I have made several games the past few years. Here is a list of my favorite ones.
How To Put Together A File Folder Game
Once you have a file folder game picked out, follow these steps:
1. Print out the template.
2. Cut out the game board and game pieces, and all the other parts of the game that may be included. Trim where needed.
3. Lay down a manila folder so you can open it as if you were going to read a book.
4. Label the manila folder with the name of the game. Some folks will include the label as part of a template download. In this case, glue the label on the tab. If no label is included make your own or just write it on the tab.
5. Glue the game instructions to the front of the manila folder. Instructions are usually included as part of the template download.
6. Open the folder and glue the game board down in the appropriate spots (left side/right side).
7. Store game pieces in a plastic bag for safe keeping.
8. Open the folder and laminate or cover with clear contact paper.
9. Laminate or cover game cards with clear contact paper to make them last.
*If you have a large class, print out the game board and place on the chalk board tray. Use a magnetic board behind the game board or just use post-it-notes sticky tabs for player pieces. If you use a magnetic board, use magnets for player pieces.
The activities below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Act of Contrition Board Game- For 2 Players or 2 Teams. The idea is to answer questions about the Act of Contrition so players can roll the dice and move their pieces up and down the road attempting to capture their opponent’s pieces. The form of capture is unique because the captured piece is not immediately removed but instead is placed under the capturing piece. The capturing piece is placed on top of the captured piece to form a stack (if you capture an opponent’s piece, their playing piece is placed under yours). On his next turn the capturing player starts to move the stack of pieces back along the road towards his home position the number of spaces indicated by the throw count. When the capturing player reaches the home position the captured piece is removed from the board.
Adam & Eve- A fun way to review the Bible story.
Adam & Eve: Hiss- The colorful snake making card game for younger students.
Advent Wreath- The object of the game is to color all of the Advent wreath correctly.
Apostles’ Creed- For 2 players or 2 teams. The idea is to answer questions about the Apostles’ Creed so you can move your stones around the board. The goal is to move each stone along the 14-square path from the start square to the end and remove the stone from the board. If a stone lands on a square marked with a star the player may roll again. If the stone of one player lands on a square occupied by the stone of the opponent while on the center row, the opponent’s stone is removed from the board and must start again. The winner is the player who removes all their stones from the board first.
Are You Ready To Clean Up Your Act? (6th Commandment)- We're kidding ourselves, and we know it. And yet we carry on – thinking we are following all the commandments and meanwhile making up our own rules. Why is it so hard for people to follow the 6th commandment: Thou shall not commit adultery (Catholic)? It is harder than you think or is it? In this game players must answer correctly questions about the 6th commandment or they are sent to the bathtub to clean up their act.
Back Talk (4th Commandment)- The object of this game is for the children to honor their parent’s requests in the proper way.
Baptism of Jesus- The object of the game is to get to the Baptism of Jesus first by answering questions and following directions on the spaces along the way.
Bible Snap Card Game- is played with a deck of cards with pictures of various Bible stories on them. The object of the game is to "capture" all of the cards.
Bible Story Dominos- Help your child's Bible knowledge with this game that requires players to match Bible story pictures. No reading required.
Bible Story Show Down (Bible Story Review)- Jesus told us to help others. Help the Veggie Tales gang answer questions about Bible stories as you move around the board.
Birth of Jesus to Ascension Cards- Play Memory, Go Fish, or Sequencing with these cards. The cards can also help students establish the content and order of the Matthew, Mark and Luke (synoptic) gospels. Example: Take the gospel of Mark since it's the shortest and ask the students to take the cards and put them in the order which Mark mentions them in his book. If you want to play Bible Timeline Card Game, the directions are posted.
Books of the Bible- to help students learn about the 73 books of the Bible (Catholic) and how the books are divided into categories. This board game can be used in numerous ways to teach children:
1) to count the 73 books
2) read the names of each book
3) identify the colors on the board
4) spell the books of the Bible
5) spell the abbreviations of the books of the Bible
*Other creative ideas to play the game are posted as well.
Breakfast By The Lake- In this game players must answer correctly questions about the Bible story to receive a fish to put on their plate. Be careful not to eat all your fish and have to put all of your fish back. The player that reaches FINISH with the most fish on their plate wins.
Catechism of the Catholic Church- Answer questions about the Catechism of the Catholic Church as you go around the board. Collect the most tokens before the timer goes off and win.
