
Monday, September 19, 2022

What To Do When The Curriculum Isn’t Working

You have a curriculum and it doesn’t work with your students, what do you do? Remember, no curriculum is perfect and CCD teachers need to from time to time supplement with activities to help teach their students. Using various resources provides your students with a variety of activities that helps enhance the lesson and allows them to understand more and have a lot of fun in the process.

So what should you do?

First and foremost, what do students like to do in CCD? Here are some tips and suggestions for activities to do in the classroom that are age appropriate.

Second, how is your classroom organized? Organization is key to keep students attentive and to keep discipline problems down to the minimum. Always, always. always have a predictable routine that you follow EVERY week. That way your students will know what to expect and there will be less behavior problems. What is the key to success when teaching CCD?

And lastly, having a well thought out and well planned lesson helps the students learn to their fullest potential and keeps behavior problems down to the minimum. What should you include in your lesson plan? Your lesson should contain a detailed, step-by-step description of how to do the lesson and achieve lesson plan objectives. This includes all the activities the teacher will have the students do. What To Include In Your Lesson Plan (suggestions for activities are also posted).

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