U- Uzziah
Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story of Uzziah
- state what they should say when someone does something kind
- name things that they are thankful for
- discuss why it is important to tell Jesus and God “Thank you”
- state what they should say when someone says “Thank you” to them
Review: Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words:
The activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Uzziah Word Wall- Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Read story: “Uzziah” from your own story book.
Then ask questions from below.
What did Uzziah forget to do for God? He forgot to thank God.
Who started to believe that he was the one who was the best? Uzziah
What did Uzziah do instead of thanking God for what God did? Uzziah started bragging about the things he did.
Was God happy with Uzziah? No
What disease did Uzziah suddenly get? Leprosy
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: What should you say when someone does something kind for you? How do you feel when you say “Thank you” to God?
facebook.com- King Uzziah Song by Rhonda Duvall
kididdles.com- Father, We Thank Thee (song)
kididdles.com- Thank You, Lord, For This New Day (song)
dltk-bible.com- Thank For The World So Sweet (song)
Introduce activity: What did Uzziah forget to do for God? He forgot to thank God.
missionarlington.org- Uzziah (scroll down to Preschool Lesson)
missionarlington.org- King Uzziah (scroll down to Preschool Lesson)
Introduce craft: What should you say when someone says “Thank you” to you? God has given us so many things to be thankful for. What are you thankful for?
enchantedlearning.com- Thankful Tree
Make green leaves or fall color leaves for the fall. This also makes a great bulletin board.

Grace Before Meals 3-D Picture- Students make a placemat any way they like using a large piece of construction paper 18 X 12”and other craft supplies. Then glue a napkin, silverware, plate, and a plastic cup on it like a place setting. Students then glue the Grace Before Meals prayer on the plate.
*After my students make their placemats I asked them, “How do we set a table?” We then do it slowly step-by-step making the craft (I have the students glue the prayer on the plate later) so hopefully they can help out at home setting the table.
I then say to my students: Do any of you say “grace” or thank God before you eat your meals? Do any of you have a “standard” grace you say at home? (Give a few examples.) Why do we say grace? Is it important? Why?
Sometimes we can easily forget to thank the Lord for all He has given to us. Uzziah forgot to thank God. A great way to remember to thank God is to always pray to Him to thank Him for the food He gives us to eat each day.
We have lots to be thankful for. Let’s not forget to say thank you to God.
Grace Before Meals
Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Introduce craft? What terrible disease did Uzziah get? Leprosy
missionarlington.org- Make a mask out of paper plates. Color the face with brown spots to represent leprosy.
sermons4kids.com- Thankful Leper crafts
Introduce game: What terrible disease did Uzziah get? Leprosy
missionarlilngton.org- Play Tag
Let someone pretend to be Uzziah. That person will try to put white sticker dots on everyone.
Introduce game: What did Uzziah do instead of thanking God for what God did? Uzziah started bragging about the things he did.
Bring a rope and play tug-of-war. Talk about how the two sides can represent following God’s ways or following our way. Share how pride pulls again God’s way to try to make us do things our way. Share how God’s ways are best and He always wants to help us and give us the best.
Thank you God for - in this game, children sit in a circle and pass the beanbag to each other, whoever is holding the beanbag says "thank you God for ______" and then says something they are thankful for and passes the beanbag to someone else. Encourage children to give everyone a turn with the beanbag and not just pass it back and forth to the friends next to them. Also, when children say something, never criticize what they are thankful for. Preschool aged children often think of things we forget about/take for granted from pets to pillows, to their beds to thank God for.
Introduce game: What letter does Uzziah start with? U
Play Horseshoes- Show the students one of the horseshoes and ask them what letter do they see. Then play Horseshoes.
Introduce game: How do you think God feels when you say “Thank you” to Him?
daniellesplace.com- Play a Musical Chairs Thank You Game (scroll down to this game)

Who Gave Thanks To God: (card game) Are you thankful to God? Here is a fun game about Biblical characters that are thankful to God.
The object of the game is to match more pairs of cards than the opposing player(s). On each turn, the player will turn over two cards (one at a time) and will read them out loud (or someone else can read the cards for them). The player keeps them if they match (the question card is answered correctly by matching it with the proper picture card). The cards are color coded to avoid confusion of which pair of cards match (each matching pair shares the same text box color). If the player successfully match a pair of cards, that player also gets to take another turn. When a player turns over two cards that do not go together, those cards are turned face down again where they were found and it becomes the next player’s turn.
Introduce game: Uzziah became prideful and forgot about God. He thought other things were more important, like himself.

I Love God Above All Things: is played with a deck of cards with pictures of various objects on them. The purpose of this game is see if you can "lose" all of your objects (cards) that you have valued over God.
Introduction: We are to love God above all things. We cannot value money, power, TV, music, video games, homework, friends or other things before our relationship with God. Can you put God first in your life?
Introduce snack: We need to be thankful to God for giving us our basic needs. As in the prayer we just learned, we are thankful for the gifts we are about to receive.
Letter U Snacks-
Upside Down Cake, U Shaped Rice Krispie Treats
Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring.
supercoloring.com- King Uzziah coloring pages (2)
i.pinimg.com- Uzziah, the King With Leprosy
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Give Thanks To The Lord coloring sheets (scroll down to these)
enchantedlearning.com- I am Thankful for . . . (mini book the children make)
scholastic.com- I am Thankful (mini book the children make)
dltk-teach.com- What begins with U? (mini book)
The activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
U Uzziah- handwriting & coloring sheet
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