Catholic Balderdash- Here is a great way to introduce new Catholic vocabulary words for your next lesson. Have prizes or Bible Bucks for first, second, and third place. If you have more than 10 students, have students break into small groups.
Catholic BLURT!- Catholic BLURT is based on the game Bible Blurt. It’s a fun and exciting way to review the Bible and the Catholic faith. When the Reader gives the Definition, blurt out the word you think it defines. There’s no penalty for wrong answers. You can blurt as many times as you want until somebody gets the correct answer. If you’re the first one to blurt the correct answer, move your pawn the number of spaces rolled by the Reader. If there’s a tie, read another Definition. Only the players who tied can blurt. If you land on a square that’s already occupied by another pawn, there’s gonna be a Showdown! The two players on the square have a Definition read to them by another player. If you’re first to blurt the correct word, you win the Showdown and may remain on the square. If you’re not first, you have to go backward the amount of squares shown on the die. If you land on a square that matches the color of your pawn, this is your big chance to challenge another player and takeover his or her square! Place your pawn on the same square with the player you want to challenge. Play the same way as you would in a Showdown, except the winner remains on the lead square, and the loser has to go back to the square from which the challenger came. The first player or team to return to “Start,” after going all the way around the Game Board, is the . . . WINNER! You don’t have to land there by exact count.
Catholic Ultimate Outburst- Catholic Ultimate Outburst is a game of lists. Two teams take turns trying to guess as many of the 6 answers to a topic on the cards. Catholic Ultimate Outburst features 3 rounds of play. Round one- players try guess as many answers as they can that match the current category. Round Two- Reverse Burst is where you hear and answers and guess the topic. Round Three- Challenge Outburst where you bid against the opponents. The team with the most points is the winner!
Christianopoly- The object of the game is to learn the responsibility of good financial stewardship; making the right decisions about the money we have and managing it wisely. This includes being able to pay necessary bills at home, putting aside for the things you want, and taking care of your family. Not only do you have bills to pay, mortgages, insurance, etc. you must pay taxes, make donations and do tithing as well.
Christmas: Gifts for the Baby Jesus- The object of this game is to be the first to collect gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Christmas: Twelve Days of Christmas Memory Game- Use these cards to play Memory.
Cranium Catholic Edition- Cranium Catholic Edition is based on the game Cranium. The Cranium Catholic Edition Game is outrageously fun and gives players a chance to show off their talents. Each team chooses a marker and places it on the Planet Cranium space labeled START. On your first turn and on every time you are on a Planet Cranium space, your team can choose from any of the 4 character cards: Creative Cat (blue), Data Head (red), Star Performer (green), and Word Worm (yellow). The team to your right draws your card and reads it out loud. Then they turn over the timer and your team must successfully complete the activity before the time runs out. After successfully completing an activity, you roll the die at the end of your turn. You must though, stop at every Planet Cranium- even if your roll would otherwise take you past it. The color of the space your marker lands on matches the color of the Cranium activity card you will play on your next turn. If you are not successful, you stay where you are and wait until your next turn to try again. If you roll purple, zoom straight ahead to the next Planet Cranium. When the die lands on white, the teacher reads an All Play card aloud and all teams try to answer the question. The first team to shout out the correct answer before time runs out wins an Instant Bonus Roll. After an All Play card is played, the winner takes one bonus roll and moves. Then the team whose turn is was when the All Play card was drawn takes its regular turn. To win, enter the Cranium Circle on a roll at the end of a turn. On your next turn, the other team collectively chooses a character card for your final activity. If you are unsuccessful, you can try again on your next turn. If your team is the first to successfully complete an activity in Cranium Central, congratulations! You won Cranium!
Creation to Joseph Cards- Use these cards for Memory, Go Fish, or sequencing. If you want to play Bible Timeline Card Game, directions are posted.
Creation: What did God make?- Identify whether or not God made it as you work around the board. The first player to FINISH wins.
David & Goliath: The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall- Players are asked questions about David & Goliath and if they answer correctly they may throw a suction ball toy at Goliath. Be the first player to hit Goliath in the forehead and win the game.
Disciple Cards- A fun way to review the names of the disciples by playing Memory or Go Fish.
Disciples: Follow Me- See how well you know the disciples by playing this game.
Empty Tomb- The objective of the game is to get to the empty tomb first. Players take turns spinning the spinner and then moving their marker ahead to the next space of that color. (Like Candy Land)
Easter: Jelly Bean Prayer Game- The objective of the game is to collect the most Jelly Bean jar cards by answering questions about Jesus and get to FINISH.
