Plagues Cards- Cards for Memory, Go Fish and Sequencing. Print out 2 copies, cut out, laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last. (All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this game are not my own and are from various internet sources.)

Introduce game: What hopped out of the Nile River and into all the Egyptian houses?

Leaping Frogs (file folder game)- The object of the game is for the player (the frog) to get to the Pharaoh’s Palace first. The players roll a die and follow the directions on the space they landed on. If the player lands on a space that is already occupied by another, BUMP that player back to the START space. The first frog to the Pharaoh’s Palace wins.

Introduce game: What happened when the pharaoh would not let the Israelites go?

Scrambled Plagues (Moses Pleads With Pharaoh)- This game will help your students discover or review the plagues God used to convince Pharaoh to let his people go. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry by Group Publishing, page 33 & 34).

Introduce game: What was the seventh plague? (Give students hints if needed).

The seventh was a fearful hailstorm. "The hail destroyed through all the land of Egypt all things that were in the field, both man and beast: and the hail smote every herb of the field, and it broke every tree of the country. Only in the land of Gessen, where the children of Israel were, the hail fell not."

Hail Relay

Divide the class into teams and line them up in a single line. Set up the following items so that each group has its own supplies: one bowl with ice cubes and one large stirring spoon a few feet in front of the team. At the other end of the room have an empty bowl. Say: I want you to work as a team to move the hail from one bowl into the other. Point to each appropriate bowl as you speak. Each of you will go and scoop out one piece of hail with the spoon and put it into the empty bowl across the room. Then you will go to back to your team, hand off the spoon to the next person, go to the end of the line and sit down. When everyone has put a piece of hail into the bowl, everyone in your group should be sitting in a single line. (Demonstrate what you want the children to do). The first team that is finished, wins.

Introduce game: What mountain did Moses climb?

Climb Mount Sinai (file folder game)- Be the first to climb Mount Sinai and win!

Introduce game: What did God give Moses that the people must obey? (The Ten Commandments)

Ten Commandments Memory Game (Catholic)

Directions: Cards are laid out in a grid face down, and players take turns flipping pairs of cards over. On each turn, the player will first turn one card over, then a second. If the two cards match, the player scores one point, the two cards are removed from the game, and the player gets another turn. If they do not match, the cards are turned back over.

The object is to match more pairs of cards than the opposing player. (One point is scored for each matched pair, and the player with the highest score after all cards have been matched wins.) When cards are turned over, it is important to remember where they are for when the matching card is turned up later in the game.

Ten Commandments Memory Game Cards- Print two copies of each page on card stock. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last. (All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this game are not my own and are from various internet sources.)


Introduce snack: At Mount Sinai what did God give Moses that the people must always keep? The Ten Commandments. ‘O’bey Donuts
Tell the children that we must obey God's Commandments and God's rules. The donut represents the letter "O" in obey.


Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring. Egyptian Plagues Coloring Pages Moses Coloring Pages Moses Coloring Pages Several Moses activities by Jill Kemp (booklet or one page Bible story you can color (scroll down for this) Moses Themed Tracer Pages
Free printable templates that children can color in while learning to print and spell simple words.

A Princess Rescues A Baby (maze)- Big Puzzles for Little Hands by Carla Williams, page 24. The Hidden Baby (letters dot-to-dot), Walking On Dry Land (dot-to-dot), The Ten Commandments (dot-to-dot), Draw Me A Riddle (dot-to-dot). Scroll down for these.

Barefoot Moses (find the hidden picture)- Hidden Pictures Explore Hidden Treasures in God’s Word: PK – K by Linda Standke, page 7. (Click on Sample and go to page 7.)

Baby Moses (color and cut apart puzzle) page 28, The Hidden Baby (letters dot-to-dot ) page 29, A Sweet Sister (find the hidden picture) page 30, Barefoot Moses (find the hidden picture) page 31, Moses’s Brother (find snake and color picture) page 32, The Parting of the Red Sea (maze) page 33, Moses Crosses the Sea (find the hidden picture) page 34, Walking on Dry Land (dot-to-dot), Moses Climbs a Mountain (find the hidden picture) page 36, The Ten Commandments (dot-to-dot) page 37- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn! PK-K Frog (dot-to-dot) Match the Frogs
Draw a line from the frog on the left to the matching frog on the right. Red Frog, Yellow Frog
Color all the large frogs red. Color all the small frogs yellow. Frog Addition

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