Who has a Catholic blog? Please comment so I can add the link to your Catholic blog. We would love to see it!
southernfriedcatholics.blogspot.com- Faith, Family and Food of a Catholic family in the heat of the lowcountry
hfclassicalacademy.blogspot.com- Holy Family Classical Academy
happymomonlinecom.blogspot.com- I am a homeschooling mom who writes mainly about the day to day life of being a Catholic, pro-life, pro-marriage mother and wife.
catholicmumma.net- My blog is the musings of a Catholic Mumma.... :)
thatresourciste.com and thatresourcsite.blogspot.com- We have a catholic blog that offers fun free printable learning resources for catechists, homeschoolers, and other educators.
catequesekids.blogspot.com- I have a catholic blog but It´s in Portuguese, because I'm Brazilian. If you don't mind to visit me, there is a translator in the page!
momn3boys.blogspot.com- My blog is "Musings of a Catholic Mom”
thewholetroubleis.blogspot.com- For the Eastern Catholic variety :-)
dairy-of-a-sower.blogspot.com- I like to share hands-on ideas for teaching the faith to our kids (either at home or in a catechism class). I'm a trained catechist (Level I & II) for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, so I try to share some of the ideas I learned in CGS plus mix in some of my inspirations.
EquippingCatholicFamiles.com- We offer Catholic teaching tools and gifts, celebrating the Sacraments, Seasons and Feast Days with activities and crafts. Check out our books, craft kits, and cards!
IblogJesus.com- Talking to Jesus on his turf from the heart with both ears and the Holy Spirit.
ArmaDei.com- Our Catholic Family apostolate
familiacatolica-org.blogspot.com- My greatest wish is that this blog will help you find practical ideas to help you celebrate with your families our Catholic faith, following the major feasts of the liturgical calendar. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
catequesisguadalupana.blogpsot.com- Is a blogger who is starting with the collaboration of some friends who we hope will be helpful for the formation of the children in catechesis. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
educacionreligiosaperu.blogspot.com- Created to share teaching experiences with teachers of religious education.
granolacatholic.blogspot.com- Blogging about Faith, Food, Family, and all things Green
siguiendoachesterton.blogspot.com- I am dedicated to spreading the thought of GK Chesterton, defender of the Catholic faith. Try to focus on the situation that exists in Spain, especially aimed at the Catholic and the current crisis. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
laschicasdelibiza2decadasmastarde.blogspot.com- Personal blog, where it has experience of everyday life in relationship with God, with family and friends. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
pequesypecas.blogspot.com- Religious Education Blog: For kids in the house who want to know Jesus in a fun, learning things from him in relation to us. This blog is also for parents and catechists who can serve as a reference. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
lucyysublog.blogspot.com- My daughter Lucia is eight years old and also has her own blog. I try to create a constancy and responsibility for it at the time of sharing and blogging is a great way to share experiences and his link is Jesus Christ. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
homeschoolingcatolico.blogspot.com- I'm Silvia del Valle. I am a homeschooling mom and my blog is about Catholic homeschooling. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
clubcatolichavos.blogspot.com- Special children who like to study at home. Resources and materials to support your work. And with games that you'll love with which you can strengthen and reinforce your knowledge. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
unavidaenconstruccion.spruz.com- I have a Catholic social network where you can make friends, share photos, videos, comments, etc. We also have an agenda of activities for the day about our faith and ministries. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
mariauxivi.blogspot.com- My blog is about the presence and action of God in my life. Eventually I put the activities I use in the School of Religious Education classes with my students in preschool and Primary Grade 4. The blog is in Spanish. (Use Google Translate if needed.)
benotafraidnancy.blogspot.com- I am a Catholic Mommy Blogger
faithloveandjoy.wordpress.com- Catholic Mom raising her girls with faith, love, and joy.
profesoradoreligion.blogspot.com- Blog which contains all the news concerning the area of religion and its faculty, teaching and pastoral resources, relevant news of the ecclesiastical world, ICT resources, etc. . (Use Google Translate if needed.)
hapylittlehomemaker.com- Life in general, heavy on homeschool, books and homemaking.
thecatholiccouponer.com- I blog about couponing and my Catholic faith.
rosarymom.blogspot.com- Rosary Mom
I blog about my faith, family and what's happening in the world coming from a Catholic perspective.
