
Monday, July 10, 2023

Gospel for the Mass: 11/5/23- Matthew 23:1-12 (Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees)

*Be sure to check out Gospel for the Mass Year A page right below the header for other days that you need Gospel for the Mass activities.

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Matthew 23:1-12

Activities Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc. Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities. Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families Resources on the Sunday Readings (Matthew) Practice What You Preach object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, quiz, worship bulletin Don't Be a Show Off object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, quiz, worship bulletin “It’s Not About You” Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 23:1-12 Children’s Sermon (Matthew 23:1-12) Humility and Pride Matthew 23:1-12 Primary Lesson Matthew 23:1-12 Intermediate Lesson Matthew 23:1-12 Junior High Lesson The Greatest Person Is the Servant of Others Real Demons (scroll down to Gospel) Titles and Jobs (activity) Jesus Condemns the Scribes and Pharisees Humility Lesson Preschool Sunday School Lesson – Humility Pride vs. Humility: A Bible Lesson For Children I Can Be Humble Today By...
Children need daily reminders to develop character traits. Use an old calendar or print a blank calendar page and write at the top of it "I can be humble today by..." Help children fill in each day of the month with an example of humility. Examples of humility may include helping someone learn something new, holding open a door for someone or saying "thank you" to a janitor. Role Playing
Present children with a series of scenarios where they can choose to be boastful or humble, such as winning a game, getting an A on a test or giving someone a gift. Have children give a boastful response and a humble response to the scenario. For example, a child could pretend to brag about winning the game to demonstrate boastful behavior and say "good game" to the other players to demonstrate humility. Talk about how everyone involved would feel for each scenario to emphasize why choosing to be humble is the better option.

The Catholic Toolbox- What Can Teens Do For Gospel For The Mass Activities? Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources

Coloring Happy are those people who are fair, who do what is right at all times. I want to do what is right. Clipart Humble (scroll down to this) Matthew 23:1-12 (page 65)

Crafts Practice What You Preach group activities (crafts) Don’t Be A Show Off group activities (crafts) Practicing Humility: Bible Crafts from Matthew 23:1-12 Religious Hypocrites (Matthew 23) | Craft 1 Religious Hypocrites (Matthew 23) | Craft 2 Humility “I Will” Statements craft Be Humble Craft (change to Matthew 23:12) Thankful for People Who Provide Valuable Services
There are many people who perform jobs that make your child's life easier. This could be a homeschool teacher, janitor, librarian or someone who organizes a community event. Start by helping your child identify these selfless people. Next, provide materials for your child to create thank you cards to give to these people. Helping your child see how they benefit from others humility, can help them become more humble too.

Games Practice What You Preach group activities (games) Don’t Be A Show Off group activities (games) Religious Hypocrites (Matthew 23) | Games Love Charades Picture Game
Pictures can say more than words for kids. It can also help them to understand humility and pride. In addition to a couple kids, you'll need: Images of people being prideful and humble
Playing the game is easy.
1. Split the kids into two teams.
2. Show an image.
3. The first team to answer with pride or humility wins the point.
4. Go to 10 points.

Balloon Toss Game-

Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees
Matthew 23:1-12

Introduction: Blow up a balloon and tie it off. Hold it up in the air for the students to see. Say: Being prideful is a sin. Prideful is thinking you are more important than others. Do not let your head swell up with pride like this balloon. Sooner of later something will happen and you will fall (let the balloon fall to the floor). Remember what Jesus said, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:12

Directions: Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair of students an inflated balloon that you have blown up and tied off. Have the students try to pat the balloon softly back and forth as many times as they can without it touching the ground. The students continue trying to increase the number of times they pat it back and forth. Younger students can sit on the floor and pat the balloon softly back and forth. Older students can use their heads, knees, feet, etc. instead of their hands to pat the balloon back and forth. Pride Is Sneaky Game

The Catholic Toolbox- Random Acts of Kindness
Children identify Random Acts of Kindness as they move around the board.

The Catholic Toolbox- How Rude!
A fun and exciting way to review what is considered rude behavior in today’s society. The game includes 6 types of interactive game cards: multiple choice, scenario, true/false, reward for good manners, charades, and consequences for bad manners. Players or teams roll the dice and move that many spaces on the board. Whichever color is on the space you land on indicates the color card that will be used. The player to your left will read the card aloud to you and you will try to answer correctly. If you answer your question correctly, you may stay where you are. If you are not correct, everyone says, “How Rude!” and you move back to where you were. The first player or team to get to the “FINISH,” square first is the WINNER!

The Catholic Toolbox- Pride
Land on a space that says PRIDE and identify whether the situation is about pride or being humble. Land on a Peacock picture you tell about a time you were full of pride. Land on a Humble Pie picture you must tell about a time you were humble.

The Catholic Toolbox- Jesus Is Our Savior
Jesus is our rescuer and offers us a lifeline when we’re trapped in sin. How can we solve the problems in our life? Jesus is our savior and if we follow him, he will show us the way.

The Catholic Toolbox- WWJD
Making the right decisions in life is hard to do, but if you let Jesus be your guide and think, “What Would Jesus Do?” it will make it a lot easier.

The Catholic Toolbox- Moral Dilemmas Card Game (scroll down to this)
Why do problems come into our life? People face problems every day. Some are harder than others. There are many choices that the person can have to solve his/her problem, but which one is the best? What would Jesus want us to do? Here is a game that has students try to solve their problems the best way.

The Catholic Toolbox- Good Neighbor Game
Players cruise around the board answering question about how to be a good neighbor. The first player to FINISH with the most Good Deed tokens wins the Good Neighbor Award.

Puzzles/Worksheets Practice What You Preach (Word Search) A Lesson in Humility (Word Search) Word Search A Lesson in Humility (Decoder) Practice What You Preach (Jumble) Practice What You Preach (Crossword) A Lesson in Humility (Crossword) Crossword Practice What You Preach (Multiple Choice) A Lesson in Humility (Multiple Choice) Matthew 23:1-12 Worksheet Matthew 23:1-12 Kid’s Bulletin Boastful or Humble Warnings against Pseudo Piety & Pride – Matthew 23:1-12; Mark 12:38-40; Luke 20:45-47 (scroll down to Fill in the Blank questions at bottom that can easily be made into a worksheet)

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