Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Gospel for the Mass: 5/19/24- John 20:19-23 (Appearance to the Disciples) or John 15:26-27; John 16:12-15 and Pentecost Sunday

*Be sure to check out Gospel for the Mass Year B page right below the header for other days that you need Gospel for the Mass activities.

Disclaimer: The posts below contain links to other websites and the content of these sites are evaluated before they are included. These websites can change without warning making links inactive and/or the content altered. We have no control over other websites and we are not responsible for the content that they post.

John 20:19-23 or John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 and Pentecost Sunday

Resources & Activities

newadvent.org- Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit

everystudent.com- Who is the Holy Spirit?

ewtn.com- The Holy Spirit: Basic Doctrine, Reflections, Prayers, Church Documents, etc.

godonthe.net- The Holy Spirit

loyolapress.com- Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families

4catholiceducatiors.com- Resources on the Sunday Readings (John)

buildfaith.org- Pentecost: Why and How to Celebrate

thebillabong.info- Ideas for Pentecost

familylife.com- 4 Ideas for Celebrating Pentecost

catholicicing.com- Ideas For Celebrating Pentecost With Kids: Crafts, Activities, And More

breadnotstones.com- Praying In Color

sadlier.com- Prayers & Activities for the Feast of Pentecost

sadlier.com- Pentecost Activities for Catholic Children & Students

umcdiscipleship.org- Explaining Pentecost and the Vocation of Our Faith Lesson

sermons4kids.com- Seeing Is Believing object lesson with group activities, coloring pages, puzzles, worship bulletin, etc.

sermons4kids.com- Don’t Miss Church object lesson with group activities, coloring page, puzzles, quiz, worship bulletin, etc.

kidssundayschool.com- A Heart for Jesus
The Holy Spirit can reach our heart no matter how much we may have sinned.

sundayschoollessons.com- Jesus Tells His Disciples What To Do (John 20: 19 – 23) lesson

missionarlington.org- Lesson: The Helper (John 20:19-23) with activities

bible.org- Mission: Possible (John 20:19-23) lesson

dltk-bible.com- Pentecost lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc.

word-sunday.com- The Power of God's Breath (scroll down to Gospel)

pinterest.ca- Pentecost Sunday School Activities

thereligionteacher.com- Pentecost Activities (crafts, games, puzzles, worksheets, etc.)

catechismangel.com- Pentecost Lesson for 5th Graders to Teach

thereligionteacher.com- The Holy Spirit Lesson Plan

thereligionteacher.com- The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Lesson & Worksheet

truewaykids.com- Pentecost (free printable lessons for under 5s, over 5s, preteens and teens)

youthgroupministry.com- Youth Group Lesson: The Power of Forgiveness John 20:19-23

rclblectionary.com- John 20:19-23 Primary Lesson

rclblectionary.com- John 20:19-23 Intermediate Lesson

rclblectionary.com- John 20:19-23 Junior High Lesson

Pentecost- Activities, Coloring, Crafts, Games, Puzzles & Worksheets, etc.

The Catholic Toolbox- Holy Spirit Pre K – K lesson with: Objectives, Word Wall, Bible Story with questions, Songs and/or Finger Plays, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Coloring/Puzzles, etc.

The Catholic Toolbox- Pentecost 1st Grade On Up lesson with: Objectives, Review, Vocabulary Words, Bible Story with questions, Activities, Crafts, Games, Snacks, Puzzles/Mazes/Worksheets, etc.

The Catholic Toolbox- What Can Teens Do For Gospel For The Mass Activities?

textweek.com- John 20:19-31 Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources

The Catholic Toolbox- Activities for Pentecost


catholicmom.com- Scroll down to the date for Sunday Coloring Page

holyheroes.net- John 20:21-23 coloring

cbcgb.org- John 20:19-23

nicepng.com- Peace Be With You

churchpublishing.org- John 20:19-23 (page 41)


sermons4kids.com- Seeing Is Believing group activities (crafts)

sermons4kids.com- Don’t Miss Church group activities (crafts)

sermons4kids.com- The Unseen Power group activities (crafts)

The Holy Spirit moves us to do God’s will (Holy Spirit mobile)
Here is a mobile that will encourage children to look further around for God’s presence n their life. (Big Book of Ideas for Children’s Faith Formation by McNamara, McKeever, and Robinson, page 224.)

cbc.ca- Water Bottle Wind Spirals

daniellesplace.com- Wind Twirlers
An easy craft made out of fun foam (scroll down to this).

madetobeamomma.com- Handprint Flowers (put Peace Be With You on the flower pot)


sermons4kids.com- Seeing Is Believing group activities (games)

sermons4kids.com- Don’t Miss Church group activities (games)

sermons4kids.com- The Unseen Power group activities (games)

word-sunday.com- Family Balloon Race

Listen Up- This game will help kids remember to listen for the Holy Spirit. (The Encyclopedia of bible Games for Children’s Ministry, page 105).

kidssundayschool.com- Guided in Truth
Children have fun trying to duplicate a pattern of blocks hearing only verbal commands. The unseen Holy Spirit guides us in truth, if only we listen.

The games below are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.

The Holy Spirit File Folder Game- Work your way around the board and answer questions about the Holy Spirit. For 2nd grade on up. There are a lot of choices and possibilities for this game.

Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Catholic)- Spin the spinner and follow the directions. If you spin “Leader’s Space” you may change places with the leader and put his marker where you were. Make your way around the board answering questions about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The first player to FINISH wins.

The Catholic Toolbox- Fruit of the Holy Spirit Bean Bag Toss (Catholic)

Puzzles & Worksheets

twopaths.com- Pentecost and the Early Church (Word Search)

sermons4kids.com- Don’t Miss Church (Word Search)

4catholiceducators.com- Word Search

web.archive.org- Word Search

sermons4kids.com- Seeing Is Believing (Crossword)

sermons4kids.com- Don’t Miss Church (Crossword)

web.archive.org- Crossword

catholicmom.com- Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc.

catholickidsbulletin.blogspot.com- Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities.

sermons4kids.com- Don’t Miss Church (Multiple Choice)

sdc.me.uk- John 20:19-23 Worksheet

thekidsbulletin.com- John 20:19-23 Kid’s Bulletin (scroll down for this)

reallifeathome.com- Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Worksheet Printables Packet

smp.org- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can learn about the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and use their own words to describe what each gift is.

smp.org- The Two Pentecosts
A chart used to draw parallels between the feasts of Shavuot and Christian Pentecost

bibleversestudy.com- Questions for John 20 Bible Study (scroll down to John 20:19-21 Bible Study Questions that can easily be made into a worksheet)

studyandobey.com- John 20 Inductive Bible Study (scroll down to III. Jesus appears to the disciples (19-25) for questions that can easily be made into a worksheet)

gracebibleny.org- Overcoming Unbelief – Mark 16:12-14; John 20:19-31; 1 Corinthians 15:5 (scroll down to Fill in the Blank questions at bottom that can easily be made into a worksheet)

amazonaws.com- John 20:19-23 (questions that can easily be made into a worksheet)

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