
Sunday, September 18, 2022

How To Get Your Students To Do Their Homework & Turn It In On Time

It seems to be a problem each year, but here are a few tips to get your students to do their homework and turn it in on time.

1. Only assign homework your students fully understand and are able to do by themselves. Make sure that the homework is necessary, not busy work.

2. Agenda Book/Planner- Give your students no excuse for not writing it down. By providing all students with an agenda book for CCD it will allow students to learn to become independent and turn their homework in on time. If your CCD does not do agenda books, you could ask your child’s CCD teacher if they would be willing to do this with your child. The teacher will more likely agree to this accommodation if the student has problems with turning in their homework and if the parents provide the agenda book. It should also be understood by everyone involved that it will be the student’s responsibility to obtain their teacher’s signature on their agenda book to confirm that the student had it filled it out correctly. Be sure to write all homework in the same place each time and at the close of each class remind the students to write down their homework in their agenda book/planner. At the end of class the teacher would check each and every student’s agenda book to see if they had written correctly their assignment(s). The teacher would initial it (or use a stamp) to confirm that it was correct. This step makes sure that the students had their assignments written down correctly and they would know when to turn them in on time. You can also have the parents have to sign the agenda book to verify that they had read the above and understood what their child is supposed to do.

3. Set aside a few minutes before the end of the class to review the assigned homework. Have your students look at the homework, allow them to ask final clarifying questions, and have them check to make sure they have all the materials they need. Ask your students “Is there anyone, for any reason, who will not be able to turn in their homework on time?”

4. Bible Bucks- are a great way to positively reward students for good behavior, completing memory work, completing and turning in their homework on time or even inviting their friends to church or CCD. Students can collect their Bible Bucks and they will be allowed to trade them in for assorted prizes or tasty treats from the "Bible Buck Store".

Free Bible Bucks to print out: Three different kinds to choose from. Use the "Word Sheets" or "Powerpoint Sheets" to customize the bills and put your church's name on them. For generic Bible Bucks, just download and use the PDF sheets. Amounts of 1, 2, 5, and 10 Bible Bucks Bible Bucks Printable (scroll down to this)

5. Homeworkopoly- Here is a fun game to encourage students to do their homework. In order for a student to play HOMEWORKOPOLY, he or she must complete their homework and hand it in to the teacher on time.

6. Student Folders/Binders- There are many students that would turn in their homework- if they knew where it was. Teach your students that their homework is not finished until it is put away in their folder/binder, AND the homework folder/binder put by the door to bring to class. To cut down on lost papers and to be better organized, give your students folders or binders. Make sure there is a pocket labeled HOMEWORK in the folder/binder where homework is stored.

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