Have I been disrespectful to my parents, neglected them, or despised them?
Do I respect my authorities?
Do I talk back or disrespect my parents, teachers, or other authorities?
Am I disobedient?
Do I fail to listen to my parents when they are talking to me?
Do I fail to show my parents love because it does not seem “cool”?
Do I listen to my friends more than my parents?
Do I do my chores when I am asked to?
Do I help with my younger brothers and sisters?
Lesson 19: The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments of God-(The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 1, page 90-99). For younger students.
Lesson 19: The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments of God- (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism, No. 2, page 121-126). For older students.
Honor Your Father and Mother- Stories, crafts, games, prayer, and adventure. (Kids' Travel Guide to the 10 Commandments by Carol Mader, page 56-63).
catholicity.com- Lesson 19 from the Baltimore Catechism (no questions at end of lesson as in the book above)
cin.org- The Baltimore Catechism
scborromeo.org- Catechism of the Catholic Church
Honor Your Father and Mother- Stories, crafts, games, prayer, and adventure. (Kids' Travel Guide to the 10 Commandments by Carol Mader, page 56-63).
godsmostprecious.blogspot.com- Fifth Commandment (Protestant but can be converted to Catholic)
These are printables that were created to use in Sunday School classes. They are intended for children ages 3-6. There is a writing practice sheet, a take home sheet, games, craft / ideas page and coloring pages.
Honor Your Father and Mother Chain- Children will honor their fathers and mothers by creating paper chains describing some of the things their father and mothers have taught them.
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Exodus 20:12 Bible Verse Printables
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Free Father’s Day Printables. Free Father's Day Bible Crafts, Activities, Honor your Father Printables, Games, Copywork, Verse Cards, Minibooks, Gifts for kids to make and more! Great for Homeschool & Sunday School Lessons.
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Free Mother's Day Bible Crafts, Activities, Honor your Mother Printables, Games, Copywork, Coupons, Verse Cards, Minibooks, Gifts for kids to make and more! Great for Homeschool & Sunday School Lessons.
kidsart.com- Top Ten Coupons for Kids to Give to their Parents
allfreeprintables.com- Chore Coupons
mashable.com- Mother’s Day Coupons
sundayschoolzone.com- Honor Your Mother
sundayschoolzone.com- Honor Your Father
sketchite.com- Honor Your Parents coloring pages
churchhousecollection.com- Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother
sundayschoolkids.com- Thank you God for Mom
ministry-to-children.com- God, I am thankful for Mommy
ministry-to-children.com- Dear God, Thank you for my Daddy
ehow.co.uk- Christian Crafts for Honoring Your Parents
sundayschoolcrafts.net- Honor thy Mother Craft (you can make something like it for Honor thy Father)
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Father’s Day Printables
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Mother’s Day Printables
enchantedlearning.com- Mother’s Day Printable Books
Short books for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw.
enchantedlearning.com- Father’s Day Printable Books
Short books for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw.
Mother May I?
Honor Your Parents Game- A simple game for preschool through first grade to have them tell why they love their parents.
Need: 1 sponge
Directions: Cut the sponge into a large heart. Have the students sit in a circle. The teacher turns her back to the students and she says, "Pass, pass, pass." The students then pass the heart to their right around the circle. When the teacher says, "Stop," the child holding the heart has to say a reason why they love their parents.

Back Talk (4th Commandment)- The object of this game is for the children to honor their parent’s requests in the proper way. Print out the three sets of cards. One set is what a parent would say to their child (these cards are in red). Another set is a disrespectful response from a child to the parent. Another set of cards is what the child should say to their parent. Shuffle the cards and deal them completely out. Have the players put their cards face up in from of them so that others can see and read their cards and help them if necessary. By taking turns, have one player start with what a parent would say and read it out loud. After they have read the card, they place it in the middle of the table face up. The rest of the players then check their cards to see if they have one that says what a disrespectful child would say to their parent in response in this situation. If they have the card, they read it out loud and place it face up next to the first card. Then the players look at their cards to see if they have what a child should say to their parent. If they have the card, they read it out loud and place it face up next to the second card. Players can also play in teams so they can help each other answer the questions.

Have the students make up a skit and act it out. It can be about honoring your mother and father or not. They can also do alternative endings to their skit where the students did honor their parents.
Puzzles & Worksheets:
web.archive.org- Look under 10 Commandments for worksheets
These activities are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Honor Your Father and Mother- Word Search
Fourth Commandment- Word Jumble
Honor Your Father and Mother- Crossword
Honor Your Parents (worksheet)- List the top 10 reasons why you love your parents. Then list how you can help them.
enchantedlearning.com- Miscellaneous Father's Day Worksheets to Print (scroll down to this)
enchantedlearning.com- Other Mother's Day Activities (scroll down to these worksheets)
Veggie Tales- Duke and the Great Pie War
Bible Stories:
Parable of the Two Sons/Lost Son, Ruth, Temptation of Jesus
Prodigal Son/I’m Sorry- (Pre K – K) lesson plan with: Objectives, Word Wall, Bible Story with questions, Songs and/or Finger Plays, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Coloring/Puzzles

The Prodigal Son File Folder Game- The objective of the game is to get to the father hugging his lost son.
Temptation of Jesus- lesson plan for 1st grade on up with: Objectives, Review, Vocabulary Words, Bible Story with questions, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Puzzles/Mazes/Worksheets, etc.
Resist the Temptation File Folder Game- The objective of the game is to resist the temptation just like Jesus did.
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