Electing A Pope File Folder Game- The idea is to answer questions about electing a pope so you can move your stones around the board. The goal is to move each stone along the 24-square path from the beginning to the end and remove the stone from the board. If the stone of one player lands on a square occupied by the stone of the opponent, the opponent’s stone is removed from the board and must start again. If a player has two or more pieces on a space the pieces on it cannot be captured. An exact throw is needed to remove a piece from the board. The winner is the player who removes all their stones from the board first.
Emotions- You need to think before you say or do things because you may hurt someone's feelings. Remember what Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39
Faith of a Mustard Seed- Do you have faith in Jesus? It takes a little and God will make it grow big just like a mustard seed. How much faith do you have? Be the first to the top of the mustard tree plant and win.
Fiery Furnace- Answer questions correctly about the Bible story and receive a flame token. Land on a “Take A Flame”, you can take a flame token from any player. If you land on “Lose A Flame”, you must return a flame token. If you land on “Give A Flame Away”, you must give one of your flame tokens to a player. Players work their way around the board and try to collect flame tokens. The first player to collect 7 flame tokens (to represent King Nebuchadnezzar ordered the furnace to be heated seven times more than usual) wins.
Forgiveness: I’m Sorry!- Players move around the board by apologizing correctly for things they have done wrong while other players forgive their transgressions. The players must say what they should do to correct their mistake and/or what consequences should happen to them so they will learn to take responsibility of their actions.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Catholic)- Spin the spinner and follow the directions. If you spin “Leader’s Space” you may change places with the leader and put his marker where you were. Make your way around the board answering questions about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The first player to FINISH wins.
Fruit of the Holy Spirit Bean Bag Toss (Catholic)- Here is a fun way to learn the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit from CCC 1832.
Gloria- Players race against other players in advancing his/her 4 playing pawns from start to finish by answering questions about Gloria and with successful die rolls. Each player has four specifically-designated finishing positions. The winner is the first player to successfully rest his 4 pawns on his designated finishing space. This game can be played individually or in teams.
Golden Rule- This game helps promote why someone would use proper manners and etiquette in our daily lives.
Good Manners: How Rude!- A fun and exciting way to review what is considered rude behavior in today’s society. The game includes 6 types of interactive game cards: multiple choice, scenario, true/false, reward for good manners, charades, and consequences for bad manners. Players or teams roll the dice and move that many spaces on the board. Whichever color is on the space you land on indicates the color card that will be used. The player to your left will read the card aloud to you and you will try to answer correctly. If you answer your question correctly, you may stay where you are. If you are not correct, everyone says, “How Rude!” and you move back to where you were. The first player or team to get to the “FINISH,” square first is the WINNER!
Good Neighbor Game- Players cruise around the board answering question about how to be a good neighbor. The first player to FINISH with the most Good Deed tokens wins the Good Neighbor Award.
Good Samaritan- Work your way around the board and the first player to FINISH is the winner.
Good Shepherd- Find the most lost sheep and win the game!
Good Shepherd: Sheep Memory Game- Make 2 copies of game cards and have the students match the sheep.
Green With Envy (10th Commandment)- A game that helps children to recognize what coveting is and identify ways of how to keep the 10th commandment.
Hail Mary- A fun way to practice and see how well you know the Hail Mary prayer.
Holy Eucharist Bingo- Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about the Holy Eucharist.
Holy Spirit- Work your way around the board and answer questions about the Holy Spirit. For 2nd grade on up. There are a lot of choices and possibilities for this game.
Holy Trinity- The objective of the game is to collect the most tokens by answering questions correctly about the Holy Trinity. 2 game boards to choose from!
Holy Week Bingo- Make up simple bingo cards using pictures or vocabulary words with Holy Week questions from your lesson. Be sure to make calling cards out of index cards so you can hold up the picture or word so the children can see if they have that on their Bingo card. (You can also just make the spaces on your Bingo cards in the shape of a cross to remind them that Jesus died on the cross for them). Links for Bingo Card Makers are posted.
Holy Week File Folder Game- The objective of the game is to go through all the days of Holy Week by answering questions about each day.
Holy Week Memory Game- Play Memory, Go Fish, or Sequencing with these cards. If you want to play Bible Timeline Card Game, directions are posted.
