thereligionteacher.com- Nicene Creed Lesson Plan & Activities
sophiainstituteforteachers.org- What do we believe? A study of the Nicene Creed
4catholiceducators.com- Lesson Title: "I believe..."
wpengine.netdna-cdn.com- What Is The Creed? (lesson with activities)
stmaryswormville.org- What is the CREED? Online Lesson
pastoralplanning.com- The Nicene Creed
Celebrating the Mass Lesson- Profession of Faith Lesson, questions, and activities.
looktohimandberadiant.blogspot.com- The Creed & Notebooking
smp.org- The Trinity: Unpacking the Nicene Creed – PowerPoint
This PowerPoint is part of the Living in Christ Series. The Trinitarian themes of the Nicene Creed are defined, unpacked and explored by breaking the prayer down and reflecting on smaller statements of faith.
teacherspayteachers.com- Nicene Creed Prayer Activity Packet
looktohimandberadiant.com- The Creed-Words to Know
Here are a few ideas for getting the meaning of those important words through to your students.
pinterest.com- Nicene Creed learning activity ideas: write each phrase of the Creed on a popsicle stick. Mix up all of the popsicle sticks, and have your children put them back in order again. Once the Creed is becoming more familiar to the children, set out the popsicle sticks in order but hide a few away, challenging the children to tell you which phrases you did NOT put out. With a second set of popsicle stick phrases, divide into teams to see who can order their popsicle stick Creed first.
catholicicing.blogspot.com- Catholic Trinity Craft
looktohimandberadiant.blogspot.com- We Are the Church Craft (highlighting the Four Marks of the Church found at the end of the Nicene Creed)
catholicicing.blogspot.com- Nicene Creed Craft (Be sure to change this to say: I believe in one God, etc.)
looktohimandberadiant.com- I Believe Mobile
Make Nicene Craft from catholicicing.blogspot.com according to directions. Have students trace the beginning of the Nicene Creed: "I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible." (Printed out on tracing handwriting sheet.) Glue prayer on a piece of construction paper. Glue the bottom part of the hand on the back of the prayer with the hand showing above prayer.
Nicene Creed Tracing Handwriting Sheet- Students write their name on the top line. Students then trace the handwriting sheet and follow directions above.
loyolapress.com- The Creed Game
superteachertools.us- Nicene Jeopardy Instant Jeopardy Review is designed for live play with up to ten individuals or teams. Teams choose a question, then try to give the best answer.
superteachertools.us- Instant Jeopardy Review is designed for live play with up to ten individuals or teams. Teams choose a question, then try to give the best answer. Scoring is built in for each team.
superteachertools.us- Nicene Creed Speed Match Review Game
catechistjourney.loyolapress.com- We are going to do this review using a Jeopardy-like game that I found online last year at http://ccdgames.com/Jeorpardy.php. This site provides the game in a Powerpoint format so that it can be projected on a screen as a gameboard! I found that it was possible to simply save one of the games as a Powerpoint file and then change the categories, questions, and answers to suit your needs. As a result, I’ve put together 4 “rounds” which you are welcome to use or adapt as needed. (Scroll down to this.)
These games below are from nashvilleras.com- More than 100 Missions Bible Memory Games and Other Activities
I Am a Verse- Divide the Nicene Creed into parts equal to the number of children. Print each part on separate sheet of paper or index card. Jumble paper/cards and give one to each child. Holding the paper/card in front, each child lines up in proper sequence. Call out your part. Repeat until the Nicene Creed is memorized.
Illustrated Verse- Ask children to draw pictures of words in the Nicene Creed that help them remember the word. Put the drawings together repeating the words using the visual clues. Continue until all have learned the Nicene Creed.
Missing Words- Write the Nicene Creed on a chalk or white board omitting key words. Give each student a card with a key word missing from the Nicene Creed. Ask students to place their word cards in the proper place as they say the Nicene Creed. Shuffle cards and repeat until all have learned the Nicene Creed.
Photograph a Verse- Write words to the Nicene Creed on separate sheets of construction paper. Take pictures of each child holding a line to the Nicene Creed. Children then use the pictures to arrange the words to the Nicene Creed in proper order. Tape to poster board.
Verse Chain- Print lines of the Nicene Creed on separate strips of paper. Give each child one strip. After repeating the Nicene Creed several times with the children, ask them to assemble the chain by putting the words of the Nicene Creed in order. Staple the chain together.
The games below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.
Nicene Creed- Cut out strips and glue strips of the Nicene Creed in the proper order on a piece of construction paper. (For younger students you can do this together as a group activity.) You can also play this as a game by dividing the class into teams and give each team the strips of the Nicene Creed. See which team can put it in the proper order the fastest.
The Nicene Creed- The objective is to be the first player to get all four of his or her color pawns from his or her START location to his or her HOME space. Players must do this by answering questions about the Nicene Creed and rolling the die.
armoredpenguin.com- Nicene Creed (word search)
wordsearchfun.com- Nicene Creed (word search)
whenwecrosswords.com- Nicene Creed (crossword)
wordmint.com- Nicene Creed (2 crossword puzzles)
wordmint.com- Nicene Creed (2 hard crossword puzzles and 1 word search)
looktohimandberadiant.com- The Creed + Tetris
This is an easy activity that can be used to help memorize groups of text, in this case, the Nicene Creed.
The puzzle below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted.
Nicene Creed- (crossword)
For younger students you can do this together on the board.
thereligionteacher.com- Nicene Creed Fill in the Blank Worksheet (scroll down to this)
weconnect.com- The Nicene Creed (fill in the blank)
teacherspayteachers.com- Fill in the Blanks (FREE)
This is a great way to get your students in Religious Education to start memorizing the new Nicene Creed. It is a one page worksheet that has specific words left out of the prayer. The students pick from the word bank to add in the correct words. You can also photo copy the word bank out to make it harder for older students.
icsaamenia.org- Compare and Contrast the Creeds (page 13)
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