newadvent.org- Way of the Cross
catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com- Stations of the Cross Resources
catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com- Teaching the Stations of the Cross
catholickidsbulletin.com- Seven Ways to Teach the Stations of the Cross: A Lent Devotion to Pray About Jesus’ Passion and Death
catholic.org- Opening Prayer and Stations of the Cross with pictures. Click on First Station of the Cross.
cin.org- Stations of the Cross
hollyemotions.homestead.com- Stations of the Cross with pictures.
4catholiceducators.com- Here are a few suggestions for group activities with your students during the lenten period.
catholicicing.com- Stations of the Cross Montessori Activity for Catholic Kids
threesidedwheel.wordpress.com- Keeping A Holy Lent: Stations of the Cross for Children
catholicicing.com- Station of the Cross Eggs
Each egg has inside of it has one heart, and one symbol for that station. You can use these as an activity for the children to match up the symbols, or you can just use them to go through the Stations of the Cross one at a time.
familyfeastandferia.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children
Color, black and white printables. Full page, pamphlet, landscape, and booklet size available.
ukbookworm.blogspot.com- Stations of the Cross: Three Part Cards
Set of Montessori style three part cards for the Stations of the Cross
loylapress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children
Download the PDF of the Stations of the Cross for Children to help you pray during Lent. Adapted for children by Catherine Odell
saintanneshelper.com- Printable Stations of the Cross Booklet
catechismangel.com- Free Printable Stations of the Cross Guides and Booklets for Children
catholicinspired.com- Stations of the Cross ~ Lift-Flap Notebook Page and Mini Booklet
thereligionteacher.com- Station of the Cross Activities, Worksheets, and Coloring Pages
catechist.com- Shadow-Style Stations of the Cross
smp.org- Stations of the Cross by Students: New Light on an Old Tradition (Activity)
A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place, undertaken for a spiritual purpose. A pilgrimage in our modern age could take many forms. For the season of Lent last year, I invited my junior ethics classes to make a pilgrimage by way of a traditional Catholic devotion--the stations of the cross. But I wanted them to experience the stations in a way that was their own. I invited them to become pilgrims, to journey to the sacred place of the world itself, with its hopes and anxieties, its pain and its need for reconciliation and healing. I hoped that the students' own pilgrimage into the world's concerns would help them grow in solidarity with that world. All the while, I wanted them to see that to journey into the concerns of the world is to walk with Jesus on the road to Calvary.
loyolapress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children
Black and white printables. Full page, pamphlet, landscape, and booklet size available.
sacredhearthouston.org- Stations of the Cross
Make a picture strip. Cut on the solid lines. Paste the two pieces together. Read your Stations of the Cross. (Grade 3)
reallifeathome.com- Printable Stations of the Cross for Children (Booklet and Reflections) to color
catholicplayground.com- Stations of the Cross Booklet
joyfulcatholicfamilies.com- Stations of the Cross Booklet (students can color)
teacherspayteachers.com- Free Stations of the Cross Booklet for Children by Charlotte's Clips
familyfeastandferia.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross for Children (in color and black and white)
reallifeathome.com- Illustrated Stations of the Cross List for Kids (and Adults) single page in color and black and white
thecatholickid.com- Stations of the Cross Coloring Pages
drawn2bcreative.com- Stations of the Cross Coloring Pages
catholicplayground.com- Stations of the Cross Coloring Pages
reallifeathome.com- Stations of the Cross Coloring Pages (15 Stations in English and Spanish)
thecatholickid.com- Stations of the Cross – The Way of the Cross – Via Dolorosa
hellofaithsteps.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross Story Wheel
reallifeathome.com- Draw and Write Stations of the Cross Activity
web.archive.org- Station Shrines
Make these shrines and put your Stations of the Cross pictures in them.
thetuckerbunch.typepad.com- 14 Stations of the Cross craft
familiacatolica-org.blogspot.com- Stations of the Cross made with wooden sticks, craft for older children. Pictures of the Stations of the Cross to put inside each station provided.
