Saturday, October 31, 2009
Putting events on a timeline gives you a sense of how much time goes by in between each event. It also helps you remember just when those important things happened. It is an easy way for students to understand events in the Bible in the correct order and they can also be a lot of fun to make.
Once you have decided that your students would gain tremendous benefit from seeing the progression of events of the Bible in the form of a timeline, the first obstacle that crops up is, “How do we start?” Some of the questions that arise when constructing a timeline are from not knowing what the date increments should be, how far apart they should be spaced, what format should be used and what exactly should go on it.
How To Make Timelines: Timelines for Homeschool
Lots of types of timelines examples that you can use. Parents and grandparents: A big-picture worldview project with your kids with complete directions and suggestion on how to create the timeline How To Make A Simple Timeline
Biblical Timelines: How To Make A Simple Timeline How do I use a timeline in class? (lesson with activities) Bible Timeline Printables
Everything is posted here for your students to make a Bible Timeline.
Printable Biblical Timelines: Timeline of the Bible to print out Free Printable Bible Timeline A Timeline of Biblical History (from creation to the completion of the New Testament) Free Bible Timeline Printables Bible Charts, Timelines, Posters Complete Biblical Timeline Timeline of the Bible
Available for purchase This 9-page timeline is great for showing preschoolers just how the major events of the Bible unfolded. It makes a great classroom addition, or a take-home project for the family.
This 9-page timeline is great for showing preschoolers just how the major events of the Bible unfolded. It makes a great classroom addition, or a take-home project for the family. Old & New Testament Timelines
Several timelines you can print out. Bible Timelines Online (click on List of Timelines to find a particular timeline)
Contains a series of over 20 free timelines (charts). Even though the typical timeline shows when an event took place these timelines were designed to help in understanding the reasons "Why?" an event happened rather than to show exactly when it happened. Time Lines and Chronology (Prophecy and History) Print and color a Bible timeline
Games: Bible Timeline Card Game
Print and play (2 different versions) Free Printable Bible Timeline Cards (place evens in chronological order)
From Creation to Joseph Cards- Use these cards for Memory, Go Fish, or sequencing. You can also play Bible Timeline Card Game.
Birth of Jesus to Ascension Cards- Play Memory, Go Fish, or Sequencing with these cards. The cards can also help students establish the content and order of the Matthew, Mark and Luke (synoptic) gospels. Example: Take the gospel of Mark since it's the shortest and ask the students to take the cards and put them in the order which Mark mentions them in his book. If you want to play Bible Timeline Card Game, the directions are posted.
Which Came First (file folder game)- When this question is asked, most people think of the chicken or the egg. Here is a game that wants to know which Bible story came first. In this game players are asked which story appeared first in the Bible as they make their way around the board. The first player to FINISH wins. (You can also use this game to review what happened in the correct order of a certain Bible story or several of your own choosing. Just write up questions about key events in the story and play the game.)
Timeline Templates: Timeline Templates) Excel Timeline Template How to Make a Timeline Template With Microsoft Word Make Your Own Timeline Timeline Generator
Horizontal or vertical timelines (only up to 6 or 9 events). Great to review events in a story.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Story Sequencing Activities
Most students have a hard time keeping their thoughts organized when writing. Their sentences tend to run on and paragraphs do not flow well. Students also have a hard time remembering what came first, second, and so on. So what can a parent/teacher do to help? Here are a few activities that might help.
1. Encourage your child/student to use a story map or other graphic organizer to brainstorm ideas for his/her writing.
Graphic Organizers for you to print out: Make graphic organizers by filling out a simple form. The materials are made instantly and can be printed directly from your computer.
2. Use the five-finger method for brainstorming events: Who, what, when, where, why.
3. Help your child/student create a family/classroom newsletter. As chief reporter, he/she might gather news, conduct interviews, give a calendar of events, and include a page of funny jokes or quotations. They can email these out or even post them on a blog for family and friends to read. They can also put them on the church bulletin board or flier.
4. Create story sequencing cards- How to make story sequencing cards with children.
5. Use these story sequencing activities to help organize what happened first, second, etc.
Story Sequencing Activities- Arrange a series of picture cards into the logical order to create the story from beginning to end. This gives the children the chance to demonstrate and reinforce their recollection of the story.
Story Sequencing- This multi-faceted lesson teaches students how to sequence stories. It reinforces the following concepts: first, last, before, after, left, right. This lesson can also focus on carryover of articulation skills to answering questions as well as story telling.
6. To remember the events in Bible stories or in order that they appear in the Bible, students can make it into a song or rhyme.
7. Use Acronyms- If you have a set of things to remember try making up an acronym from the initial letters of the items in the list. One example comes from learning how to shoot a rifle: 'breath, relax, aim, sight, squeeze' becomes BRASS. For another example where order is not important, consider the items ' nuts, apples, bananas, carrots, oranges' which could be re-arranged to 'bananas, apples, carrots, oranges, nuts' and remembered with the acronym BACON.
8. Use Mnemonics- Mnemonics are where the initial letters of a memorable sentence stand for the initial letters of pieces of information in a particular order. Lots of classroom information can be encoded in mnemonics: the order of the planets from the sun with "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
9. Use the Link System- The link or linking or chaining system is used for remembering a list of random thinks in the exact order in which you wish to recall them. The essence of the system is to create a mental picture of the two adjacent items in the list that links them memorably. This is most likely if the picture or image is vivid and unusual and incorporates genuine interaction.
