So how crafty are you?
What is your favorite religious craft you make for the Bible story “Jesus in the Temple?
Here is a craft I make with my students using a laundry detergent cap:
Introduce craft: When Jesus was a little boy, where did he get his toys? (They made them.) We are going to make us a toy to play with.
Make a hole near the top of the rim using a drill prior to class. Cut twine to about 2 feet long. Have students tie one end of the twine to the lid through the hole you just drilled. On the other end of the twine tie a large bead to it (2 beads if they are small).
To play- Hold the cup letting the string hang down. Swing the bead up and try to catch it inside the cup. For competitive play, whoever gets the most catches out of 10 or 20 tries wins.
Please comment so I can add the link to your blog to this post. We would love to see what you do!
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