Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Catholic Ultimate Outburst Game

This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.

*All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this game are not my own and are from various internet sources.

Catholic Ultimate Outburst is based on the game Ultimate Outburst.

Catholic Ultimate Outburst is a game of lists. Two teams take turns trying to guess as many of the 6 answers to a topic on the cards. Catholic Ultimate Outburst features 3 rounds of play. Round one- players try guess as many answers as they can that match the current category. Round Two- Reverse Burst is where you hear and answers and guess the topic. Round Three- Challenge Outburst where you bid against the opponents. The team with the most points is the winner.


 The players divide into two teams
 160 Catholic Ultimate Outburst Game Cards
 1 minute timer
 Dry erase board or chalk board
 1 die

Round One – Outburst

The first round of Ultimate Outburst the team with the highest roll goes first. The teacher will shuffle the cards and draw a card from the deck. The teacher will be the scorekeeper and will read the answers on the card to familiarize himself with them. The scorekeeper then reads the category to the team and then starts the timer. The team then yells out as many answers as they can that match the current category. When the team comes up with one of the answers from the card, the scorekeeper says “yes” and writes the word(s) on the board to indicate that the answer was given.

The team keeps yelling out answers until the timer runs out. The scorekeeper reads off all the answers that the team did not give to make sure that they didn’t miss marking off any of the answers that the team came up with. The scorekeeper adds up the correct responses. One point is awarded for each correct answer.

The other team then takes their turn. Both teams switch off taking turns until six cards have been played. The game then moves onto round two.

Round Two – Reverse Burst

Just like in the first round the team with the highest roll goes first. The scorekeeper will draw a card from the deck. In this round the team is trying to guess the category (word at the top of the card) that connects all of the words together. The scorekeeper starts the timer and reads the first clue on the card. Players from the team can make as many guesses as they want. When the players want another clue, they ask the scorekeeper for the next clue. The scorekeeper then reads off the next clue on the card. Player can also ask the reader to repeat all revealed answers at any time.

The round ends when either the timer runs out or the team successfully guesses the card’s category. If the timer runs out, the team scores zero points for the round. If the team successfully guesses the card’s category the team receives points.

Points: 1 clue= 6 points
2 clues=5 points
3 clues=4 points
4 clues=3 points
5 clues=2 points
6 clues=1 point

The round continues until six cards have been played (3 cards for each team).

Round Three – Challenge

In round three the players will use 6 cards (3 cards for each team). The team that is behind will go first. The team will then choose how many of the 6 answers they think they can get. The other team can then either raise the bid or pass the card to the other team. This bidding process continues back and forth until one team passes.

The team that bids higher will then get to play the card. The round is played the same as round one where players try to guess as many of the answers on the card as they can. The scorekeeper will remove a card from the deck and read the clue at the top of the card.

When the timer runs out, points will be awarded to the team who won the bid. If the team was able to get as many or more answers than they bid, they receive a point for each correct answer. If the team was unable to get as many answers as they bid, the other team receives a point for each bid they could not answer. Example: The team bid 4 correct answers and they only got 3. The other team therefore receives 1 point.

This round continues with the next card being bid on with the team that is behind making the first bid. This continues until all six cards are used. The team with the most points is the winner.


Directions- Print out Directions.

Game Cards- Print out Game Cards, cut out and trim. Use only the cards that reflect your student’s abilities. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.

*Use the Game Cards that are provided or make your own. You can also make cards specific to what you have been learning in your classroom. You can even have the students make cards for the opposing team. There are 160 Game Cards posted for you to choose from. Note: Please take in consideration that I am just a Mom and I'm providing these question cards to the best of my abilities. I tried to make them as accurate as possible, but I know I probably made a few mistakes and it was not intentional.

Catholic Ultimate Outburst Game- Directions, 160 Catholic Ultimate Outburst Game Cards

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