10. Learn a few Bible stories in order. Recite them in your head until you have them down for a few days. Add a few more and recite them in your head again for a few more days. Keep adding more after a few days.
11. Make Story Sequencing Puzzles- You can make these for just a story or to learn Bible stories in order.
Make a long single line puzzle that fits together in only one way out of various colors of cardstock. Make sure the puzzle runs from left to right (hooks together like a train). Write the parts of the story in order on each puzzle piece. Distribute the individual pieces to students and have them sequence the events of the story or put Bible stories in the correct order as they appear in the Bible.
12. After you read a Bible story and do the lesson, have the story written out in short sentences on index cards. Shuffle the cards and read them to the students. Give the cards to the students and have them work together and put the Bible story in order.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Holy Week Memory Game
This game is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on all activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Holy Week Memory Game: Play Memory, Go Fish, or Sequencing with these cards.
Holy Week Memory Game- Print cards out on card stock. Make a few copies of the Action Cards. Cut out cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last. Use only the cards that reflect your student’s abilities. (Directions for Bible Timeline Card Game included.)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Lesson Plan- (Pre K - K): Moses
Moses (you can break this lesson into several to cover all of Moses)
Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story of Moses
- discuss the ten plagues God sent upon Egypt and the Pharaoh
- explain that we need to follow the Ten Commandments
- explain that we need to obey God
Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words: Moses Word Wall Words
Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Read story: “Moses” from your own story book.
Then ask some of the questions from below.
1. Who was put in a basket and floated down the Nile River? (Moses)
2. How many plagues were there because the Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go? (10)
3. Who parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape? (Moses)
4. What did God give Moses that the people must obey? (The Ten Commandments)
5. Where did the Israelites travel for 40 years? (The desert)
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Who was put in a basket and floated down the Nile River?
A Baby’s Adventure (finger play)- Pray & Play Bible 2 by Group Publishing, page 41.
God Watches Over Baby Moses (finger play)- Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 38. Ten Commandments (finger play)
God is Strong (finger play) Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 42.
Hush Little Moses, Baby in the Basket, and Baby Moses (songs)- Pray & Play Bible 2 by Group Publishing, page 39.
God Keeps Baby Moses Safe (song)- Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 38.
God Told Moses (song)- Playful Songs and Bible Stories for Preschoolers by Group Publishing, page 42.
Introduce activities: Who led the Israelites into Egypt? The Story of Moses lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc. Moses
Baby Moses and Ten Commandments activities (Note: 10 Commandment Train is a Protestant version of the 10 Commandments.) Ten Commandment Train with pattern and directions to make a Protestant or Catholic version of the Ten Commandments Early Life of Moses lesson with activities The Call of Moses lesson with activities
Crafts: Moses Crafts Moses Crafts
Baby Moses- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 17 & 18.) Passover Finger Puppets – The Ten Plagues 10 Plagues of Egypt Wheel Moses and the 10 Plagues Story Wheel (scroll down to this) Color Your Own 10 Plagues Wheels
Teaching the story of Moses and the 10 plagues can be a challenge, but this Color Your Own Wheel makes it easy. Children can color the wheels and the different plagues. When it's put together, the wheel gives an easy explanation of each plague and references where in the Bible to find more about the plague. Perfect for Sunday School or as part of your VBS curriculum. Fun to give to adult members to test their knowledge of the plagues. Paper. 9".
Introduce craft: What hopped out of the Nile River and into all the Egyptian houses?
Need: Paper plates, white and red construction paper, crayons, glue
Directions: Pre cut tongue for students out of red construction paper. Have the tongue about one inch wide and twelve inches long. Have students color paper plate green on one side and fold plate in half. (Note: Be sure to have students use old crayons and peel the paper off of crayons and rub the side of the crayon on the paper plate instead of coloring it. This will be a lot faster and easier for the students). Students then cut out two eyes that are pre drawn on white construction paper (round circles that are at least three inches across) and color eyes. Glue on eyes on outside of frog (green side) on the top of the paper plate that is folded in half. Have the eyes halfway on and halfway hanging off the fold near the center. Glue tongue inside the frog’s mouth starting from the center of the fold and out the front of the mouth. Curl tongue with pencil and draw a bug on end of tongue if you wish.
Introduce craft: What did Moses do at the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape from the Egyptians? Moses and the Red Sea Paper Craft
The Parting of the Red Sea- A craft that allows a hands-on experience of parting the Red Sea (Crafts from your favorite Bible Stories by Kathy Ross, pages 22 & 23).
Crossing the Sea- Reenact the crossing of the Red Sea with this easy and fun to do Red Sea model. Even though this is from a preschool craft book, it is appropriate for older children to make. (Preschool Christian Crafts by Linda Standke, page 17 & 18).
Crossing the Red Sea- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 19 & 20.)
Introduce craft: How well do you know the Ten Commandments? Let’s find out. Ten Commandments Tablets (Before students come to class, write the Ten Commandments on the paper bags.)
Introduce game: What was the name of the baby that was put in a basket and sent down the Nile by his mother? Who found Moses?
Who Has Baby Moses?
