So how crafty are you?
What is your favorite religious craft you make for The Last Supper?
Here is a craft I make with my students using a plastic wine glass:
Introduce craft: During the Last Supper, Jesus said this to his disciples, “Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my blood.” What do we drink the Blood of Christ out of? (A chalice.) Corpus Christi Mosaic Craft
Plastic wine glasses
Tissue paper cut in 1 inch squares
Modge Podge (I put ½ water and ½ Modge Podge in a plastic bowl)
Sponge brush
Paint on the Modge Podge and place the tissue paper in a mosaic pattern. After it dries, paint on a coat of the Modge Podge to seal it.
*You can also decorate the chalices with rhinestones using a hot glue gun.
Please comment so I can add the link to your blog to this post. We would love to see what you do! Precious Blood of Christ Coloring Pages Craft to pray the Prayer of Reparation to the Precious Blood of Christ Family
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I have a couple of post that could be used for Holy Thursday, in case you like them:
Xhonane Olivas- I'll be sure to add these! Thank you! :)
That turned out so pretty! Is working with modge podge troublesome with 6 year olds? Wondering about the mess factor?
Come and stop by my blog if you're interested in entering a giveaway from Jennifer of Crafolic. She's offering her new game called Journey's End.
Noreen- I have done this craft with my first graders for about 8 years. I put newspapers on the table and put small bowls with the Modge Podge and water on the table. I cut out the tissue paper before class and put them in small bowls on the table. During class I show the students how to dip their sponge brush into the liquid, scrape the side of the bowl to get the access off, and paint some of their chalice. I then put a piece of the tissue paper where I painted the Modge Podge/water. The students do very well with the craft and we always wash our hands afterwards. When the chalices have dried I coat it with the Modge Podge/water to seal it.
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