*Blog is in Spanish. Go to Google Translate and cut and paste blog url to change to English.
paperdali.blogspot.com- Portable Stations of the Cross
cherishedheartsathome.blogspot.com- Stations of the Cross Box
ponderedinmyheart.typepad.com- Stations of the Cross Grottos
thegreatestfigtsofgod.blogspot.com- Stations of the Cross Box
threesidedwheel.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross Montessori Box
familiacatolica-org.blogspot.com- Stations of the Cross with Ribbons
*Blog is in Spanish. Click to translate.
lbrummer68739.net- My Way of the Cross Circle
catholicicing.com- Printable Stations Of The Cross Eggs For Kids
looktohimandberadiant.com- Using the Stations of the Cross as Inspiration for Lenten Acts of Charity
looktohimandberadiant.com- Sunset & Shadow Stations of the Cross Art Project
catholicmom.com- 3 Ways to Craft the Stations of the Cross
talesfromthesideofthetub.com- A Lenten Craft: The Stations of the Cross for the Home
faithandfabricdesign.com- Stations of the Cross Magnets
wheregraceflows.wordpress.com- Stations of the Cross Craft
hellofaithsteps.wordpress.com- Stations Of The Cross Wheel
thecatholickid.com- Stations of The Cross Wheel Craft Project
notsoformulaic.com- Stations of the Cross Paper Bag Book
drawn2bcreative.com- Station of the Cross 3D Printable Grottos
equippingcatholicfamilies.com- Easy as Abacus: Stations of the Cross
defiantlydomestic.com- Stations of the Cross Mat
catholicicing.com- Printable Stations Of The Cross Craft For Kids
sparklesandsprinkles.blog- Station of the Cross Blocks
sarajcreations.com- Stations of the Cross Matching Cards Freebie
catholicicing.com- Stations of the Cross Montessori Activity for Catholic Kids (Matching)
twinkl.com- Stations of the Cross Board Game
stjohnfisher-wigston.leics.sch.uk- Stations of the Cross Board Game
matchthememory.com- Stations of the Cross Match the Memory (online game)
thecatholickid.com- Stations of the Cross – The Way of the Cross – Via Dolorosa
Use this coloring page to make your own game using your own questions written on index cards. You can even have the students make the question cards. You can also use the questions from the Stations of the Cross Bingo or the Stations of the Cross File Folder Game that are below. The players take turns answering questions correctly to move from space to space. The first player to Station 14 and answers the question correctly is the winner.
The following games are free, however they are only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on all activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Stations of the Cross Bingo- Students play regular bingo, but they answer questions about the Stations of the Cross. The teacher asks one student at a time a question about the Stations of the Cross. The student answers the question and the class looks for the word on their bingo card. The first student who gets three in a row (up, down, across, or diagonal) on their bingo card first, wins.
Stations of the Cross File Folder Game- The objective of the game is to go through all 14 Stations of the Cross by answering questions about each station.
Puzzles & Worksheets:
drawn2bcreative.com- Station of the Cross Worksheets (Maze and Matching)
wordsearchfun.com- Word Search
wordmint.com- Word Search #1
wordmint.com- Word Search #2
twinkl.com- Word Search
liveworksheets.com- Word Search (scroll down for this)
whenwewordsearch.com- Word Search
reallifeathome.com- Stations of the Cross Word Search Free Printable
thereligionteacher.com- Word Search & Worksheets
web.archive.org- Find the Lenten Message (Use the word list at the bottom of the page to fill in the blanks in the sentences. Use the number under some of the letters to find the Lenten message & Stations of the Cross Crossword that is below.
catechismangel.com- Stations of the Cross Unscramble (scroll down for this)
domestic-church.com- Crossword
wordmint.com- Crossword #1
wordmint.com- Crossword #2
twinkl.com- These Stations of the Cross Worksheets are designed in a read and draw format, so children will be asked to represent each Station of the Cross with a picture.
reallifeathome.com- Draw and Write Stations of the Cross Activity: Printable Stations of the Cross for Kids
stjohnfisher-wigston.leics.sch.uk- Stations of the Cross Matching Activity
sacredhearthouston.org- Stations of the Cross
Make a picture strip. Cut on the solid lines. Paste the two pieces together. Read your Stations of the Cross. (Grade 3)
teachingheart.net- Fill in the blanks (scroll down to this)
smp.org- The Stations of the Cross
Students read a Scripture passage for an assigned station before creating an enactment and discussing questions
smp.org- Stations of the Cross: New Versions
A handout that encourages students to create new versions of the Stations of the Cross, based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke
Hey, when did you make this one? Nice! I was just asking my teen about Stations the other day. She used to go with my mother-in-law when she was little.
Thank you SO SO MUCH for pulling all these different activities together into one place! It makes my life as a mom so much easier :)
Jen @ enterundermyroof
You're welcome, Jen! :)
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