Need: Small object to be baby Moses (example: clothes pin)
Directions: The children sit in a circle close together. The child who is “It” stands away from the circle and hides their eyes while baby Moses is passed around. When “It” says "STOP!", the child holding baby Moses hides it (under their leg, up their sleeve, etc.). The child who is “It” guesses who has baby Moses. The child who had baby Moses is now “It”.
Introduce game: Who led the people out of Egypt? Can you follow Moses? Let’s find out.
Follow Moses
Need: A large walking stick
Directions: Someone is the Leader (Moses) and carries a stick for his staff. Students follow Moses and do what Moses does. (Like Follow the Leader).
Moses Crossing the Red Sea Game- A fun and simple board game for younger children reviewing the story of Moses from his birth to parting the Red Sea. (Super Bible Game Book by Linda Standke, page 60 & 61 for game board and page 55 for directions).
Crossing the Red Sea
Materials: Bed Sheet
Directions: Two adults hold the four corners of the sheet as it rests on the floor in front of the children. The children line up single file at one side of the sheet. The first child in line will play the part of Moses and stretch out his hand. Once the first child in line has stretched out his hand, the adults will quickly raise the sheet high above their heads. As the sheet parachutes above them, the children will run under the sheet to the other side. If children are under the sheet when it comes down, they are out of the game. Have children take turns being the first one in line and playing the part of Moses.
These games below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.
Introduce game: What was the name of the baby that was put in a basket and sent down the Nile by his mother? Who found Moses?
Moses in the Bulrushes (file folder game)- The players spin the spinner and follow the directions. If the player spins “Leader’s Spot”, they get to move their marker to where the leader is and share that spot. The first player to the princess wins.
Introduce game: How many plagues happened when the Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go?
Plagues Cards- Cards for Memory, Go Fish and Sequencing. Print out 2 copies, cut out, laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last. (All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this game are not my own and are from various internet sources.)
Introduce game: What hopped out of the Nile River and into all the Egyptian houses?
Leaping Frogs (file folder game)- The object of the game is for the player (the frog) to get to the Pharaoh’s Palace first. The players roll a die and follow the directions on the space they landed on. If the player lands on a space that is already occupied by another, BUMP that player back to the START space. The first frog to the Pharaoh’s Palace wins.
Introduce game: What happened when the pharaoh would not let the Israelites go?
Scrambled Plagues (Moses Pleads With Pharaoh)- This game will help your students discover or review the plagues God used to convince Pharaoh to let his people go. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry by Group Publishing, page 33 & 34).
Introduce game: What was the seventh plague? (Give students hints if needed).
The seventh was a fearful hailstorm. "The hail destroyed through all the land of Egypt all things that were in the field, both man and beast: and the hail smote every herb of the field, and it broke every tree of the country. Only in the land of Gessen, where the children of Israel were, the hail fell not."
Hail Relay
Divide the class into teams and line them up in a single line. Set up the following items so that each group has its own supplies: one bowl with ice cubes and one large stirring spoon a few feet in front of the team. At the other end of the room have an empty bowl. Say: I want you to work as a team to move the hail from one bowl into the other. Point to each appropriate bowl as you speak. Each of you will go and scoop out one piece of hail with the spoon and put it into the empty bowl across the room. Then you will go to back to your team, hand off the spoon to the next person, go to the end of the line and sit down. When everyone has put a piece of hail into the bowl, everyone in your group should be sitting in a single line. (Demonstrate what you want the children to do). The first team that is finished, wins.
Introduce game: What mountain did Moses climb?
Climb Mount Sinai (file folder game)- Be the first to climb Mount Sinai and win!
Introduce game: What did God give Moses that the people must obey? (The Ten Commandments)
Ten Commandments Memory Game (Catholic)
Directions: Cards are laid out in a grid face down, and players take turns flipping pairs of cards over. On each turn, the player will first turn one card over, then a second. If the two cards match, the player scores one point, the two cards are removed from the game, and the player gets another turn. If they do not match, the cards are turned back over.
The object is to match more pairs of cards than the opposing player. (One point is scored for each matched pair, and the player with the highest score after all cards have been matched wins.) When cards are turned over, it is important to remember where they are for when the matching card is turned up later in the game.
Ten Commandments Memory Game Cards- Print two copies of each page on card stock. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last. (All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this game are not my own and are from various internet sources.)
Introduce snack: At Mount Sinai what did God give Moses that the people must always keep? The Ten Commandments. ‘O’bey Donuts
Tell the children that we must obey God's Commandments and God's rules. The donut represents the letter "O" in obey.
Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring. Egyptian Plagues Coloring Pages Moses Coloring Pages Moses Coloring Pages Several Moses activities by Jill Kemp (booklet or one page Bible story you can color (scroll down for this) Moses Themed Tracer Pages
Free printable templates that children can color in while learning to print and spell simple words.
A Princess Rescues A Baby (maze)- Big Puzzles for Little Hands by Carla Williams, page 24. The Hidden Baby (letters dot-to-dot), Walking On Dry Land (dot-to-dot), The Ten Commandments (dot-to-dot), Draw Me A Riddle (dot-to-dot). Scroll down for these.
Barefoot Moses (find the hidden picture)- Hidden Pictures Explore Hidden Treasures in God’s Word: PK – K by Linda Standke, page 7. (Click on Sample and go to page 7.)
