Last Supper/Holy Thursday
Objectives: The students will be able to
- retell the story of The Last Supper
- explain that at the Last Supper Jesus offered his life to his Father and gave himself to us in Holy Communion
- identify The Last Supper as a Passover meal and that the purpose of celebrating the Passover meal was to remember how God delivered the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt
- identify the reason we celebrate Communion is to remember that Jesus delivered us from the slavery of sin when he died on the cross
Prayer, questions and vocabulary words from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words: (Write words on the board and discuss with class)
Lie- to say something that is not true.
Servant- somebody who serves or works for another
Betray- not being loyal, giving out information to harm another, not helping another
Garden of Gethsemane- the olive grove just outside Jerusalem where Jesus was betrayed after the Last Supper (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map).
Deny- to say something not true, to not do something for someone, saying you do not know them
Read story: The Last Supper and then ask questions
Introduce activities: Why do they call this event “The Last Supper”? In Remembrance of Me object lesson with coloring page The Last Supper (click on 2) lesson plan with coloring page, crafts, games, mini book, snacks, take home sheet, puzzles, etc. The Last Supper lesson with activities The Last Supper Lesson Plan Learning About the Last Supper The Last Supper (Preschool and Elementary Lesson) The Last Supper (lesson) "Last Supper" Sunday School Lesson from John 6:51-58 The Last Supper Sunday School Lesson and Activities for Kids Church The Last Supper (lesson with activities) The Passover, Jesus, and the Last Supper Object Lesson Holy Week Review- Day 4 The Institution of the Eucharist: The Last Supper (lesson) Catholic Thanksgiving Day Lesson Plans on the Eucharist as Thanksgiving (lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school) #95. The Last Supper (Luke 22:7-20) lesson
The Catholic Toolbox- Celebrating the Mass Lesson: Consecration
The Catholic Toolbox- Celebrating the Mass Lesson: Communion
The Catholic Toolbox- Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist Activities
Crafts: The Last Supper (scroll down to this) Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet Service (scroll down to this) Jesus Christ Washed His Disciples Feet Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet 3D Paper Craft of Jesus Washing Disciples Feet& Hands and Feet Craft (scroll down to these) Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet Foot Washing Toilet Paper Tube Jesus Last Supper keychain
The Catholic Toolbox- Chalice
The Catholic Toolbox- Jesus in the Holy Eucharist Craft
A Framed Picture- Making a sparkling picture of communion will be a reminder of the special time we put aside to remember Jesus. (Bible Crafts on a Shoestring Budget: Paper Plates & Cups, page 12 & 13). The Last Supper Bible Crafts An easy craft based on the famous Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper painting The Lord’s Supper The Last Supper Last Supper Printable Craft (page 7 & 8)
This activity below is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on these activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
“Do this in memory of me.”- directions and template
1. Students cut out circle and glue in the middle of a paper plate.
2. Have students put a thin layer of glue where there is red on the chalice. Sprinkle with red glitter.
3. Have students put a thin layer of glue where there is gold for the Body of Christ. Sprinkle with gold glitter.
4. Students continue decorating the edges of the paper plate with glitter and various other craft supplies.
Games: Password (scroll down to this) Frame It! (scroll down to this) Memorize 1 Corinthians 1:23-26 Game (page 9 - 11) Last Supper Match Game The Last Supper Online Game
The Catholic Toolbox- Review Games (review today’s lesson with these games) Fill Your Seder Plate Board Game
Have you ever experienced a Passover Seder? For many, Seder meals are not a common part of their typical Holy Week traditions. To help children understand what was eaten during this meal, here is a game that reviews the traditional food of the Seder meal.
Introduce game: Who ate with Jesus at the Last Supper? His disciples. Let’s see if there are enough chairs for everyone to sit. (Play Musical Chairs)
This game is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on all activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Last Supper File Folder Game- Play individually or in teams and work your way around the game board answering questions about the Last Supper. If you are correct you roll a die and move your marker in your row in any direction you want. If you land on a colored space, you can move one row toward the center with “Last Supper”. Play continues until a team or player reaches “Last Supper”.
Introduce snack: What happened on Holy Thursday? Jesus had the Last Supper with his disciples. Last Supper Snack
Puzzles, Mazes, Worksheets: Holy Thursday Notebooking Pages (free) 14 piece jigsaw puzzle In Remembrance of Me (Word Search) The Last Supper (Word Search) The Last Supper (Wordsearch) page 13 and The Last Supper (Crossword) page 14 Last Supper (Word Scramble) In Remembrance of Me (Decoder) In Remembrance of Me (Crossword) The Last Supper (Crossword) The Last Supper (Crossword) The Last Supper (Crossword) The Passion- The Lord’s Supper (Crossword) The Last Supper
Jesus shared a meal with his disciples before his death. This has become known as The Last Supper. Fill in the grid with the words given in this Kriss Kross puzzle In Remembrance of Me (Worship Bulletin) The Last Supper (Fill in the Blank) page 18 The Lord Institutes the Lord’s Supper (worksheet)
Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page and glue them into the proper spaces in the verse below. Memorize the verse. (Scroll down to this.) The Last Supper Worksheet: Fill-In Blanks Fill in the blanks with word bank. Last Supper handwriting sheet and fill in the blanks sheet The Passover Meal/Last Supper (Fill in the Blanks and Short Answer) The Last Supper (#229), The Master Becomes A Servant (#230) with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets.
These worksheets are free, however they can only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. Reproduction or retransmission of any materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, is not permitted. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on all activities are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Last Supper- handwriting and coloring sheet
Holy Thursday Worksheet- Fill in the blanks with a word from below. (Ideas for younger students given).
i live the last supper game and want to play it with my class. However the question cards have the correct answers highlighted. how do i remove the high lighting?
Kim Dial
Kim Dial- The directions for the game say: The first team has the team on their right draw a question card which is read out loud.
The highlighted part is so that the person asking the question will know if the other player/team answers the question correctly.
*To remove the high lighting you could try printing them out on yellow card stock. Or use a highlighter and highlight all the answers.
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