*Be sure to check out Gospel for the Mass Year A page right below the header for other days that you need Gospel for the Mass activities.
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Matthew 21:33-43
catholicmom.com- Scroll down to the date for Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, Word Search, etc.
catholickidsbulletin.blogspot.com- Download a FREE bulletin to help your kids learn more about our Catholic Mass. Each week's bulletin contains coloring pages for a saint and activities based on the Gospel. The coloring pages may also include a maze, dot-to-dot, find the picture, and many other activities.
loyolapress.com- Background on the Gospel and activities for groups and families
4catholiceducatiors.com- Resources on the Sunday Readings
sermons4kids.com- Last of All, He Sent His Son object lesson
calvarycurriculum.com- The Parable of the Evil Vinedresser lesson #223 with memory verses, circle the correct words, true or false, fill in the blanks, puzzles, and color sheets.
sundayschoollessons.com- Wicked Tenants Steal from the Owner lesson
The Catholic Toolbox- What Can Teens Do For Gospel For The Mass Activities?
textweek.com- Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
sermons4kids.com- The Parable of the Evil Vine Dressers
sermons4kids.com- Matthew 21:33-43
theclipartwizard.com- Parable of the Tenants coloring pages
sermons4kids.com- Last of All, He Sent His Son (group activities) crafts
Make a banner proclaiming the Lord or your favorite verse from the Gospel today out of felt, construction paper or foam sheets.
crayola.com- Mosaic Mini Banner
sermons4kids.com- Last of All, He Sent His Son (group activities) games
Throw Away Your Sins Game
Need: scrap paper, pencils, trashcan, 2 chairs
Introduction: When we do something wrong, we are sorry for what we have done. If we are truly sorry for our sins we ask God to forgive us. When God forgives us, he doesn’t remember what we have done. He throws all our sins away when we ask for him to forgive us.
Directions: Discuss with the students sins that they have done in the past. Did they ask God to forgive them? How did they feel after they asked God to forgive them? Have the students write past sins down on the scrap paper or draw pictures of their sins if they cannot write and ball up each piece of paper when they are finished. Divide the class into 2 teams. Put a trashcan against a wall. Have students line up in two teams behind a chair (to keep them from getting too close to basket). Students then play Horse Basketball, but spells FORGIVE. The first team that spells FORGIVE wins.
sermons4kids.com- Word Search
joanyedwards.com- Word Search
sermons4kids.com- Decoder
sermons4kids.com- Crossword
4catholiceducators.com- The Stone Rejected crossword
joanyedwards.com- Crossword
sermons4kids.com- Matching
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