Baby Moses (color and cut apart puzzle) page 28, The Hidden Baby (letters dot-to-dot ) page 29, A Sweet Sister (find the hidden picture) page 30, Barefoot Moses (find the hidden picture) page 31, Moses’s Brother (find snake and color picture) page 32, The Parting of the Red Sea (maze) page 33, Moses Crosses the Sea (find the hidden picture) page 34, Walking on Dry Land (dot-to-dot), Moses Climbs a Mountain (find the hidden picture) page 36, The Ten Commandments (dot-to-dot) page 37- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn! PK-K Frog (dot-to-dot) Match the Frogs
Draw a line from the frog on the left to the matching frog on the right. Red Frog, Yellow Frog
Color all the large frogs red. Color all the small frogs yellow. Frog Addition
Monday, October 19, 2009
Lesson Plan- (Pre K - K): Joseph and His Wonderful Coat
Joseph and His Wonderful coat
Objectives: The children will
- retell the story Joseph and His Wonderful Coat
- identify Joseph as one of Jacob’s twelve sons that was given a beautiful coat
- discuss that we should not be envious or jealous of other people’s things and we should be happy with the things we have
- explain that God want us to forgive others when someone does something wrong to us
Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words:
Joseph Word Wall Words- Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Read story: “Joseph and His Wonderful Coat” from the book The Usborne Children's Bible by Heather Amery, page 24 – 28 or use your own story book. Or while you are reading the story “Joseph and His Brothers” (Clip and Tell Bible Stories by Lois Keffer, page 35 - 38) do cut outs as the story unfolds.
Then ask some of the questions from below.
1. Why did Joseph’s brother hate him? They were jealous of him.
2. What did the brothers do to Joseph? They sold him as a slave to some merchants.
3. Where did the King put Joseph for being rude to the Queen? In prison.
4. How did Joseph get out? Told the King what his dream meant.
5. Why did Joseph’s brother go to Egypt? To buy grain.
6. When the brother’s saw Joseph did they know who he was? No.
7. Did Joseph know who they were? Yes.
8. Did Joseph tell them? No.
9. How did Joseph find out that his brother’s had changed and were sorry for what they had done to him long ago? Told the brothers that Benjamin had to stay and the brother’s begged Joseph not to keep him because their father already lost one son and if he lost another it would break his heart.
10. Did Joseph forgive his brothers? Yes.
11. Does God want us to forgive others? Yes.
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him. Have you ever been jealous? God wants us to be happy with the things we have, not envious of other people's things. What things do you have make you happy? Song of Joseph and His Brothers Joseph’s Song
Introduce activities: How did Joseph’s brother feel when he given the coat? The Story of Joseph lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc. Preschool Instant Lesson: Joseph’s Coat (Activity: J-E-A-L-O-U-S)
The Catholic Toolbox- Joseph and His Life Activities
Introduce craft: What did Jacob give Joseph? A wonderful coat. Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors (several crafts posted here) Joseph and His Coat Paper Craft
Joseph’s Colorful Coat- Bible Story Wheel (Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 15 & 16.) Joseph The Man of Many Dreams
This activity is a story wheel, where you or the students can re-tell the story of Joseph’s life by turning the wheel revealing Joseph’s dreams one at a time through the viewing window. Joseph and His Brothers object lesson
Introduce game: What does God want us to do when someone does something wrong to us? Forgive them.
You’re Forgiven Tag- This game will help your kids discover the need for forgiveness in their lives. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry by Group Publishing, page 29).
Joseph's Coat Game- Children will delight in collecting the many colors of Joseph's coat as they travel around the game board. This is a great tool for discussing the story of Joseph! (Super Bible Game Book by Linda Standke, page 156 - 160 for directions, game board, and game pieces). Pin the Coat on Joseph
Have children draw a large outline of Joseph on the chalkboard and then take turns being blindfolded and trying to pin a large colorful coat onto Joseph. Each one to take a turn can share something good about Joseph in our story.
The Really Big Book of Bible Games By Gospel Light
Forgiveness Balloons (page 62)- We can celebrate the fact that God will always forgive us when we ask Him. His forgiveness helps us want to forgive others. Joseph forgave his brothers, even when they had treated him very badly. In Bible times God asked His people to think about their wrong actions during the 10 days now called the Days of Awe. We’ll play a game by trying to tap a balloon 10 times in a row.
This game is free, however it is only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.
Joseph & His Brothers (file folder game)- Answer questions about Joseph & His Brothers and receive a bag of grain. The first person to collect 7 bags of grain (representing the 7 years of plenty), wins.
Introduce snack: What did Jacob give Joseph? A wonderful coat. What did it look like? It was very colorful. Colorful Coat Cookies
Have the children make coat shaped cookies and decorate them. (Example: one large rectangle for main part of coat, and 2 long thin rectangles for the sleeves of the coat). Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors Snack
Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring. Joseph (coloring) Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors (coloring) “Joseph Gets A New Coat” and “Joseph is Kind to His Brothers” by Jill Kemp (booklet or one page Bible story you can color (scroll down for this)
Joseph’s Story (mini book)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 55.
Joseph’s Coat (color picture by letters)- Bible Story Puzzles: PK – K, by Linda Standke, page 9.
Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors (Joseph had 11 brothers. Color each brother’s coat a different color. Number each coat from one to 12. Color Joseph’s coat.)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 57.