Holy Week Spin the Bottle Game- A fun way to review Holy Week.
Homeworkopoly- The objective of the game is to learn the responsibility of doing your homework and turning it on time.
Honor Your Father and Mother (4th Commandment)- Your parents are important and do many things for you. In this game, players give reasons why their parents are important as they make their way through the game board. The first player to “FINISH” wins.
I Love God Above All Things (1st Commandment)- is played with a deck of cards with pictures of various objects on them. The purpose of this game is see if you can "lose" all of your objects (cards) that you have valued over God.
Jesus in the Temple- The objective of the game is to be the first to find Jesus in the temple.
Jesus Is Our Savior- Jesus is our rescuer and offers us a lifeline when we’re trapped in sin. How can we solve the problems in our life? Jesus is our savior and if we follow him, he will show us the way.
Joseph and His Brothers- Answer questions about Joseph & His Brothers and receive a sack of grain. The first person to collect 7 sacks of grain (representing the 7 years of plenty), wins.
Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors Card Game- This is a variation on the popular game of UNO with cards depicting the colored coat of Joseph. Players are trying to empty their hands of cards by playing them to a common pile, matching cards by color, number, or action. The deck is made up of 4 sets of differently colored cards with numbers from 1 to 8. There are also 4 Wild cards, 4 Draw 2 cards, 4 Skip cards, and 4 Reverse. (I wanted to buy this game, but could not find it so I made one.)
Journey Through the Bible (Bible Story Review)- Each player rolls the die and moves the number of spaces indicated. If the player lands on a picture, they must identify the Bible story it depicts. If the player is correct, they stay where they are. If they are not correct, they go back to where they were. Players proceed down the winding path and the first player to reach FINISH wins. The 2nd and 3rd place winners follow respectively.
For small children, adults may identify the Bible story when the child lands on it. After a while, teachers can call for volunteers to identify the Bible story. This will encourage children to learn the names of the Bible stories. By hearing the names of the Bible stories as they play each time, they will soon be able to identify them.
This board game can be used in numerous ways to teach children:
1) to identify the Bible stories by a picture
2) name a fact about the Bible story
3) answer a question about the Bible story (review previous lessons)
4) spell a character or object from the Bible story
Last Supper- Play individually or in teams and work your way around the game board answering questions about the Last Supper. If you are correct you roll a die and move your marker in your row in any direction you want. If you land on a colored space, you can move on row toward the center with “Last Supper”. Play continues until a team or player reaches “Last Supper”.
Lent: Journey Through Lent Board Game- Here is a neat and easy way to review Lent using a Lenten Calendar. Just print out a Lenten Calendar (suggestions are posted). You can play this game individually or in teams. The players take turns answering questions correctly to throw the die and move from space to space according to the throw count. The first player to Easter Sunday is the winner.
Lent: Journey Through Lent Game- A fun way to review Lent. The objective of the game is to get the most points by answering questions about Lent. Make a die out of a large juice carton and put a ? mark on some (at least 3) of the sides of the die. Set a timer for a specified time. Have a player roll the die on the floor in front of the class. If the die lands on a blank space, they do not answer a question. If the die lands on “?”, they are asked a question by the teacher about Lent. If the player answers correctly, they receive a point (you can use tokens, write it on the board, etc.). If they are not correct, they do not receive a point. Players must collect as many points as they can. The game is over when the timer goes off. Whoever has the most points, wins. You can play this game individually or in teams. For an added challenge, you can also have “Lose 1 Point” and “Take 1 Point” on one or a couple of the sides of the die. When a player rolls “Lose 1 Point”, they must lose 1 point. If a player rolls “Take 1 Point”, they may take a point from any player they choose.
Lentopoly- Lentopoly is a game that is meant to incorporate the 3 aspects of Lent: prayer, fasting & almsgiving. By doing the charitable acts each day the child “earns” tokens (nails, pennies, beans, etc.). You can have a container full of tokens and each child has their own jar to put their ‘earned’ tokens into each day. On Easter the tokens are replaced with jelly beans or other candy/item of your choice. Parents can play too! If you decide to use money, you should decide what organization will get your money on Easter – your parish, pro-life group, rice bowl, etc.
Lepers- The objective is to return to Jesus first to thank him.
Let The Children Come To Me- The first player to Jesus wins!
Liar, liar pants on fire! (8th Commandment)- Here is a fun game that helps children to recognize what lying is and how to resist it.
