A- Zacchaeus
Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story of Zacchaeus
- discuss that Jesus loves us no matter what mistakes we have made
- discuss that Jesus and God forgive us and that we must forgive others too
Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words:
The activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Zacchaeus Word Wall- Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Read story: “Zacchaeus” from your Bible story book. Or while you are reading the story do cut outs (Snip-And-Tell Bible Stories by Karyn Henley, page 96 – 97.) as the story unfolds.
Then ask questions from below:
What did Zacchaeus do for a living? He was a tax collector.
Why did everyone not like him? He often took extra money and kept it for himself. He was dishonest.
Why could Zacchaeus not see Jesus? Because he was short.
What did he do so he could see Jesus? Climbed a tree.
Jesus taught Zacchaeus that what he did was wrong and to live in God’s way so what did Zacchaeus do? He gave half of his property to the poor and he would give back four times the amount he stole from others.
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: What did Zacchaeus do for a living? He was a tax collector.
Wee Sing Bible Songs- Zacchaeus
Pray & Play Bible 2 by Group Publishing- Sitting in a Tree (rhyme and finger play)
The children can do the actions while you recite the verse (page 149).
sundayschoolsources.com- Zacchaeus was a Wee Little Man (song)
You can accompany this song with finger play (walking, looking, climbing, little, etc.)
dltk-bible.com- Zacchaeus Song
apcurriculum.com- Zacchaeus (songs) page 78 – 82
Introduce activity: What does it mean when God forgives us?
apcurriculum.com- Zacchaeus (lesson)
dltk-bible.com- Zacchaeus lesson memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc.
missionarlington.org- Zacchaeus (scroll down to Preschool Lessons)
dawsonchurch.org- Jesus Loves Zacchaeus (lesson)
childrensministry.com- All Clear
Object lesson to teach children about how God has forgiven us. (The teacher can also just add the numbers or objects on the chalk board and erase it to show “all clear”.)
christianitycove.com- Preschool Sunday School Zacchaeus lesson with activities
Introduce movie: Does God want us to forgive others?
Movie- Veggie Tales: God Wants Me To Forgive Them?!- The Grapes of Wrath (12 min.) and ask questions:
What did the grapes do to Junior? They made fun of him.
Who does God want us to be kind to? Everyone
When someone says they are sorry and they really mean it, what should you say? I forgive you.
How many times are you supposed to forgive someone? Not 7 times, but seventy times seven (490). In other words, many, many times.
Movie- Veggie Tales: God Wants Me To Forgive Them?!- Larry’s Lagoon (15 min.) and ask questions:
What happened to the boat? Larry smashed it.
How did everyone feel about Larry? They were mad at him.
How doe it feel when someone says they forgive you? It feels good.
It is wrong to not forgive someone when they say they are sorry and they really mean it? Yes.
Introduce craft: What did Zacchaeus do so he could see Jesus?
Zacchaeus in a Tree Craft
catholicicing.com- Bible Craft For The Letter Z- Zacchaeus In A Tree
nsumckids.info- Zacchaeus In A Tree Craft
churchhousecollection.blogspot.com- Zacchaeus and Jesus Toilet Paper Roll Craft for Kids in Sunday school or Children's Church
lambsongs.co.nz- Zacchaeus in a Tree- (scroll down to “Zacchaeus”, Activity 1 or 2)
dltk-holidays.com- tree
web.archive.org- Zacchaeus can be placed in the tree above.
Zacchaeus- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 51 & 52.)
Introduce game: What did Zacchaeus do so he could see Jesus? He climbed a tree.
Zacchaeus, Come Down!- Blow up balloon and tie it off. Remind the students that the people did not want Zacchaeus to be with Jesus and they grumbled. Using masking tape, mark spots on the floor that the student must stand on. Have one student stand on each marker and tell the students that they must stay where they are standing (they cannot move their feet) and they have to keep Zacchaeus (the balloon) from touching the floor. The teacher starts the game by saying, “Zacchaeus, Come Down!” and tosses the balloon up high in the air for the students who must try to keep Zacchaeus from touching the ground using their hands.
The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry by Group Publishing- I Spy (Zacchaeus Sees Jesus)
This lighthearted game engages students with the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. It could be played indoors, outdoors, or while traveling (page 86).
This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.

Zacchaeus, Come Down! (file folder game)- Be the first one to help Zacchaeus down and win the game.
Introduce snack: Jesus wanted to eat lunch with Zacchaeus at his house. Let’s make ourselves a lunch. (Have students make a simple lunch).
Letter Z Snacks-
Zucchini Bread, Zero Shaped Cereal, Zoo Animal Crackers, Zwieback Toast, etc.
Prayers while students are doing coloring and/or puzzles.
sermons4kids.com- Jesus and Zacchaeus (coloring)
apcurriculum.com- Zacchaeus (coloring)
kidssundayschool.com- Zacchaeus (coloring)
lambsongs.co.nz- “Zacchaeus” by Jill Kemp booklet or one page Bible story you can color (scroll down for this)
Zacchaeus (mini book)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 140.
kidsschudayschool.com- Zacchaeus Meets Jesus
Children put pictures of Zacchaeus in the correct order according to the story found in Luke 19:1-10.
dltk-teach.com- What begins with Z? (mini book)
Z is for Zacchaeus (handwriting sheet)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 141.
first-school.ws- Zacchaeus (handwriting)
kidzone.ws.- Hidden Letter Worksheet Letter Z
365 Activities for Kids (do the Zacchaeus in the tree maze on October 23 or find the 10 differences puzzle on October 24).
sermons4kids.com- Zacchaeus (maze)
dltk-bible.com- Zacchaeus (maze)
biblewise.com- Zacchaeus (maze)
Jesus is going to Zacchaeus house. Which path will He take?
dawsonchurch.org- Maze (page 3)
A Man in a Tree (dot to dot)- Dot to Dot Bible Pictures: PK – K by Linda Standke, page 23.
A Tree Climber (trace the dotted lines to finish drawing the man in the tree)- Name That Bible Character by Linda Standke, page 32.
Zacchaeus! Come on Down! (find the hidden picture)- Hidden Pictures Explore Hidden Treasures in God’s Word: PK – K by Linda Standke, page 26.
Zacchaeus (find the difference)- Bible Story Puzzles: PK – K by Linda Standke, page 28.
A Tree Climber (trace the dotted lines to finish drawing the man in the tree) page 114, Zacchaeus (find the difference) page 115, A Man in a Tree (dot-to-dot) page 116, Zacchaeus! Come on Down! (find and circle the hidden picture) page 117- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn! PK-K
Zacchaeus (memory puzzle the children color, cut out, and play.)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 142.
The activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Zacchaeus Find the Difference Puzzle- Look at the pictures in each row. Color the pictures in each row that look the same as the first picture in that row.
Thank you for helping us with letter "Z"!!! :)
God bless,
I hope your children enjoyed letter Z! :)
Thank-you!! We really enjoyed your A to Z Bible story lessons! :)
Jocelyn- You're welcome! If you need anything else, just let me know. :)
You’ll find Grandma’s version of the Zacchaeus song at:
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