Need ideas or activities to help your students for First Communion? Here are some activities that might be helpful.
Resources & Activities:
catholicculture.org- Catholic Activity: Preparing for First Holy Communion
pinterest.com- First Communion Ideas
reallifeathome.com- First Communion Resources
thereligionteacher.com- First Communion Activities
catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com- Preparing for First Holy Communion
foreverforalwaysnomatterwhat.com- First Holy Communion Resources
catholicicing.com- First Communion Resources for Kids
Preparing, journal/notebook activities, crafts, ideas for the big day, ideas for first reconciliation, etc.
catholicicing.com- First Communion Ideas
catholicicing.com- How to Start a First Holy Communion Journal / Notebook
saintanneshelper.com- First Communion Resources
books.google.com- 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church: For Grades 1 to 8 by Elle Rossini, page 21 & 22
Receiving Holy Communion: A Practice Session
pinterest.com- First Communion Prep
First Communion Preparation, Patterns, Worksheets, and Activities eBook Bundle
reallifeathome.com- First Communion Preparation, Patterns, Worksheets, and Activities eBook Bundle
reallifeathome.com- Holy Communion and Reconciliation Worksheet and Activity Packet
The Catholic Toolbox- The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
Resources, lessons, coloring, crafts, games, puzzles, worksheet
thereligionteacher.com- Catholic Mass Activities
The Catholic Toolbox- Catholic Mass Activities (parts of Mass, what we do during Mass, etc.)
The Catholic Toolbox- Celebrating the Mass Lesson Plans
The celebration of Mass is a hard concept for younger students to understand and here are various lessons to help students learn the parts of the Mass. The lessons will provide catechists, teachers, or parents with activities, crafts, games, puzzles, worksheets, etc. to use with their students or child to learn what goes on during Mass and what they should do. These lessons are geared for students first grade on up.
edupics.com- First Communion
apples4theteacher.com- Body and Blood
apples4thteacher.com- Holy Communion
supercoloring.com- Communion coloring pages (scroll down for these)
stanneshelper.com- First Communion Coloring Pages
coloringhome.com- First Holy Communion Coloring Pages
stushieart.com- First Communion
twistynoodle.com- My First Holy Communion
familyatthefootofthecross.blogspot.com- Corpus Christi Mosaic Craft
Beautiful chalice craft
A Framed Picture- Making a sparkling picture of communion will be a reminder of the special time we put aside to remember Jesus. (Bible Crafts on a Shoestring Budget: Paper Plates & Cups, page 12 & 13).
Do This In Memory of Me (craft)- An easy craft that students can make emphasizing “Do this in memory of me.”
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist Craft- Neat activity for the Holy Eucharist. A template is also provided for the craft.
catholicinspired.com- Jesus in the Eucharist ~ Art Project
catholicicing.com- Host and Chalice Craft for Catholic Kids
catholicicing.blogspot.com- Craft a Monstrance with a Gold Doily
catholicicing.com- True Presence In The Eucharist- Printable Craft For Catholic Kids
catholicicing.com- Craft A Mass Kit for Kids
catholicteacherresources.com- My First Communion Frame
triparishfaithformation- First Communion Plate Craft
orientaltrading.com- First Communion Crafts
funexpress.com- First Communion Cross Sign Craft Kit
catholicinspired.design- First Communion and First Reconciliation Crafts
pinterest.com- First Communion Bulletin Board Ideas
Make a Holy Communion Banner:
reallifeathome.com- How to Make a First Communion Banner
catholicicing.com- First Communion Craft – Make a First Communion Banner
catholicinspired.design- First communion banner #1
catholicinspired.design- First communion banner #2
catholicinspired.design- First communion banner #3
orientaltrading.com- Holy Communion Banner Craft Kit
You can buy this or get ideas from it to make your own.
reallifeathome.com- First Communion Banner Resources for Catholic Kids
thereligionteacher.com- Interactive Catholic Mass Parts Powerpoint Game
The Catholic Toolbox- Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (file folder game)
Students collect the most tokens by answering questions correctly about the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
The Catholic Toolbox- Holy Eucharist Bingo
Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about the Holy Eucharist.
The Catholic Toolbox- Act of Contrition Board Game
The idea is to answer questions about the Act of Contrition so players can roll the dice and move their pieces up and down the road attempting to capture their opponent’s pieces.
The Catholic Toolbox- Reconciliation File Folder Game
The objective of the game is to identify which one of the Ten Commandments the sin broke.
saintanneshelper.com- First Communion Catechism
First Communion Catechism questions and answers (scroll down for this)
sdc.me.uk- RE Resources: First Holy Communion
The table below provides links to our resources for a FIRST COMMUNION and RECONCILIATION program. The program is made up of 16 sessions. For each unit there are session plans for catechists, a worksheet for children as well as other resources such as flashcards, images and also PowerPoint presentations.
The Catholic Toolbox- Celebrating the Mass Lesson- Holy Communion
flickr.com- 2nd Grade CCD First Communion Preparation Lesson Plans
The Catholic Toolbox- Sacrament of Reconciliation lesson
thereligionteacher.com- The Liturgy of the Eucharist Lesson Plan
storage.cloversites.com- Holy Eucharist Lesson Plans
Puzzles & Worksheets:
4catholiceducators.com- Holy Communion - Wordsearch Puzzles
reallifeathome.com- Holy Communion Word Search Printable {Perfect for First Communion Students}
mycatholicsource.com- Holy Eucharist (word search)
reallifeathome.com- Holy Communion Crossword Puzzle
saintagnescatholicchurch.files.wordpress.com- Holy Communion Crossword Puzzle
catholicicing.com- First Communion Countdown Calendar (Printable!)
printableworksheets.in- First Communion worksheets
stleothegreat.com- My First Holy Communion Worksheet (click on picture to print)
reallifeathome.com- Holy Communion and Reconciliation Worksheet and Activity Packet
sdc.me.uk- RE Resources: First Holy Communion Worksheets (scroll down to these)
saintanneshelper.com- Catholic First Communion Worksheets (Catholic Catechism Handwriting Practice)
thereligionteacher.com- The Body and Blood of Christ Worksheet
thereligionteacher.com- The Religion Teacher’s Catholic Mass Worksheets
This worksheet is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Eucharist worksheet- Follow the directions and fill in the blanks to find out what the message says below.
These puzzles below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these puzzles are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Holy Communion- (word scramble)
Holy Communion- (crossword)
For younger students you can do this together on the board.
Retreat Ideas:
pastoralplanning.com- Get Ready! Get Set! The final retreat and rehearsal for parents and their children before first holy communion
catechesisinthethirdmillennium.wordpress.com- Forgiveness Day – 2nd Grade Retreat
usccb.org- First Communion Retreat: Embracing Jesus’ Loving Sacrifice Present in the Eucharist
amazingcatechists.com- First Communion Retreat
catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com- Come to the Table: A First Communion Retreat (Part 1 of 2)
catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com- Come to the Table: A First Communion Retreat (Part 2 of 2)
weconnect.com- First Communion Retreat
teacherspayteachers.com- First Communion Retreat - Eucharist knowledge
A retreat day for your class or your own children that combines church vocabulary, knowledge about the mass, a Bible story play, matching game, bingo game cards, and a cooking activity with the special sacrament of Eucharist in mind. Spend the day with your children preparing for Communion.
I have stumbled into a treasure cave. The last First Communion camp I did was 28 years ago! So much to lay my hands on....... Thank you and God Bless.
I have been asked to do first communion prep this year. While I said yes it caused some panic as this isn't something I have ever done and I only joined the church four years ago. What an amazing list. Thank you so much!
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