*Be sure to check out Gospel for the Mass Year B page right below the header for other days that you need Gospel for the Mass activities.
Disclaimer: The posts below contain links to other websites and the content of these sites are evaluated before they are included. These websites can change without warning making links inactive and/or the content altered. We have no control over other websites and we are not responsible for the content that they post.
Mark 1:12-15
loyolapress.com- Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families
4catholiceducatiors.com- Resources on the Sunday Readings (Mark)
sermons4kids.com- Extra! Extra! Read All About It! object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, worship bulletin
sermons4kids.com- Carrying the Message object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, quiz, worship bulletin
sermons4kids.com- Into the Wilderness object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, worship bulletin
ministry-to-children.com- “Jesus In the Wilderness" Sunday School Lesson from Mark 1:9-15
ministry-to-children.com- “Pray and Prepare” Mark 1:9-15 Children’s Sermon
sundayschool.works- The Temptation of Jesus (Mark 1:9-15) Sunday School Lessons for Kids
sundayschoollessons.com- Jesus Says No to the Devil lesson
word-sunday.com- Care For Others (scroll down to Gospel)
kidssundayschool.com- Temptation object talk: Balls of temptation thrown by the devil will bounce off the Word of God.
rclblectionary.com- Mark 1:12-15 Primary Lesson
youthgroupministry.com- Youth Ministry Lesson on Mark 1:9-15: Empowered by Baptism
rclblectionary.com- Mark 1:12-15 Intermediate Lesson
rclblectionary.com- Mark 1:12-15 Junior High Lesson
The Catholic Toolbox- What Can Teens Do For Gospel For The Mass Activities?
textweek.com- Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
catholicmom.com- Scroll down to the date for Sunday Coloring Page
sermons4kids.com- Temptation of Christ
sermons4kids.com- I can share the "Good News" with a friend.
sermons4kids.com- Christ gave me the work of preaching the Good News.
doodlethroughthebible.com- Mark 1:15 coloring page to print out
bible-printables.com- In The Wilderness
ministryark.com- WWJD Printable Coloring Page
churchpublishing.org- Mark 1 9-15 (page 21)
sermons4kids.com- Carrying the Message group activities (crafts)
sermons4kids.com- Into the Wilderness With Jesus group activities (crafts)
daniellesplace.com- Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness craft (scroll down to this)
jesus-without-language.net- Jesus in the Desert (Mark 1) | Craft
Introduce craft: We are tempted every day. How can we make to help remind ourselves to do the right thing?
dltk-bible.com- What Would Jesus Do mobile
dltk-bible.com- What Would Jesus Do craft
This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. Mark 1:15
sundayschoolnetwork.com- Repent & Believe Spinning Top Craft
daniellesplace.com- The Consequences of Sin Object Lesson Using Crafts Sticks and the Exploding Cobra Weave (scroll down to this)
papercakesandicing.blogspot.com- Repentance Giant Erase Pencil Craft
gospelgrabbag.com- “Wheely Repent!” Repentance Wheel Help children learn that because Jesus Christ atoned for our sins, we can repent. Turn the repentance wheel to see if each child can “Wheely Repent” with wrong actions on the wheel.
sermons4kids.com- Carrying the Message group activities (games)
sermons4kids.com- Into the Wilderness With Jesus group activities (games)
biblefunforkids.com- Temptation Trash Can Big Mouth Game
christiancrafters.com- Hear No Evil
christiancrafters.com- Resist the Devil
shauna-naner.blogspot.com- Avoiding Temptation
ministrytoyouth.com- Temptation Game Show (scroll down to this)
christiancrafters.com- Survivor-Temptation Island: Through various fun games, activities, and group Bible discussions, participants will learn that temptation is from Satan and can lead to sin. Participants will also learn how to receive God's power to resist Satan's temptations. Event lasts approximately 3.5 hours. For grades 5 and up.
Temptation Obstacle Course (Satan Tempts Jesus)- A fun medium energy level game with complete directions, supply list, what to say, and post game discussion questions. This game will help your kids actively review how Satan tempted Jesus and how the angels took care of Jesus. (The Encyclopedia of Bible Games for Children's Ministry by Group Publishing, page 73).
Introduce game: What are you tempted to do when you are not doing well during a game? Discuss. Let’s see if you can resist temptation while playing this fun game!
Resist the Temptation Putt-Putt
Make a putt-putt golf course.
creativekidsathome.com- Indoor Miniature Golf
boyslife.org- Build a Miniature Golf Course in Your Backyard
entertainment.howstuffworks.com- How to Build a Backyard Mini Golf Course
Introduce games: We are tempted every day. Making the right decisions in life is hard to do, but if you let Jesus be your guide and think, “What Would Jesus Do?” it will make it a lot easier.
christianitycove.com- Bible Game – What Would Jesus Do?
christianitycove.com- W.W.J.D.? - W.W.J.S.? (game)
Jesus Is Our Savior- Jesus is our rescuer and offers us a lifeline when we’re trapped in sin. How can we solve the problems in our life? Jesus is our savior and if we follow him, he will show us the way.
WWJD and Moral Dilemmas Card Game- Making the right decisions in life is hard to do, but if you let Jesus be your guide and think, “What Would Jesus Do?” it will make it a lot easier.
fashionsbylynda.com- Repentance Game
Puzzles & Worksheets
sermons4kids.com- The Good News (Word Search)
sermons4kids.com- Carrying The Message (Word Search)
sermons4kids.com- Into the Wilderness With Jesus (Word Search)
web.archive.org- Word Search
sermons4kids.com- The Good News (Decoder)
sermons4kids.com- Carrying The Message (Decoder)
sermons4kids.com- Into the Wilderness With Jesus (Decoder)
sermons4kids.com- The Good News (Crossword)
sermons4kids.com- Carrying The Message (Crossword)
sermons4kids.com- Into the Wilderness With Jesus (Crossword)
web.archive.org- Crossword
catholicmom.com- Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc.
catholickidsbulletin.blogspot.com- Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities.
sermons4kids.com- Carrying The Message (Multiple Choice)
sdc.me.uk- Mark 1:12-15 Worksheet
thekidsbulletin.com- Mark 1:12-15 Kid’s Bulletin (scroll down for this)
hellofaithsteps.files.wordpress.com- Mark 1: 12-15 (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet)
gracebibleny.org- The Temptation of Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13 (scroll down to Fill in the Blank questions at bottom that can easily be made into a worksheet)
studyandobey.com- I. Jesus tempted for 40 days (12-13) (scroll down to these questions that can easily be made into a worksheet)
cabotbible.com- Bible Discussion Group Study Questions for Mark 1:14-15 (questions can easily be made into a worksheet)
liturgy.slu.edu- Discussion Questions for Mark 1:12-15 (scroll down to these questions that can easily be made into a worksheet)
Compare and contrast The Temptation of Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13
dltk-bible.com- Jesus Rap
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