Check out this lovely and creative Jesse Tree by Angela who made the cute tree herself!
*Great for those who can't leave things in their classroom and everything has to be portable.
Other Ideas:
pinterest.com- Jesse Tree Inspiration
rca.org- Making A Jesse Tree (ornament patterns included)
tiredneedsleep.blogspot.com- Free Printable Jesse Tree ornaments and devotions for Advent
4catholiceducatiors.com- Jesse Tree
christiancrafters.com- A Jesse Tree for Advent
catholicicing.com- Jesse Tree Readings, Ornaments, and Free Printables!
catholicculture.org- Catholic Activity: Jesse Tree Ornament Ideas and Blessing
catholicculture.org- Catholic Activity: Jesse Tree Instructions
couponing101.com- Free Jesse Tree Printable Kit Downloads (several posted!)
crosswalk.com- From Adam to Jesus: The Jesse Tree Tradition
What is a Jesse Tree?, Our Jesse Tree Tradition, and Jesse Tree Resources
catholicallyear.com- Handmade Jesse Tree Set Tutorial (in expert, intermediate, and novice versions)
showerofroses.blogspot.com- The Jesse Tree :: A No-Sew Picture Tutorial with Readings
loyolapress.com- Our Jesse Tree
Activity with directions.
confessionsofahomeschooler.com- Jesse Tree Advent Study and includes the Jesse Tree printable ornaments, etc.
1plus1plus1equals1.net- Jesse Tree Printables
catholicicing.com- Byzantine Jesse Tree (Free Printable Ornaments!)
What a great idea! You know (and I know this is bad) I had never heard of a Jesse tree until this year and I really wanted to have one. This is a really good idea and I think i might try to make one for next year!!
Thank you for sharing!
She got the patterns for the Jesse ormaments from here:
and made the cute tree herself!
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