(This lesson is in accordance with the new Roman Missal that is to be implemented on November 27, 2011.)
*Be sure to adjust this lesson to fit the needs of your students.
(Please take in consideration that I am just a Mom and I'm providing these lessons and activities to the best of my abilities. I will try to make them as accurate as possible, but I know I will make a few mistakes and it was not intentional.)
The Catholic Toolbox- Church Building Crafts
The Catholic Toolbox- People at Mass Crafts
catholicicing.com- Craft a Mass Kit
These activities can be reviewed several times during the year to help students remember and comprehend all the people and liturgical objects at Mass.
There are many people working together to celebrate Mass. We combine many voices and talents to make each Mass special. We have all seen men, women and some children help during Mass. These are usually people who have volunteered to read the readings, psalms, and help with other parts of the Mass on a more or less regular basis. At many parishes, these volunteers take turns, rotating during the course of a week or month so everyone has a chance.
Who are these people? What do we call them? What are their job responsibilities?
These activities below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
People at Church Cards- Show each card to the students and have them identify the person(s) and what they do. (Altar Servers, Cantor, Choir, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeter/Usher, Lector, Musicians, Priest). They can also play Memory or Go Fish with these cards.
Who am I? (card game)- Children can play Memory or Go Fish with the cards by matching the pictures of people from church with the correct name.

Who am I? File Folder Game- Identify the person at church by their job description.
Place your markers on START. The player rolls a die and follows the directions. If you land on a space with a person’s job description (even if you were told to go back) you read it out loud and you must say who that person is. If you are correct you stay where you are. If you are not correct you go back two spaces and read that job description and say who that person is. If you are correct you stay where you are. If you are not correct you go back two spaces, etc. The first person to move around the board and land on FINISH wins.
People at Mass- Match the words in the first column to the best available answer in the second column. (Say a word from the first column and then give your child two choices to pick from in the second column).
Liturgical Objects Used at Mass
There are also several items use using during Mass. We used certain items during Mass to remind us of the holiness of the celebration. Can you name some of them? What do we do with these?
Treasure Hunt- Take the students on a tour of the church and point out and discuss items found there. Divide the students into small groups. Give each group a clipboard with a list of objects. The students have to locate each item and write down where it is located in the church.
sarajcreations.com- Catholic Mass Items Scavenger Hunt
thecatholickid.com- My Catholic Church Scavenger Hunt
These activities below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these games are not my own and are from various internet sources.

Liturgical Objects Used in Mass Cards- Show Liturgical Objects Used as Mass cards to the students and have them identify the object. *Children can play Memory or Go Fish with the cards (make 2 copies) by matching the pictures of liturgical objects.
What am I?- Have your class work together to make riddles for objects used in Mass. Then have the students take turns reading their riddles to the class. Or you can play this game using the riddles provided.

Liturgical Bingo- Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about Liturgical items used at Mass.

Picture Liturgical Bingo- Students play Liturgical Bingo, but with pictures.
Mass: Participants and Liturgical Objects Used in Mass- The ultimate objective is to move all of your game pieces off of the board before your opponent does and to have the largest number of game pieces remaining in your possession. This game can be played individually or in teams.
Items Used at Mass- Word Scramble
Easy Liturgical Quiz- Read each question and circle the correct answer.
Liturgical Quiz (hard)- Fill in the missing blanks with the correct word. Word bank provided.
catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com- A Tour of the Church Student Worksheet
waupun.k12.wi.us- Inside a Roman Catholic Church
Liturgical Chart- Fill out the definitions of each object. Cut out the picture and put in the correct box.
Liturgical Objects in Church (6 objects)- Write the name of the object in the blank. (Ideas for younger students are given).
Do You Know What These Are? (9 objects)- Match the answer with the correct picture.
Liturgical Objects in Church (12 objects)- Do you know what these are? (Ideas for younger students are given).
Liturgical Objects in Church (12 objects)- More Objects Used at Mass. Write what the object is in the space provided. For younger students you can use a word bank on the board.
Objects Used in Mass Handwriting Worksheet #1- chalice, ciborium, altar, stoup, pew
Objects Used in Mass Handwriting Worksheet #2- cruets, tabernacle, Body of Christ, Blood of Christ
Objects Used in Mass Manuscript Handwriting Worksheet- Body of Christ, Blood of Christ, tabernacle, bells
Objects Used in Mass Handwriting Worksheet- Book of the Gospels, ambo, lectern, Lectionary
Liturgical Objects Used at Mass- Directions: Write the correct number of the object in the blank. For younger students: Teacher will write on the board a word from the list. The teacher will then read the word and definition to the students and they will answer out loud during class the correct number. Have students write down the correct number beside the word.
This is such fabulous stuff! Lydia has been learning about the mass and I'll be using all of this in the near future! Thanks so much for everything! :-)
This is awesome! I was looking for a plan for our young youth ministry this year at church and wanted to focus on the new missal.
If I come up with additional ideas I will share them too!
Thanks Megan! I can't wait to see what ideas you come up with! :)
Thank you so much for these terrific resources! I look forward to using them in my classroom!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this! I just found it after days of searching for something to use this year (first grade homeschool)in focusing on what goes on during Mass and encouraging more participation. This looks great! We will use this to make sure my son knows what he has learned and as reinforcement. Can I ask exactly how you went about teaching this information? For instance, my son *might* know "altar server" and "priest", but he's not going to know "cantor" or "choir" (I don't think so anyway). Did you simply give the names and then begin doing the activities? I want to make sure he can answer correctly from the start... but I'm not sure how to go about introducing the information to him... Montessori 3-part cards (matching up picture and label to a card that has both) come to mind, but he is past the stage where he enjoys that sort of thing. He will be 7 very soon. Any suggestions? Thank you!!
Nicole- I will post what I teach my first graders starting August 16 here on my blog for each Sunday that we meet. http://catholicblogger1.blogspot.com/p/my-classroom.html
*Your son might do better with pictures from your own church of the people and liturgical objects at Mass.
After he knows the people and liturgical objects at Mass pretty well, play some of the games that I posted.
CCD starts August 25th for us. When do you plan to start teaching your son?
I start with only a few liturgical objects used at Mass, then add a few more as they become familiar with them. I start with pew, stoup, and altar and slowly add more each week. I always review with them what we have learned so far each Sunday and by Lent they usually know all the cards. :)
Be sure to take a tour of your church with your son. Make it like a treasure hunt and have a list of the liturgical items you want him to find. As you go on your tour, have him mark the things you see on the way. This works especially well with a clipboard and pencil.
Thank you - I love the idea of making a tour into a treasure hunt. We won't begin until September, so I will definitely keep an eye on your posts. All of your lesson plans are exactly what I am looking for... so excited to incorporate them into our religion lessons! Thanks again!
Nichole- I'm looking forward to CCD to begin. It will be my 16th year teaching first grade CCD at our parish.
I hope you like what we do in class and can use some of the activities. If you need anything, just let me know. I'll try to find it or make it. :)
These are wonderful! Is it ok if I print some of these out to use with my Faith Formation students? We would work on them in class, as well as take them home to work with their families.
Jen- Oh, yes! I hope they are useful for the classroom and at home. :)
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