Life of Christ Board Game- Collect tokens by moving around the game board and answering questions about the life of Christ. If a player rolls a 6, they may take a token from any player they choose. The player with the most tokens at the end of the game, wins!
Liturgical Objects Used in Mass- Several games posted to help students learn to identify objects used in Mass.
Liturgical Year: Seasons of the Liturgical Year Board Game- This game is based on the Feast Day! and can be played individually or in teams. The object of the game is to collect tokens by moving around the game board by answering questions about feast days as well as important facts about the teachings of the Church that are woven through the Liturgical Year. The player with the most tokens at the end of the game, wins.
Liturgical Year: Sitting Duck!- When players answer questions correctly about the liturgical year they get to roll a die and move around the game board. If you land on a sitting duck, all players must say out loud “Sitting Duck!” Another player who happens to come by on the game board (they can land on the space or just be passing by on their roll) can BUMP you back to START. The first player to FINISH wins.
Liturgy of the Word Sequence Card Game- For 2 to 4 players print out at least 2 copies of each page (for more players print more copies). Shuffle cards and the Dealer deals out 4 cards to each player. Dealer puts cards down in the middle of the table, turns over the top card, and places it beside the deck. From the cards in his hand the Dealer must place the next card in the sequence of the Liturgy of the Word on top of the card facing up. If he does not have the proper card, he must draw a card from the deck. Play moves clockwise. If the deck runs out, play moves to the next player clockwise and game continues. The first player to run out of cards wins.
Loaves & Fishes- Players must collect as many loaves and fishes as they can as they move around the board. The game is over when the timer goes off. Whoever has the most loaves and fishes, wins.
Lord’s Prayer- A fun way to practice and see how well you know the Lord’s Prayer.
Mary is the Mother of Our Church- The objective of the game is to answer questions about Mary to receive a letter tile and spell Mary.
Mass: Actions Speak Louder Than Words Game- A fun review game about actions during Mass. Have the students stand up and answer questions by acting out the actions they should do during Mass.
Mass: The Holy Mass Game- The objective of the game is to be the first player to score 10 points. Have a player roll the die on the floor in front of the class. If the die lands on a blank space, they do not answer a question. If the die lands on “?”, they are asked a question by the teacher about Mass. If the player answers correctly, they receive a point (you can use tokens, write it on the board, etc.). If they are not correct, they do not receive a point. The first player to score 10 points, is the winner. You can play this game individually or in teams. For an added challenge, you can also have “Lose 1 Point” and “Take 1 Point” on a side of the die. When a player rolls “Lose 1 Point”, they must lose 1 point. If a player rolls “Take 1 Point”, they may take a point from any player they choose.
Mass: Participants and Liturgical Objects Used in Mass- The ultimate objective is to move all of your game pieces off of the board before your opponent does and to have the largest number of game pieces remaining in your possession. This game can be played individually or in teams.
Mass Review- The idea is to answer questions about Mass so you can trap one or more opponents’ pieces between two of your pieces. Those opponents’ pieces then change color to become your pieces. The game ends when both you and your opponent cannot play another piece, or if every square on the board is filled, the game is over. You count up the number of black pieces and the number of white pieces and the winner is the one with the most pieces. Mass Review is for 2 players or 2 teams.
Moral Dilemmas Card Game- Why do problems come into our life? People face problems every day. Some are harder than others. There are many choices that the person can have to solve his/her problem, but which one is the best? What would Jesus want us to do? Here is a game that has students try to solve their problems the best way.
Mortal vs Venial Sin- Follow the directions on the space that you land on. Along the way you will encounter many obstacles and temptations that you have to face. The first person to move around the board and land on the picture of the church with the exact number wins.
Moses- Review of the Life of Moses (Bulrushes to the 10 Commandments)
Moses in the Bulrushes- The players spin the spinner and follow the directions. If the player spins “Leader’s Spot”, they get to move their marker to where the leader is and share that spot. The first player to the princess wins.
Moses Says- Let’s see how well you can follow directions.
Moses: Climb Mount Sinai- Be the first to climb Mount Sinai and win!
Moses: Leaping Frogs- The object of the game is for the player (the frog) to get to the Pharaoh’s Palace first. The players roll a die and follow the directions on the space they landed on. If the player lands on a space that is already occupied by another, BUMP that player back to the START space. The first frog to the Pharaoh’s Palace wins.