J is for Joseph (handwriting)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 56. Joseph Print Font Tracer Pages
More 365 Activities for Kids (do any of the Daniel puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dot, spot the difference, etc. from February 11 - 26)
Joseph’s Amazing Coat (maze)- Amazing Bible Mazes by Anita Reith Stohs, page 6
The Great Bible Big Fun Activity Book: From the Old and New Testaments by Toni Lind A Special Coat- Joseph had a special coat. Find the coat that does not have a twin.
Joseph’s Special Coat (dot to dot)- Dot-to-Dot Bible Pictures: PK-K by Linda Standke, page 6. (Click on Sample)
A Beautiful Robe (maze) page 24, Joseph’s Special Coat (dot-to-dot), page 25, Joseph and His Brothers (find the hidden picture) page 26, Joseph’s Colorful Coat (color by letter/code) page 27- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn! PK - K
Joseph and His Brothers (find and circle the story-related items hidden in the picture)- Hidden Pictures Explore Hidden Treasures in God’s World: PK – K by Linda Standke, page 5.
Joseph and His Brothers (find the hidden picture)- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn! PK – K, 26.
A Beautiful Robe (maze) page 24, Joseph’s Special Coat (dot-to-dot), page 25, Joseph and His Brothers (find the hidden picture) page 26, Joseph’s Colorful Coat (color by letter/code) page 27
The following activities are from: 365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications
Can You Find- Here is Joseph in his special coat. Can you find 12 black headed sheep in this picture? (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 18.)
Find the Difference- Here is Joseph showing off his special coat. Can you discover 10 differences between the two pictures? (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 19.)
Find the Mistakes- In this picture of Joseph and his coat, the artist made lots of deliberate mistakes. Find at least 10. (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 20.)
Find the Mistakes- Find at least 10 deliberate mistakes in this picture of Joseph being sold to the Midianites. (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 22.)
Joseph (maze)- The traders took Joseph across the desert to Egypt. Find the path that takes them to the pyramids of Egypt without climbing over any trees. (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 23.)
Which is Different?- Here is Joseph in prison in Egypt. Which picture is the odd one out? (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 25.)
Find the Difference- Joseph was taken out of prison to explain the dreams of the pharaoh. Find at least 10 differences between these two pictures. (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 26.)
Find the Mistakes- In this picture of Joseph explaining Pharaoh’s dreams, the artist has made lots of deliberate mistakes. Circle them all. There are at least 10. (365 Activities for Kids by Kregel Publications, page February 27.)
Monday, October 12, 2009
A to Z Bible Story Lesson- Letter N
N- Noah’s Ark
Objectives: The children will be able to
- retell the story of Noah’s Ark
- describe ways that we can obey God like Noah
- explain that God always keeps his promises
- explain the meaning of the rainbow
Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words:
Pick the words that you want to use from below: Noah Word Wall Words
Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Read story: “Noah’s Ark” from your own story book. Or while you are reading the story do cut outs (Snip-And-Tell Bible Stories by Karyn Henley, page 15 - 17) as the story unfolds.
Then ask questions from below.
1. Who built the ark? Noah
2. What kind of animals came on the ark? There were two of every kind of animal and bird in the world.
3. How long did it rain when they were in the ark? For 40 days and nights.
4. What did the dove bring back for Noah to know that there was dry land? A twig.
5. What was the sign that God did that promised that He would never flood the whole Earth again? A rainbow.
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Who built the ark?
Wee Sing Bible Songs- Who Built the Ark? Noah's Ark Circle Game/Song Noah’s Ark Crafts and Activities (scroll down to songs and poems about Noah) Mr. Noah Built an Ark and Noah Sailed (songs)
Scroll down to these.
Pray & Play Bible for Young Children by Group Publishing- Did You Ever Hear?, All Aboard, Only God Can Make A Rainbow (songs), page 27. Father Noah Song Noah’s Ark (song) Noah's Ark Finger Play
Introduce activities: What kind of animals came on the ark? There were two of every kind of animal and bird in the world. Noah and the Ark Lesson Noah’s Ark Activities (lapbook, memory verse, handwriting, etc.) Noah’s Ark Preschool Printables The Story of Noah’s Ark lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc. Noah & The Flood- lesson plan with activities
Introduce craft: Who built the ark? Noah. What did it look like? What was it like on the ark? Let’s find out! Noah’s Ark Craft by Lacy Simple Animal Cracker Ark Rainbow and Noah's Ark Craft Noah’s Ark
Noah Story Wheel- Children turn their story wheel dials to retell the Bible story they learned over and over again. (Preschool Christian Crafts by Linda Standke. Directions on page 37 - 39, craft template on page 40 & 43.)
Noah’s Ark Bible Story Wheel
(Bible Wheels to Make and Enjoy by Carmen Sorvillo, page 7 & 8. Click on Excerpt and go to page 7 & 8.) Noah’s Ark Lapbook
This page is full of resources you can use to make your Noah's Ark Lapbook.
Introduce craft: How many days did it rain?
christianpreschoolprintables- Noah’s Ark Rainbow Cloud Craft
This is a craft to make a rainbow streamer coming from the cloud. Children can use colored strips of construction paper as well. (Scroll down to this.) Rainstick Rainstick
Introduce game: What was on the ark with Noah and his family? Can you find what animal is missing from the ark?
What animal is it?
Need: Cards with animal pictures on them.