lostlambs.net- Married and father of 4 children. Just started back up blogging after being gone for awhile.
empowernetwork.com- My wife and I have 8 children and I like to write about arguments I have with people about Catholic culture which is so juxtaposed to the prevalent culture in the USA.
canadiancatechist.com- I am trying to provide a blog site that is less geared towards another opinion, and more focused on what The Catholic Church truly teaches. I will provide short, but thorough catechesis on all subjects Catholic, starting with The Apostles Creed. Working through all twelve articles in a systematic, ordered way. All material is available for reprint, to be copied, forwarded or used in anyway to help advance The Truth of The Church, please just give a mention if doing so. I welcome questions and comments also.
I am a homeschooling mom who writes mainly about the day to day life of being a Catholic, pro-life, pro-marriage mother and wife.
great idea! is this your creation?
My blog is the musings of a Catholic Mumma.... :)
Hi Grace,
Please add us to your list! :)
We have a catholic blog that offers fun free printable learning resources for catechists, homeschoolers, and other educators. Find us at www.thatresourcesite.blogspot.com
Hi Grace! There is so much time that I'm following you and read everything that you post here...
I have a catholic blog but It´s in portuguese, because I'm brazilian...
If you dont't mind to visite me, there is a translator in the page!
The link is: http://catequesekids.blogspot.com
I'm looking forward for your visite!
Thank You!Blessings...
Thanks for the opportunity! My blog is "Musings of a Catholic Mom."
I'd love for you to pop in for a visit! :)
http://www.thewholetroubleis.blogspot.com/ For the Eastern Catholic variety :-)
Love The Catholic Toolbox -- you have so many great resources for homeschoolers and catechists!
My blog is called Diary of a Sower. In it, I like to share hands-on ideas for teaching the faith to our kids (either at home or in a catechism class). I'm a trained catechist (Level I & II) for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, so I try to share some of the ideas I learned in CGS plus mix in some of my inspirations.
Please visit sometime!
I have www.EquippingCatholicFamilies.com and www.IblogJesus.com and our Catholic Family apostolate is www.ArmaDei.com
Thanks Grace, for sharing!!
Great idea!! I would love to help spread the word at Familia Catolica!! With translators, we can
know blogs all over the world!
Hola Grace esta es una gran iniciativa en America del Norte ya que la red no tiene limites.
mi blog es para las clases de catesismo y en la escuela con clases de religion espero les agrade y les sirva mil bendiciones
Saludos y bendiciones desde Perú, aquí les dejo mi blog: http://www.educacionreligiosaperu.blogspot.com/, creado para compartir experiencias pedagógicas con profesores de educación religiosa.
I blog about Food, Faith and Family at Granola Catholic.
Buenos días, mi blog es "Siguiendo a Chesterton"
Me dedico a la difusión del pensamiento de G.K.Chesterton, defensor de la fe católica. Trato de centrarme en la situación que se vive en España, sobre todo orientado a los ambientes católicos y la crisis actual.
Me llamo Sacramento, soy madre de familia. Tengo un blog desde febrero:
Este es el enlace aunque se llama: AHORA QUEDAMOS EN EL BLOG.
También he abierto hace poco uno diriguido a los más pequeños de la casa:
En él incluyo todo aquello que le gusta a mis propios hijos he intento ir catequizando a un mismo tiempo.
Mi hija Lucia de ocho años también tiene su propio blog. Intento crear una constancia y responsabilidad en ella a la hora de compartir y el blog es una buena manera de compartir experiencias y a jesucristo su enlace es:
Agradesco a Xhonane de Familia catolica que me ha indicado este blog.
Mi hija Lucía
Let me see, I'm Silvia del Valle. I am a homeschooling mom and my blog is www.homeschoolingcatolico.blogspot.com also a blog for may kids, the blog is clubcatolichavos.blogspot.com and my website is www.homeschoolingcatolico.org
All the blogs and web are in Spanish because I'm mexican.
On the website we have a community of families that make homeschooling Catholic in Spanish.
I'm looking forward for your visite!
Thank You!Blessings...
