Tuesday, July 11, 2023
What Every Catechist Needs To Know
I taught CCD for 16 years and some have asked me, “What does every catechist need to know?” Well, I’m no expert, but over the years as a special education teacher and as a catechist I have experienced a lot and have seen a lot and I try to learn from my mistakes and that of others. Here are a few things that I think every catechist should know about or do:
1. Catechist Training- Most dioceses and/or parishes require some kind of catechist training before they can teach a class each year. By providing assistance and training to all catechists before CCD starts it will prepare the catechist so they can be an effective teacher. Certified catechist should also participate in the training because no catechist can know everything and they could also benefit from new ideas and activities. Suggestions of what can be in the catechist training is posted.
2. Know The Curriculum- To ensure consistent progress and development the catechist must read, study, and learn the curriculum. A good lesson depends on how well the catechist understands the material. Providing essential information about the curriculum will help the catechists build their lessons on a strong foundation. The training should provide a concise overview of the curriculum and how to use it properly so the catechist will know what to do.
3. Co- Teaching- How to be a good co-teacher.
4. Get Parents Involved and Have a Contact List- Give detailed information on how parents can get involved in their child’s faith education and how they can volunteer at CCD.
Have an Introductory Letter To Parents. It is a great idea to take the opportunity to introduce yourself by welcoming the child and the parents in a letter the first day of CCD. It provides the parents with information of what is expected in the classroom and what the children will be doing during the year. It can also inform parents of the expectations and rules of the class that will help in making the classroom productive, creative, and enjoyable year for all (this can be a separate page that parents must sign and return to you). Teachers can also ask if parents are interested in volunteering and for any information that can help aid them in better understanding their child and their needs.
Provide Volunteer Sign Up Sheets for parents interested in helping at CCD. Volunteers in the classroom can be a blessing IF done correctly and IF it is planned ahead. Nothing is worse than having a volunteer not know what to do or be in the way. Here are tips that should be done to have a good volunteer program in your classroom.
Classroom newsletters are an excellent way to keep in touch with parents and help them be a part of their child's education. Parent’s love to know what is going on in their child’s classroom and frequent and regular class newsletters enable parents to sense the feeling and momentum of the class and gain insight into what their child is learning.
Parent/Teacher Communication Forms/Letters/Templates- Communication with parents is key to having a good CCD classroom. Here are some forms/letters/templates you can use in your classroom.
Have the parents fill out a Class Contact List to obtain information that can help aid the catechist to understand their child’s needs and how to contact them.
5. Inclusion of Special Needs Students in Your Classroom- What you as a catechist must do to enable your special needs student to participate in the classroom. You must also find out how you can best meet the student’s needs so they can learn to their fullest potential.
6. What Makes A Good Catechist- Tips on how to be a good catechist.
7. Know What Your Students Like To Do- The key to being a good catechist is knowing what your students like to do in CCD. Here are some tips and suggestions for activities to do in the classroom that are age appropriate.
8. Prepare Your Classroom to enhance your student’s learning.
9. How To Access Your Students’ Progress- Since students learn in different ways, they must be tested in different ways to find out if they have learned the information taught in class. Here are a few suggestions for your students to do that might come in handy reading comprehension and assessment activities and How To Review Material.
10. Discipline- Having a well behaved classroom is critical for proper learning. For the students to learn to their fullest potential they need an environment that is quiet, without distractions, and organized. Discipline is crucial in a classroom and all catechists must know how to keep disruptive behavior down to a minimum. When establishing classroom rules you should identify behavioral expectations for your classroom to promote a positive environment. Catechists must also use good behavior classroom strategies and games which is an approach to help manage classrooms behaviors with rewards to children for displaying appropriate on-task behaviors during instructional times. When behaviors become a problem in a classroom an effective strategy is to implement a behavior contract.
This is a great list. Thank you for sharing!