Directions: A student draws a card and then makes the animal sound it makes. The other students guess what the animal is.
*Play a tape of animal sounds and have the students guess what animal it is. Noah’s Ark Memory Game Noah's Ark Game
Children take turns rolling the dice, trying to get pairs of animals. When they get a pair, they put a token matching that animal onto their ark.
Don't Miss the Ark Game- A simple and fun board game for younger students that reviews the story of Noah and the Ark. (Super Bible Game Book by Linda Standke, page 66 - 70 for directions, game board markers, game cards, and game board).
Noah and the Flood Game- A fun and simple board game for younger children that reviews the story of Noah and the Ark. (Super Bible Game Book by Linda Standke, page 62 & 63 for game board and page 55 for directions). Building the Ark Board Game The children will follow the path into the ark to the identical on the game board. Be careful to not be caught in the rain! Scroll down to these games:
Noah’s Ark Matching Cards- A free printable set of Noah's Ark Memory Matching Game Cards that can be used for Go Fish, Old Maid (Old Noah) or concentration type games.
Noah’s Ark Bingo Game- This is a free printable Noah's Ark Bingo game. With six different game boards this set is print ready and the perfect addition to your Noah's Ark Bible lessons.
Noah’s Numbers File Folder Game- This is an early counting and number recognition game. Children count the windows on Noah's Ark and then find the matching numbers on the rainbow cards.
Noah’s Animals File Folder Game- This is a Noah's Ark file folder game where children match up the different animals to help Noah load the ark. There are male and female animals of each making it a great game for children to learn about the bible story.
Noah’s Counting File Folder Game- This is a Noah's Ark file folder game where children can work on counting by Two's. This game helps children skip count by two's all the way up to 36. Younger children can use this as a matching game, or keep the pieces loose for older children to practice their multiplication skills.
Introduce snack: What was the sign that God did that promised that He would never flood the whole Earth again? A rainbow. Rainbow in a Cup
What did Noah build? An ark. Edible Ark
Letter N Snacks-
Nachos, Nectarines, Noodles, Nuts, etc.
Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring. Noah’s Ark Bible Verse Coloring Page (scroll down for this)
Sign of Covenant (color picture by using numbers)- Bible Story Puzzles: PK – K, by Linda Standke, page 8.
Sign of Covenant (color picture by using numbers)- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn!, page 16. The Story of Noah's Ark (mini book)
Noah and the Ark (mini book)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 76. “Noah Builds A Boat” and “Noah and the Amazing Ark” by Jill Kemp booklet or one page Bible story you can color (scroll down for this) What begins with N? (mini book)
N is for Noah (handwriting sheet)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 77. Noah's Ark Themed Tracer Pages
Free printable templates that children can color in while learning to print and spell simple words. Noah (handwriting) Hidden Letter Worksheet Letter N Noah’s Ark maze The Rainbow of Promise (dot-to-dot)
Noah’s Ark (dot-to-dot)- Dot-to-Dot Bible Pictures: PK-K by Linda Standke, page 5
The Great Bible Big Fun Activity Book: From the Old and New Testaments by Toni Lind
Follow the Dots to find Noah’s special helper. Draw a branch in it’s mouth. (dove)
More 365 Activities for Kids (do any of the Noah puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dot, spot the difference, etc. from January 13 - 23).
Safe Inside the Ark (find the hidden picture)- Hidden Pictures Explore Hidden Treasures in God's Word: PK - K by Linda Standke, page 3
Animals On The Ark (glue animal pieces together) page 6, Safe In The Ark (trace along the dash lines) page 7
Bible Story Puzzles with Mini-Lessons on the Goodness of God Grades PK-K by Linda Standke
A Food Covers the Earth (maze) page 11, Safe in the Ark (trace along the dash lines) page 12, Noah’s Ark (dot-to-dot) page 13, Animals on the Ark (glue animal pieces together) page 14, Safe Inside the Ark (find the hidden picture) page 15, Sign of a Covenant (color by number) page 16, A Beautiful Sign (find the hidden picture) page 17, God’s Promise (trace and color) page 18- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn! PK – K
Noah’s Ark Story Cards (Cut out the word cards at the bottom of the page. Paste them in order on the ark. Color the picture.)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 78.
The activities below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Noah and the Ark Count the Objects Worksheet- Count the objects. Circle the correct answer.
