Thursday, August 4, 2011

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Every classroom needs rules so that everyone can learn to their fullest potential and the class can run smoothly and effectively.

When establishing classroom rules you should identify behavioral expectations for your classroom. For each expectation you need to identify management strategies to address the expectation while promoting a positive environment in your classroom. As much as possible, keep your management strategies simple and to the point. Remember, to have effective classroom management you need to familiarized all your students with your classroom rules the first day of class and post them in a place where all students can see them.

What to consider before you write your classroom rules:

• List only a few rules and write them as positively as possible.
• Describe the rules carefully to the class.
• Model the behaviors covered by the rules.
• Ask students to give their own examples.
• Discuss examples of following the rule.

You may also give each student a copy for them to sign as well as their parents to return back to you to let you know they understand the rules and what is required of the student. You should also discuss the rules thoroughly so all the students understand and know what they are supposed to do in your classroom. Remind students of the class rules when needed and ask the students to come to you if they have any questions.

Here are my Classroom Behavior Expectations for my first grade CCD classroom as an example. I use this chart to help me address the expectations of my students the first day of class. I post the classroom rules after we have gone over them in a place where all students can see them.

*So what behavioral expectations should you have for your students? They may be similar to mine, but you should also take into consideration the age and maturity of your students and how you expect them to behave. What behaviors do they have problems with? What behaviors are important to you so you can have effective classroom management? Remember to write the behavioral expectations as positively as possible. Describe the rules carefully and give them examples. Have the students give examples and discuss.

Example of a good behavioral expectation: We respect others and their property.

Example of a bad behavioral expectation: Do not tease others.


septembermom said...

I'm so happy to have found your blog. I couldn't have asked for better timing. I'm starting as a rookie catechist this September. Thank you!

Amazing Grace said...

Good luck septembermom! I know you will do well. What grade will you teach?

kkollwitz said...

I must be spoiled, but I'll be teaching 6th grade catechism for the 8th time next month, and I've had trouble with discipline only one year (a couple of kids who were thick as thieves). I've never had to enunciate any expectations for behavior.

Amazing Grace said...

You are lucky!!! :)