Friday, January 19, 2024
Gospel for the Mass: 4/21/24- John 10:11-18 (The Good Shepherd)
*Be sure to check out Gospel for the Mass Year B page right below the header for other days that you need Gospel for the Mass activities.
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John 10:11-18
Activities Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families Resources on the Sunday Readings (John) The Good Shepherd object lesson with coloring page, group activities, puzzles, worship bulletin Taking Care of the Sheep object lesson with coloring page, group activities, puzzles, worship bulletin Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf? object lesson with coloring page, group activities, puzzles, worship bulletin I AM the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-16) Lesson Children’s Sermon on Jesus the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-10) Who’s Your Good Shepherd? Children’s Sermon from John 10:11-18 Lesson 3: Jesus Is Our Good Shepherd I am: The Good Shepherd (lesson) The Good Shepherd Gives Up His Life for His Sheep lesson Sunday School Lesson (John 10:1-10) Jesus is the Good Shepherd The Cost of Caring for Others (scroll down to Gospel) Family Pet Care Sheet (family activity) The Good Shepherd Bible Lesson for Children Youth Ministry Lesson on John 10:11-18: Understanding the Good Shepherd John 10:11-18 Primary Lesson John 10:11-18 Intermediate Lesson John 10:11-18 Junior High Lesson
The Catholic Toolbox- The Good Shepherd- lesson for Pre K – K with: Objectives, Word Wall, Bible Story with questions, Songs and/or Finger Plays, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Coloring/Puzzles, etc.
The Catholic Toolbox- The Good Shepherd- lesson for first grade on up with: Objectives, Review, Vocabulary Words, Bible Story with questions, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Puzzles/Mazes/Worksheets, etc.
The Catholic Toolbox- What Can Teens Do For Gospel For The Mass Activities? Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
Coloring Scroll down to the date for Sunday Coloring Page John 10:11 "Jesus is the Good Shepherd" Coloring Pages Jesus is the good Shepherd (links to coloring pages) John 10:11-18 The Good Shepherd (The Lost Sheep)- Coloring Page The Good Shepherd Coloring Pages & Printables John 10:11#1 John 10:11 #2 The Good Shepherd John 10:14 (coloring and handwriting) Good Shepherd
Crafts The Good Shepherd group activities (crafts) Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf? group activities (crafts) "The Good Shepherd" Kids' Craft The Good Shepherd Craft Easy and Fun Good Shepherd Learning Activity and Craft
Introduce craft: Who is the Good Shepherd? BaaBaa Black, Pink, and Blue Sheep? An easy yarn craft (give it time to load up and scroll down to the white one with ears) Handprint Lamb or Sheep Craft
This is a very easy craft that the youngest child can help with and makes a beautiful keepsake. Template included. Easter Lamb Craft Lamb Note Card Holder How to Make Pom Pom Sheep
Rocking Sheep- Tap the sheep very lightly and they will gently rock from side to side. (The Grolier Kids Crafts Craft Book by Cheryl Owen, page 18 & 19).
The Lord is My Shepherd Magnet- A cute sheep magnet out of popsicle sticks. You can omit the other wooden pieces and mini chalkboard in this craft and just use cardboard or construction paper. (Hands On Crafts for Kids 20-Minute Crafts, page 30 & 31).
Hand Lamb- (this craft was at, but the website has been removed)
What You Need:
• White crayon
• Black, brown, and pink construction paper
• Scissors
• White glue
• Styrofoam tray to work on
• Cotton balls
• Hole punch
• Black sharp-pointed marker
• Thin ribbon
What you do:
1. Use the white crayon to trace around your hand on the black paper. Cut the hand shape out.
2. Cover the palm of the hand and the base of the thumb and fingers with glue. Then attach cotton balls to make a sheep.
3. Punch an eye for the sheep from the brown paper. Use the black marker to draw a dot in the center of the eye for a pupil. Glue the eye to the middle of the thumb.
4. Tie a piece of thin ribbon around the base of the thumb to form a neck for the sheep. Tie the ribbon in a bow.
Games The Good Shepherd group activities (games) Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf? group activities (games) Good Shepherd Game & Object Lesson – John 10:1-21
Introduce game: What does a shepherd do? What happens if one lamb is missing?
What Lamb Is Missing?
Need: Nothing
Directions: Students sit in a group on the floor. One student is “It” and must turn around and hide their eyes. Another student is picked by the teacher and they go outside of the room. “It” then must guess what lamb is missing. Whoever was the lost lamb is now “It”.
The Lost Sheep Hide and Seek- A great activity game to go with the Bible story. (Super Bible Game Book by Linda Standke, page 146 for game piece and page 146 for directions).
Herding Sheep Game
Need: Balloons and a staff
Pick one student and have them stand beside you in front of the class. Place an empty box on its side at the opposite end of the room.
Say: Let's practice being shepherds. First we need some sheep. Let's pretend these are sheep. (Put 1 balloon on the floor in front of the student). Here is your shepherd's staff (hand student a staff). Take your staff and herd your sheep into the pen (the empty box turned on its side). Hold your staff pointing down so no one gets poked, and be careful you don't hurt your sheep. Guide it gently – don’t push it from behind, but stand in front of it and coax it along. (Encourage student as they guide their sheep.)
Say: This is not a race, we just want each person to have a turn. When you get your sheep in the pen, pick it up and walk back to me and give me the staff and the sheep.
When each student has had a turn, ask the following questions:
Was it easy to make your sheep go where you wanted them to go?
• Do you think it's easy for shepherds to get sheep to go where the shepherds want them to go? Why or why not?
• It's hard to make balloons go where we want them to go, and it's even harder to take care of sheep because they sometimes run away or get lost.
• Do you remember our story from today?
• Who did it say is our shepherd? (The Lord, Jesus)
• Who are the sheep? (us)
Say: Jesus is our Good Shepherd, so when we follow him, we won't ever get lost.
• What are some things that kids your age might do to get “lost” and not follow Jesus? (not go to CCD or Mass, be unkind to family/friends, disobey parents, etc.)
• Why was the shepherd happy when he found the sheep? Why might he have been angry? Which is the more human reaction?
Say: We are all like sheep. There are so many things in the world that can ‘eat us up' if we get lost and if we don't have a good shepherd watching over us. Jesus is our good shepherd, so we will follow him.
• Do you think that Jesus is happy when we choose to follow him? Why or why not? The Lost Sheep Game Scripture Sheep Cards (put the beginning of the verse on the back of the front of the sheep card and put the rest of the scripture on the back of the tail of the sheep card to play Memory)
The Catholic Toolbox- Sheep Memory Game
The Catholic Toolbox- The Good Shepherd File Folder Game
Introduce games: Jesus wants us to follow him. What does that mean? Why does he want us to follow him? Let’s see if we are good followers and can do the right thing.
The Catholic Toolbox- WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) & Moral Dilemmas Card Game
Puzzles & Worksheets Dot-to-dot The Good Shepherd (Maze) The Good Shepherd (Word Search) - Word Search Word Search The Good Shepherd (Jumble) The Good Shepherd (Crossword) Crossword The Good Shepherd John 10:14 (scroll down to this Copy & Coloring sheet) Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc. Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities. The Good Shepherd #206 with circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets. John 10:11-18 Worksheet John 10:11-18 Kid’s Bulletin I AM the Good Shepherd John 10:11-18 (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet John 10:1-18 Inductive Bible Study (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet) Questions for John 10 Bible Study (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet) The Good Shepherd – John 10:1-21 (scroll down to Fill in the Blank questions at bottom that can easily be made into a worksheet)
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