Yo soy Silvia del Valle, soy mamá homeschooler y tengo un blog que es http://homeschoolingcatolico.blogspot.com/
y tengo otro para mis hijos, es un club que se llama Catolichavos http://clubcatolichavos.blogspot.com/
También tengo una página web en donde hacemos una comunidad de familias que hacen homeschooling católico en español, la página es http://www.homeschoolingcatolico.org/
Vemos es un excelente medio de evangelización y de edificación mutua ya que ahí compartimos nuestras experiencias y ponemos en común nuestros materiales y formas de trabajo.
Espero que pronto puedan visitarlas y si les interesa formen parte de esta linda comunidad que va creciendo cada día más, para gloria de Dios.
Que Dios los bendiga!!!
tengo una red social catolica en donde se pueden hacer amistades, compartir fotos, videos, comentarios, tambien contamos con una AGENDA con actividades para el dia sobre nuestra fe y ministerios virtuales. Participa con nosotros visita www.unavidaenconstruccion.spruz.com
What a beautiful opportunity to share. My blog is about the presence and action of God in my life. Eventually I put the activities I use in the School of Religious Education classes with my students in preschool and Primary Grade 4. The blog is in Spanish
This is wonderful!!! Are you listing the blogs somewhere? How are you promoting them?
I am a Catholic Mommy Blogger...although posting mostly about Hurricane Irene this week.
With hurricane Irene at my doorstep I haven't decided how I will list the blogs. I do have the post topic as Catholic Blogs.
I haven't moved all my post over it's a long process but it will hopefully be done this week.
Faith Love and Joy http://faithloveandjoy.wordpress.com/
I hope everything is going well for you Amazing Grace, you are in my prayers!!
Just one last thought, it would benefit all the blogs that have replied to your post, to include their URL's in your post... that will count as a link to them, and will help their ranking in search engines, which won't happen if you leave them as a comment.
Keep up the good work!!
El Blog del Profesorado de Religión:
Blog que recoge toda la actualidad referente al área de Religión y su profesorado, recursos didácticos y pastorales, noticias relevantes del mundo eclesial, recursos TIC, etc.
Administro un gran proyecto que mantiene un portal, redes sociales, blogs, ciberteca, etc. católicos.
Nice day.
Mine is Happy Little Homemaker (http://www.happylittlehomemaker.com).
Life in general, heavy on homeschool, books and homemaking.
Please add me. My blog is Http://www.thecatholiccouponer.com I blog about couponing and my catholic faith :)
I blog about my faith, family and what's happening in the world coming from a Catholic perspective.
Thank you for all of your resources that you so generously leave for all of us. I'm teaching first grade religious education as well and I'm happy to have found your blog!
Please post what you do with your first grade CCD class! We would love to see what you do. :)
My Name is Christopher
I am 27 and Father of 4 Married to my wonderful wife.
I use to blog quite a bit - lost my way - shut it down and I have started up again since I have reverted (yet again)
Anyway my blog is at http://www.lostlambs.net
God Bless
I just started my Catholic blog. www.empowernetwork.com/mdwoodbury/
My wife and I have 8 children and I like to write about arguments I have with people about Catholic culture which is so juxtaposed to the prevalent culture in the USA.
Please give us a read.
Matthew Woodbury
Hello my brothers and sisters,
I have recently started to author a blog called www.canadiancatechist.com . I am a Marian Catechist in formation, and part of my formation process involves an active participation in catechetical instruction. I am in my second year of advanced catechetics through the Marian Catechist Apostolate in Lacrosse Wisconsin. Our founder is Servant of God Father John Hardon, and our current Director is His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. I am trying to provide a blog site that is less geared towards another opinion, and more focussed on what The Catholic Church truly teaches. I will provide short, but thorough catechesis on all subjects Catholic, starting with The Apostles Creed. Working through all twelve articles in a systematic, ordered way. All material is available for reprint, to be copied, forwarded or used in anyway to help advance The Truth of The Church, please just give a mention if doing so. I welcome questions and comments also. Also part of my Catechetical activities are facilitating Holy Scripture study on Saturday nights at our families local Parish in Ontario Canada. So, it is not all Doctrine, I also study Holy Scripture. I believe it is essential today for Catholics to be very familiar with The Holy Bible as well as the timeless teachings of The Church. Last of all, my name is Lee Bastings, and all I hope for is the salvation of souls and conversion of sinners, myself included. May Jesus and His Holy Immaculate Mother, Bless us all.
in JMJ,
ps please pray for Our Holy Father Pope Francis and Priests everywhere
please subscribe to rss feed also
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