Mustard Seed: Faith of a Mustard Seed- Do you have faith in Jesus? It takes a little and God will make it grow big just like a mustard seed. How much faith do you have? Be the first to the top of the mustard tree plant and win.
Nicene Creed File Folder Game- The objective is to be the first player to get all four of his or her color pawns from his or her START location to his or her HOME space. Players must do this by answering questions about the Nicene Creed and rolling the die.
Parables: Name That Parable Game- The first player to complete their puzzle and tell what parable the puzzle depicts, wins.
Participants and Liturgical Objects Used in Mass- The ultimate objective is to move all of your game pieces off of the board before your opponent does and to have the largest number of game pieces remaining in your possession. This game can be played individually or in teams.
Penitential Rite File Folder Game- The idea is to answer questions about the Penitential Rite so you can remove one or more of your opponent’s pieces. The goal of the game is to remove all the opponent’s pieces.
People at Church- Several games posted to help students learn to identify people at church.
People of the Bible Game- A fun and exciting way to learn about the people of the Bible. The players are asked "Who am I?" questions based on increasingly easier clues. More challenging clues earn more points; easier hints win fewer. If you spin a 1 or 4 either “Answer or Sell” the question to an opponent. Spin a 2 or 5 and “Draw A Card” and follow the instructions on the card. Spin a 3 for “Playoff” to take on your opponents in answering the question. Spin a 6 to get a chance to bid on who gets the question. There are 200 Clue Cards. The first player or team to earn 55 points and answer the last question wins!
Plague Cards- Cards for Memory, Go Fish and Sequencing.
Plagues File Folder Game- The objective of the game is to collect 10 plague cards by answering questions about each plague. The first player with all 10 plague cards, wins.
Pope: Electing A Pope File Folder Game- The idea is to answer questions about electing a pope so you can move your stones around the board. The goal is to move each stone along the 24-square path from the beginning to the end and remove the stone from the board. If the stone of one player lands on a square occupied by the stone of the opponent, the opponent’s stone is removed from the board and must start again. If a player has two or more pieces on a space the pieces on it cannot be captured. An exact throw is needed to remove a piece from the board. The winner is the player who removes all their stones from the board first.
Potty Mouth (2nd Commandment)- Using the Lord’s name in vain is like fingernails scrapping down a chalkboard. God hears us when we take his name in vain and it must break his heart when his name is used in such a manner. This game focuses on how we sometimes do not have respect for God and God’s name.
Prayers: Name That Prayer- The objective of the game is to get to FINISH first by answering questions about prayers. Review all or just a few of the prayers.
Pride- Land on a space that says PRIDE and identify whether the situation is about pride or being humble. Land on a Peacock picture you tell about a time you were full of pride. Land on a Humble Pie picture you must tell about a time you were humble.
Prodigal Son- The objective of the game is to get to the father hugging his lost son.
Pro Life: Look Who’s Growing- This game provides an entertaining way to educate students about pregnancy and fetal development to help promote Pro Life.
Pro Life: Look Who’s Growing Dominos- A fun way to educate young students that babies grow into adults to help promote Pro Life.
The Prophets Game- Be the first player to go from square number 1 to square number 80 and win the game. Basically the game is like Chutes and Ladders. But an added component is that any time you land on a Prophet square, you have to answer a question off a Prophet card. If you get it right, you get to take an extra turn. If not, the game moves on to the next player.
Random Acts of Kindness- Children identify Random Acts of Kindness as they move around the board.
Resist the Temptation- The objective of the game is to resist the temptation just like Jesus did. 2 game boards to choose from!
Road To Emmaus- Review Luke 24:13-35. Draw on the board a chart and have the players throw a suction toy at the board. Where ever it sticks, the team has to follow the directions. The team with the most points wins.
Road To Emmaus (file folder game)- Be the first one to Emmaus and back to Jerusalem and win the game!
Rosary Bingo- Review the rosary while playing Bingo (15 cards)
The Holy Rosary Game- Practice reciting the Holy Rosary while you compete against others.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick- Work your way around the board by answering questions about the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Be careful with your answers because if you are incorrect, you go back to where you were and follow the directions on the space. The first one to FINISH wins!
Sacrament of Baptism- Collect the most tokens by answering questions correctly about the Sacrament of Baptism.
