
A to Z Pre K - K Bible Story Lesson Plans

I plan on posting A to Z Pre K – K Bible story lesson plans that starts with a letter each week. I will be going through the whole alphabet starting with A and ending with Z. Wish me luck!

*Each lesson plan will consist of: Objectives, Word Wall, Bible Story with questions, Songs and/or Finger Plays, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Coloring/Puzzles, Handwriting Sheets, Mini Books, etc.

A- Adam & Eve

B- Baptism of Jesus

C- Creation

D- Daniel and the Lions

E- Elijah and the Ravens

F- Fishers of Men

G- Good Shepherd

H- Holy Spirit

I- Isaac

J- Jesus

K- King Solomon

L- Loaves and Fishes

M- Moses in the Bulrushes

N- Noah’s Ark

O- Offering

P - Plagues

Q- Quail

R- Red Sea

S- Samson

T- Ten Commandments

U- Uzziah

V- Virtues

W- Wedding at Cana

X- Xerxes

Y- Young Ruler

Z- Zacchaeus