Noah Find the Difference Puzzle- Look at the pictures in each row. Circle the picture that is different.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Beatitudes
Activities Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families Resources on the Sunday Readings (Matthew) Lesson Title: The Beatitudes The Bee-Attitudes object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, worship bulletin The Happy Puppy object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, worship bulletin A Recipe for Happiness: The Beatitudes object lesson with group activities, coloring, puzzles, worship bulletin God Redistributes Blessings and Heartaches lesson The Eight Beatitudes of Jesus and their meanings (for older students) Jesus Counts Our Blessings For Us lesson The Beatitudes (Resources on the Beatitudes in general and on each of the Beatitudes) Beatitudes Lessons for Kids (Matthew 5:1-12)
This is lesson 1 of 9 in this series. Children's Sermon on the Beatitudes | Matthew 5:1-12 Beatitude Lesson Plan for 4th and 5th Grade “The Beatitudes: A Thought-Provoking Bible Lesson For Kids” Sunday School Lesson: The Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12 Beatitudes Activity Ideas Sermon on the Mount (free printable lessons for under 5s, over 5s, preteens and teens) Sermon on the Mount lesson with tons of activities Beatitudes lesson plans with crafts, activities, snacks, games, drama, etc. Jesus Talks About Attitudes lessons for older and younger students The Beatitudes lesson with memory verse, review questions, tests, puzzles, etc. lessons, posters, games, raps, and other resources based on The Beatitudes Sermon on the Mount (lesson with activities) Matthew 5:1-12 Primary Lesson Matthew 5:1-12 Intermediate Lesson Matthew 5:1-12 Junior High Lesson bulletin board, worksheets, file folder game, lapbook, lesson, etc. The Good Person (scroll down to Gospel) Youth Group Lesson on Happiness
The Catholic Toolbox- Beatitudes Lapbooks
The Catholic Toolbox- What Can Teens Do For Gospel For The Mass Activities? Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
Coloring Scroll down to the date for Sunday Coloring Page Sermon on the Mount & Beatitudes coloring pages Blessed Are The Peacemakers The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11 NIV) Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11 KVJ) Jesus Giving the Beatitudes Color the Beatitudes (Color the shapes that have pieces of the Beatitudes inside.) with answers Beatitudes “Blessed Are . . .” The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:1-12 The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:3 Matthew 5:4 Matthew 5:5 Matthew 5:6 Matthew 5:7 Matthew 5:8 Matthew 5:9 Matthew 5:10 Matthew 5:1-12 (page 14)
Crafts The Happy Puppy group activities (crafts) Recipe For Happiness group activities (crafts) Sermon on the Mount crafts Beatitudes Craft Ideas Beatitudes Craft Sermon on the Mount “Blessed Are” Wreath Craft Folding Crafts Sticks Beatitudes Craft for Kids Beatitudes One Day At A Time Craft page 5, 6, & 16 Beatitudes Crafts Bumble Bee Crafts (several posted) Bee Crafts Printable Bee Craft
Introduce craft: Who should we be kind to? Everyone. Let’s make a craft to remind us to “Love Others” Lady Bug
Or make the lady bug with poster board or card stock. On the back of the lady bug where the wings open up write “Love Others”.
Introduce craft: How can we help others? Here is a craft to help to remind us to help others.
Love Notes- Cute magnet craft to put on your refrigerator to leave loving messages to the people in your family. (Christian Crafts for Christmastime by Kathy Ross, pages 54 & 55).
Loving others demands respect, consideration, cooperation, care, etc. Love is about giving. Fill these chore charts out or have the students come up with their own chores to do and color. These can be given to parents or friends/family etc. to show they are serious about their respect for them, care, etc. They are to bring the chore charts back signed next week and receive a small gift as a reward for their good deeds.
imomcom- Custom Chore Chart Generator Custom Chore Chart
Games The Happy Puppy group activities (games) Beatitude Game: Bowling for Beatitudes Beatitude Game Happy Are You . . . Beatitudes Memory Match-Up “Busy Bee” Attitude Telephone Charades Beatitudes Tic-Tac-Toe What Do You Know? Page 11 & 12 Beatitudes Games 8 Beatitude Games Beatitudes Word Unscramble Beatitude Games Bee Bible Verse Game (scroll down for this) Beatitudes Concentration Game Beatitudes Game (scroll down to this) Beatitude Match Game Beatitudes & Modern Saints Game
Introduce Games: The beatitudes come from the opening verses of the famous Sermon on the Mount delivered by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. Here Jesus states several blessings, each beginning with the phrase, "Blessed are ..." Each saying speaks of a blessing or "divine favor" bestowed upon a person resulting from the possession of a certain character quality. The purpose of the beatitudes is to inspire you to act in certain ways. Therefore, living them out is absolutely at the heart of the matter. So do you have the right attitudes that God wants you to have?
The Catholic Toolbox- Random Acts of Kindness
Children identify Random Acts of Kindness as they move around the board.
The Catholic Toolbox- Jesus Is Our Savior
Jesus is our rescuer and offers us a lifeline when we’re trapped in sin. How can we solve the problems in our life? Jesus is our savior and if we follow him, he will show us the way.
The Catholic Toolbox- How Rude! A fun and exciting way to review what is considered rude behavior in today’s society.