Sacrament of Confirmation- This is a active game where you work your way around the board and follow the directions on the space you land on. Land on a ? you must answer the question about the Sacrament of Confirmation correctly or go back to where you were. Land on spaces that say “Slide Back” or “Slide Ahead” the player follows the directions that are indicated. If the player lands on a space with “Trade Places” on it, they must trade places with another player. The first player to FINISH wins.
Sacrament of Holy Orders- Students must answers questions and identify pictures about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Sacrament of Matrimony- Answer different kinds of questions (multiple choice, True or False, Fill in the Blank, or Puzzles) about the Sacrament of Matrimony as you move around the board.
Sacrament of Reconciliation- The objective of the game is to identify which one of the Ten Commandments the sin broke.
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist- Students collect the most tokens by answering questions correctly about the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Saints: Name That Saint Game- Learn about the Catholic Saints in this fun filled game of questions about their lives. Name That Saint is a game where the sooner you identify the saint, the more points you receive. Points range from 10 to 4 per clue and four clues are given with each saint question.
Samson- Answer questions about Samson as you work your way around the board. Try to be the first player to remove all of your pillar while other players attempt to add to it.
Seven Deadly Sins- Identify which of the 7 Deadly Sins is depicted in the situation. The player who collects the most tokens, wins.
Seven Sacraments- The object of the game is to collect 7 sacrament cards by answering questions about each sacrament. (For 2nd grade on up).
Stations of the Cross- The objective of the game is to go through all 14 Stations of the Cross by answering questions about each station.
Stations of the Cross Bingo- Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about the Stations of the Cross. The teacher asks one student at a time a question about the Stations of the Cross. The student answers the question and the class looks for the word on their bingo card. The first student who gets three in a row (up, down, across, or diagonal) on their bingo card first, wins.
Ten Commandments- The objective of the game is to identify which one of the Ten Commandments the sin broke.
Ten Commandments Memory Game- Play Memory using these cards.
Ten Commandments In Order Game- Mix up cards and place them on a table face up. Students then put the commandments in the proper order lining them up from top to bottom. The first student that can put the commandment cards in the correct order wins. This game can be played individually or in teams.
Other Commandment Games:
I Love God Above All Things (1st Commandment)- is played with a deck of cards with pictures of various objects on them. The purpose of this game is see if you can "lose" all of your objects (cards) that you have valued over God.
Potty Mouth (2nd Commandment)- Using the Lord’s name in vain is like fingernails scrapping down a chalkboard. God hears us when we take his name in vain and it must break his heart when his name is used in such a manner. This game focuses on how we sometimes do not have respect for God and God’s name.
What ever happened to good manners at church? (3rd Commandment)- Find out if you know how to behave in church. Roll the die and move that many spaces. Follow the directions on the space you land on. If the space has a Roll Play activity on it, perform it to the best of your ability. If needed, the teacher will help you understand what to do and coach you how to do it correctly. If the space has a picture of person reacting to bad behavior that they had just seen in church, draw a Game Card and read it out loud (if the student cannot read, the teacher or someone can read it for them). Answer the question to the best of your ability (the teacher can coach the student if necessary).
Back Talk (4th Commandment)- The object of this game is for the children to honor their parent’s requests in the proper way.
Honor Your Father and Mother (4th Commandment)- Your parents are important and do many things for you. In this game, players give reasons why their parents are important as they make their way through the game board. The first player to “FINISH” wins.
Look Who's Growing (5th Commandment) Dominos- A fun way to educate young students that babies grow into adults to help promote Pro Life.
Look Who's Growing (5th Commandment)- This game provides an entertaining way to educate students about pregnancy and fetal development to help promote Pro Life.
Are You Ready To Clean Up Your Act? (6th Commandment)- We're kidding ourselves, and we know it. And yet we carry on – thinking we are following all the commandments and meanwhile making up our own rules. Why is it so hard for people to follow the 6th commandment: Thou shall not commit adultery? It is harder than you think or is it? In this game players must answer correctly questions about the 6th commandment or they are sent to the bathtub to clean up their act.
Thief! (7th Commandment)- Players are given situations and they must identify whether or not they are breaking the 7th Commandment. They also must state what they are obliged to do for their sin.
Liar, liar pants on fire! (8th Commandment)- Here is a fun game that helps children to recognize what lying is and how to resist it.
Green With Envy (10th Commandment)- A game that helps children to recognize what coveting is and identify ways of how to keep the 10th commandment.
More T Games:
Ten Talents- Collect the most tokens by answering questions about the parable and win.
