I adapted a Catholic version of this game http://biblebuzz.net/ to help students learn about the 73 books of the Bible (Catholic) and how the books are divided into categories. *Some Bibles may present variations of these categories, or they may group the books differently so I did not do the color coding sections like they did in the above game board.
Feel free to use this game as is or modify it to suit your needs. Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of 2 file folders or a large piece of cardboard. Laminate or cover file folders with clear contact paper to make it last.
How to set up Game Board: Place page 1 and 2 side by side. Then put page 3 below page 1 and put page 4 below page 2.

For small children, adults may pronounce the book when the child lands on it. After a while, teachers can call for volunteers to pronounce the book names. This will encourage children to learn the names. Children will enjoy rolling the dice and counting the spaces. This board game can be used in numerous ways to teach children:
1) to count the 73 books
2) read the names of each book
3) identify the colors on the board
4) spell the books of the Bible
5) spell the abbreviations of the books of the Bible
The younger children may be asked to indicate the color and/or the number of the book that they land on. The game is brightly colored, and the children will enjoy identifying the color or counting the spaces to tell the number of the book. It's the perfect preschool game. The adult may pronounce the name of the book for the young child. By hearing the names of the books as they play each day, they will soon be able to identify and read the names also.
The second level game is more challenging than the 1st level, and appropriate for youth group meetings, slumber parties, contests, and spelling bees. On this level, the player must be able to pronounce and spell all the books of the Bible. The player must also be able to categorize each book. It would be very helpful in advancing to the next level, if the player is able to state at least one fact about each book. This level welcomes teamwork and Bible study, even when the game is not being played. Groups of three or four people may create a team and challenge another team. Players are allowed time for group discussion before giving their final answer. The player must correctly pronounce, spell, state category and one fact about the specific book. This game may be played individually or as a team. This level challenges the player to study the Bible and motivates each player to learn, while enjoying a fun game.
The third level is for more advanced players. This includes groups such as Bible study groups, test preparation groups and question and answer sessions. This level is ideal for ministers, evangelism students and people who are very knowledgeable of the Bible. Each player must successfully complete the first and second level. They may play the game by stating two facts about each book they land on, or they may choose to be asked two questions from that book asked by the player on their left. If unable to provide two facts or to answer two questions, the player must move back ½ the spaces they moved forward. This board game will challenge adults to think, learn and enjoy a fun game.
This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.
Books of the Bible Game- Directions, Game Board
Wow! It's so awesome that you found something like this that includes ALL the books of the bible :-)
This totally has to go on Catholic Icing during ordinary time ;-)
I love to make religious games (I've made 125 so far). Hubby thinks I'm obsessed with it. LOL!
Thanks for making this. I am going to use it with my middle school youth group. I want to make cards corresponding to each book with a summary of what is in that book so when they land on it they learn about it. And if I have the time I will add challenge questions about that book of the Bible (round 2?). Thanks Again
Maria Kreiner- I am so glad that someone is using this! Let me know if your students like it. Yes, this game can be used in many ways and I sure like your ideas! :)
Thank you so much!!! This will be a perfect game for my PSR 3rd grade class!!
God bless,
Shawna in Springfield
Shawna- You're welcome! I hope your students enjoy it! :)
Our challenge at Family Formation this year is to memorize the books of the bible. Thanks for compiling such a great list of resources! The game board/file folder has been used quite a bit.
happymomonline- Thank you! I am so glad that you found something useful to use. :)
Such a cute game! Do you have one with 66 books of the Bible for the Evangelical Christians?
No, I only have done the Catholic version. Google Protestant books of the Bible game. There are many games and activities for Protestants online.
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