The Catholic Toolbox- 2 Games: WWJD & Moral Dilemmas Card Game
Puzzles/Worksheets Bee Happy (maze) Guide the disciples up the mountain so Jesus can teach them the beatitudes (maze) with answers Can you find your way through the maze, and get to the words that describe what kinds of thoughts God wants us to have? (maze) with answers The Beatitudes (Word Search) The Beatitudes (Word Search) The “Bee Attitudes” (Word Search) Word Search The Beatitudes (ABC Order) The “Bee Attitudes” (Decoder) The Beatitudes (Decoder) Find the Hidden Qualities (Word Search) with answers Break the Code #1 with answers Break the Code #2 with answers Break the Code #3 with answers Break the Code #4 with answers Break the Code- The Beatitudes (5) with answers Break the Code – The 8th Beatitude with answers Break the Code- Blessed Are The Persecuted with answers Break the Code- Peacemakers with answers Break the Code- Pure in Heart (for younger children) with answers Write the beginning letter of each picture to find out who said, “Blessed in the poor in spirit.” The Beatitudes (Word Scramble) The Beatitudes (Crossword) The “Bee Attitudes” (Crossword) The Beatitudes (Crossword) Crossword anagrams, crossword puzzles, cryptogram, mazes, word mining, word searches The Beatitudes #182 with circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets. Click on the month. Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc. Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities. The Beatitudes (fill in the blanks with word bank) Beatitudes Equations with answers Beatitude Match with answers Beatitude Fill in the Blank with answers Beatitudes Word for Word Worksheet page 15 Matthew 5:1-12A Worksheet Matthew 5:1-12A Kid’s Bulletin (scroll down for this) Sermon on the Mount (free puzzles and worksheets for under 5s, over 5s, preteens and teens) Reflection on the Beatitudes Worksheet (printable) The Beatitudes Worksheets (scroll down to this) The Beatitudes Worksheet (free) The Beatitudes Definitions Worksheet Beatitudes Worksheets (scroll down to these) Living the Beatitudes Worksheet Beatitudes Worksheet The Beatitudes Discussion Questions (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet) Matthew 5:1-12 Questions and Answers Questions for Reflection and Discussion – Matthew 5 1-12 (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet) Blessed are Those Who Mourn – Matthew 5:4 Fill in the Blanks (scroll down to questions that can easily be made into a worksheet) Blessed are the Meek – Matthew 5:5 Fill in the Blanks (scroll down to questions that can easily be made into a worksheet) Matthew 5:1-12 Inductive Bible Study – Discussion Questions and Verse by Verse Commentary The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1-12 (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet) Matthew 5:1-12 Questions (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Lesson Plan- Tower of Babel (1st grade on up)
Tower of Babel
Objectives: The students will be able to
- retell the story of the Tower of Babel
- explain why people speak in different languages
- identify what the people built to make themselves great
- locate Babylon on a map
Prayer, questions and vocabulary words from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words: (Write the bold words on the board and discuss with class)
language- the human use of spoken or written words as a communication system
tower- a tall structure
confuse- to make somebody unable to think or reason clearly or act sensibly
scattered- in different places far away from each other
separate- distinct from or unrelated to something else
migrate- to move from one place to another
Babylon- the capital of Babylonia, an ancient empire of Mesopotamia, was a city on the Euphrates River, in what is now southern Iraq (show students this on a map and have them locate it on a map)
Read story: "The Tower of Babel" and then ask questions
Introduce activities: What event in history caused God to confuse man’s speech so that we speak many languages? (Building the Tower of Babel) Tower of Babel object lesson Tower of Babel lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc. Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) Sunday School Lesson Tower of Babel Bible Lesson for Kids Tower of Babel lesson The Tower of Babel lesson #10 with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) lesson
Crafts Building to please God bible Craft (scroll down to this) Tower of Babel Craft POP UP Tower of Babel (scroll down for this craft) Babel's Tower: free pop-up coloring page printable Origami Tower Crafts for Tower of Babel (scroll down for these)
Games Games for Tower of Babel (scroll down for these) Who is Worthy? and Tower of Praise Relay (scroll down to these) Towering Cups Game and Encouragement Game (scroll down to these) Tower Of Babel Game
Introduce game: How did God decide to stop the work of the tower? (By confusing their language so no one would understand what another said.)
Preparation- When we speak to someone, that person might not understand us because they may speak in a different language. Sometimes other things hinder our understanding of what someone is saying or is trying to say. Do you think it would be hard to try to build a tower with someone who doesn’t speak your language? Why? Here is a game that is a good example of what I mean.
Telephone- Have the children seat in chairs or on the floor in a straight line. Start off by telling the first child a secret message. Ask the children to keep passing the message to each other until it gets to the last person. Have the last person say out loud what the message was. See if it is the same as the original message. Make sure you something easy for the children to understand.
No Babble Babel (People Build a Tower at Babel)- This silent game will prompt your kids toward creative communication and cooperation as they work together to build a tower. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children’s Ministry by Group Publishing, page 22).
Tower Building Contest- Divide your class into small. Give each group the same number of blocks. When you say, "Go!," all the groups have to build their towers as big as they can before it falls down. When that happens, switch teams around and have a new set of kids working together to play again. There is no real winner in this game. It just helps emphasize teamwork.
*Make it more interesting by instructing the teams to build the tower without speaking.
This game is free, however it only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.
Tower of Babel Jenga Game- Players build a tower and take turns asking each other questions about the Tower of Babel. The last player to take a turn without making the Tower of Babel fall wins the game.
Introduce snack: The people decided to build a city and what else? (A tower)
Tower of Babel- Give each child a few crackers. Have them spread the top of one of their crackers with either the marshmallow cream or peanut butter. Next, they will add a large marshmallow on top, and then put either the cream or peanut butter on top of the large marshmallow. Next, they will add another cracker, and start the whole thing over again. See how tall they can make their tower before it falls down, and then eat it. Tower of Babel
Build a tower with crackers and use graham crackers and hold it together with peanut butter, or marshmallow cream etc.
Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets: Tower of Babel puzzles (anagrams, crossword, cryptogram, maze, word-mining sheets, word searches) Wow! What Happened at Babel? (word search) Tower of Babel (word search) Tower of Babel (word search) Tower of Babel Puzzles (scroll down to these) The Tower of Babel lesson #10 with circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, etc. Tower of Babel (multiple choice) Tower of Babel Activity with worksheet
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