Tithing: A simple game to help reinforce tithing to young children. Each player is given 5 tokens (play money, poker chips, milk caps, etc.) to represent their tithing (money that they have put aside to give to the Church). Put one small basket on the table to put the donations in. Players take turns rolling the die and moving their marker along the board. When a player lands on a space that has a basket on it, they pick up a Game Card and read it out loud (if they cannot read it, someone else can read it for them). On each Game Card is what the Church will use the money for that you donate (to help pay for the Church expenses and contributions for the community and around the world). The player then puts their donation (1 token) into the basket and their turn is over. The first player to donate all their tithing money wins.
Tithing: Christianopoly- The object of the game is to learn the responsibility of good financial stewardship; making the right decisions about the money we have and managing it wisely. This includes being able to pay necessary bills at home, putting aside for the things you want, and taking care of your family. Not only do you have bills to pay, mortgages, insurance, etc. you must pay taxes, make donations and do tithing as well.
Tithing: How much do you tithe?- Players move around the board while figuring out how much they should tithe. If you land on the piggy bank that is hungry, you did not put God first and spent all your money. You did not leave any money to do tithing and therefore lose your next turn. If you land on Tightwad, all other players say out loud “TIGHTWAD!” because you refuse to give any money so you must change places with the player that is closest to START. Players roll the die and continue to move around the board. The first player to FINISH wins.
Tower of Babel Jenga Game- This is a variation on the popular game of Jenga with players taking turns drawing a card and asking the player to their left a question about the Tower of Babel. If the player does not answer the question correctly, they must carefully remove a block with one hand (you can switch hands whenever you wish) from anywhere BELOW the highest completed story. Then stack it on top of the tower, at right angles to the blocks just below it. If the player answers the question correctly, the player that asked the question must remove one block from the tower. Play continues clockwise. The last player to take a turn without making the Tower of Babel fall wins the game.
Twelve Days of Christmas Memory Game- Use these cards to play Memory.
Unforgiving Servant- Players move around the board by apologizing correctly for things they have done wrong while other players forgive their transgressions. The players must say what they should do to correct their mistake and/or what consequences should happen to them so they will learn to take responsibility of their actions. Players must also answer questions about the story “The Unforgiving Servant” to receive a token. The player who reaches FINISH and has the most tokens wins the game.
Virtues Game- The objective of the game is to get the most points by answering questions about theological and cardinal virtues. For an added challenge, you can also have “Lose 1 Point” and “Take 1 Point” on one or a couple of the sides of the large die made from a juice carton. When a player rolls “Lose 1 Point”, they must lose 1 point. If a player rolls “Take 1 Point”, they may take a point from any player they choose. You can play this game individually or in teams.
Walls of Jericho- The first player to go around Jericho 7 times and receive 7 tokens wins.
Wedding at Cana File Folder Game- Answer questions about the story and receive a jar token. The first player to collect 6 jars wins.
Wedding at Cana Relay- The first team that fills the jar full of wine first, wins.
What ever happened to good manners at church?- Find out if you know how to behave in church. Roll the die and move that many spaces. Follow the directions on the space you land on. If the space has a Roll Play activity on it, perform it to the best of your ability. If needed, the teacher will help you understand what to do and coach you how to do it correctly. If the space has a picture of person reacting to bad behavior that they had just seen in church, draw a Game Card and read it out loud (if the student cannot read, the teacher or someone can read it for them). Answer the question to the best of your ability (the teacher can coach the student if necessary).
Which came first? (Bible Timeline)- When this question is asked, most people think of the chicken or the egg. Here is a game that wants to know which Bible story came first. In this game players are asked which story appeared first in the Bible as they make their way around the board. The first player to FINISH wins. (You can also use this game to review what happened in the correct order of a certain Bible story or several of your own choosing. Just write up questions about key events in the story and play the game.)
Who am I? (people at church)- Who are the people at church? What do they do? Here are a few games for students to learn about the people at church.
Who gave thanks to God (card game)- Are you thankful to God? Here is a fun game about Biblical characters that are thankful to God. The object of the game is to match more pairs of cards than the opposing player(s).
WWJD?- Making the right decisions in life is hard to do, but if you let Jesus be your guide and think, “What Would Jesus Do?” it will make it a lot easier.
Xerxes- Be the first player to collect 4 Xerxes cards and win!
Zacchaeus, Come Down!- Be the first one to help Zacchaeus down and win the game.