*Be sure to check out Gospel for the Mass Year A page right below the header for other days that you need Gospel for the Mass activities.
Disclaimer: The posts below contain links to other websites and the content of these sites are evaluated before they are included. These websites can change without warning making links inactive and/or the content altered. We have no control over other websites and we are not responsible for the content that they post.
John 1-18 or John 1:1-5, 9-14
catholicmom.com- Click on the month. Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc.
catholickidsbulletin.blogspot.com- Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities.
loyolapress.com- Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families
4catholiceducatiors.com- Resources on the Sunday Readings
sermons4kids.com- Reflecting the Light object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, worship bulletin
sermons4kids.com- Jesus and the Three R’s object lesson with coloring page
sundayschoollessons.com- Jesus Is the Living Word of God lesson
calvarycurriculum.com- Walking In The Light lesson #303 with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets.
textweek.com- Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
sermons4kids.com- We are not the light, we are only mirrors that reflect the Light. John 1:6-9
sermons4kids.com- Jesus knocking at the door
calvarycurriculum.com- Walking In The Light lesson #30, coloring page 2
sermons4kids.com- Reflecting the Light group activities (crafts)
Shine On- Students make punched-tin candle holders. (Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children Love by Kathy Ross, page 71)
thecommonroomblog.com- Tin Can Art Projects (Punched tin candle holder)
noelnoelnoel.com- Festive Candle Holder
Cute, easy craft made out of a baby food jar and tissue paper. Tip: Make a mixture of half water and half glue in a paper cup. Paint with a paintbrush or a Q-tip a small area on each jar with the glue mixture, then cover the area with small pieces of tissue paper. Use a variety of colored paper to cover the entire jar with two or three layers of tissue paper. Coat the finished jar with thinned glue to seal.
sermons4kids.com- Reflecting the Light group activities (games)
Word Play- This game will get kids thinking about how God has spoken to us through Jesus and how important each word is. (The Encyclopedia of bible Games for Children’s Ministry, page 202.)
Introduction to game: What is the true light, which enlightens everyone, that is coming into the world? (Jesus) His light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
thecampingfamly.com- Flashlight Tag And More Flashlight Games
Firefly- Tag Jesus who is the true light.
christiancappro.com- 15 Fun Flashlight Games for Your Next Nighttime Activity
verywell.com- Flashlight Games for Kids
stayathomemoms.about.com- Flashlight Games Kids Can Play Indoors or Out
kidsactivitiesblog.com- Flashlight Games for Kids
atozteacherstuff.com- Shadow and Light activities
sermons4kids.com- Word Search
joanyedwards.com- Word Search
sermons4kids.com- Decoder
sermons4kids.com- Crossword
4catholiceducators.com- Crossword
joanyedwards.com- Crossword
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